The Dark Blood Age

The Dark Blood Age

by Tian Xia Piao Huo


Chu Yunsheng, an ordinary white-collar worker one day discovered his family heirloom book shined a bizarre light by accident. Out of curiosity, he tried to study the heirloom book.After studying for a long time, he still only understood a few symbols written in the book. However, he was shocked when he figured out what messages the book tried to tell him: The sun will disappear, humanity will be doomed...He tried to spread the message but no one believed him; his family and friends even tried to…

Dark Moon Era

Dark Moon Era

by Sansan


When a glorious old civilization was toppled overnight, a strange purple moon rose and thus began the Purple Moon Era.Damn it! What kind of ecosystem was this? The evolution was messy. Even rabbit bites and plants were not to be messed with. How can one survive all this? Evolve into a Purple Moon Warrior? What did this have to do with the Purple Moon?What kind of map was this? The Safety Sector? The Floating Domain? The Darkness Port? The Storm Voyage? The True Capital?The Horror Lullaby List? T…

I Evolved Into a Super Tyrannosaurus Before Future Humans Arrived

I Evolved Into a Super Tyrannosaurus Before Future Humans Arrived

by Lang Ya Xiao Di


"Blake traveled across parallel worlds and arrived at the Cretaceous Period! What’s more, he became a Tyrannosaurus rex! Fortunately, he obtained the Evolution Template system! [Ding! Super Tyrannosaurus template unlocking progress: 100%] Blake transformed into a Super Tyrannosaurus! [Ding! The King of Monsters template is now unlocked!] Just when it was unlocked to 25%, humans from the future arrived at the Cretaceous Period through a wormhole! Facing the prehistoric behemoth, all researchers w…

IDLE Database

IDLE Database

by Dyrem


As someone who failed his college entrance exams and has no choice but to be thrust into society, Aldrin Fallwater continued his life living in a small apartment, wasting his days playing on his computer.One day, he was presented with an opportunity when he clicked on an obvious clickbait ad that suddenly appeared in his browser.[Do you want to change your average worthless life?]Faced with that question, Aldrin, someone who had nothing to lose, tried to gamble his worthless life for that slim c…

Terror Infinity

Terror Infinity

by zhttty


“Want to know the meaning of life? Want to live… a real life?” The world changes when you click YES. In God’s dimension, you have to keep getting stronger, keep evolving to survive one horror movie after another. Do you kill everyone in your way to reach the end as a lone king? Or fight along with your comrades and survive through the support of friends? Everything was just for staying alive. Until you find the secret of God’s dimension. Who is the real enemy?

What The Luck!?

What The Luck!?

by 1King_Rep1


Asher was always down on his luck, but that is not a surprise seeing that God made his soul with a negative luck value.When Asher's soul returns to God he decided to fix this problem and even give him an upgrade. Asher is thrown in to a new world almost exactly like his previous...almost.Follow Asher as he maneuvers this changed world, no more bullies? Friends? Loving family? Oh, yea, and superpowers!===============================================

The Gamer's Apocalypse

The Gamer's Apocalypse

by HellionPrime


Adam is a neet, a bum, a good for nothing lowlife living in his parents house at the age of 30. No job, no friends and no girlfriend. He spends all day in front of his computer playing video games. One day due to some freak storm, a lightning strike hits his house and electrecuted him while playing an mmorpg game. When he regains his senses, he wakes up in a Post apocalyptic world. The thing is he also realize that he somehow got a game like system power.He can now view his stats. He can store i…

Desolate World: Starting with [Selection Option]

Desolate World: Starting with [Selection Option]

by Beating Wood


Without warning and reason, I'm chosen to be a player in the Desolate Game.However, with [Selection Option] granted at the start of the game, I breeze through this perilous world. "You've opened the Newbie Starter Pack. An item will be randomly drawn.""[Selection Option] has been activated...""Sorting the items..."Seeing the brilliant green radiance amidst the sea of dull and plain options, Wang Shuo selects the brilliant option without any hesitation."You received Primordial Chaos Skill (Lower …

I Pick Up A Bunch Of  Attributes

I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes

by Can't Be An Angel


An official Webnovel translated work licensed by Hangzhou Fantasy Technology Network co., Ltd (ciweimao) with comics of the same name available on Webnovel.Feng Xia transmigrated to a fantasy world. This was the era when spiritual auras were exhausted, various scriptures were lost, and all cultivation techniques failed to aid the cultivators in improving. Feng Xia discovered that he had a superpower of attributes, but something seemed off. He killed a Black Jade Spider by stepping on it. [Spider…

Against Zombies & Monsters

Against Zombies & Monsters

by Saubi1234


What? A zombie as tall as buildings? Here, let me burn it.Ssss... The building-sized zombie burned in a fire which brightened the night.What? A monster as large as mountains? Here, let me kick it.Pak! The mountain-sized monster soared thousands of meters through the sky....As in the novel, the system suddenly appears along with zombies and monsters.People must kill zombies and monsters to level up and enter evolution.See how Yang Chen fights off zombies and monsters.

Global Evolution

Global Evolution

by Bite the Dog


Five hundred million years ago, an epoch of extraordinarily fast evolution and mutation took place. It is said that all ancestors of today’s species on Earth derive from those that appeared in the “Cambrian Period”. Unfortunately, nothing gold can stay. After the brief “Cambrian Period”, life on Earth entered a period of stagnation. Humans came out on top, becoming the most powerful species on Earth.A second age has come.During the first “Cambrian Period” humanity was kicked off of the throne of…

Marvel: I can Download Unlimted Abilities

Marvel: I can Download Unlimted Abilities

by BadBoyForBad


After waking up one day, Bruce Lite found himself possessing the body of an American Agent that enjoyed all kinds of benefits, he made tens of thousands of dollars a month, he had power, and everything else he could dream of.But when he snapped out of his new found happiness, he realised that he was currently in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And that's when the desperation set in.While his first reaction to it was that it was pretty 'cool', after realising that at some point in the near future,…

Becoming A K-pop Idol

Becoming A K-pop Idol

by Maxime


Kim Min-jae always dreamed of becoming a K-pop idol. He tried everything: taking acting and dance classes, becoming better at singing and rapping etc.He had been a trainee, but got eliminated in one of the yearly evalutions.Why?He wasn't good at anything a k-pop idol should be good at. The only reason why he became a trainee is because he never gave up on his training.One night, he looked up to the stars."Give me a chance to fulfill all my dreams"

Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

Galaxy Wars: The Legacy of Light and Darkness

by ranmaro


It's a story about a young man who was thrown into huge play he never planned to join in. His only aim is to survive, live well, be happy, and enjoy his life with his beloved harem girls.James is a 16 years old war orphan who was captured since he was little and raised to serve in a military base. He will escape from it to be thrown in the middle of an old brutal war between the light and darkness forces in the universe. He will try to survive, and save his new friends from being sacrificed in t…

I'd Like to Change My Reincarnation Subscription, Please

I'd Like to Change My Reincarnation Subscription, Please

by Geminel


Superpowers abound. Villains rule the world. A transmigrated dork that has absolutely no idea what’s going on. Strong-armed by the Superhero Enhancement System into the thankless job of endlessly performing good deeds in a world where such actions are often met with violence, Lucas Lynn doesn't have much choice in regards to using his supposed gifts.It’s bad enough having to pretend to be a supervillain, but how exactly does Boss System expect him to save the world with only the help of a homele…

Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization

Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization

by Sokdavid


Jiang Fan had transmigrated to a world where everyone could awaken a planet.The larger the planet, the higher the origin energy, and the stronger the civilization.Some people made theirs with qi to create a martial arts civilization. Everyone on the planet was a martial arts practitioner.Some people made theirs with magic power to create a magical civilization. Everyone on the planet was a mage.Some people made their spiritual energy to create an immortal civilization. Everyone on the planet was…

Marvel Endless Power

Marvel Endless Power

by Almighty_flex


One day, Roddy counted the abilities he had gained on a whim. Mental attack, stealth, mindfulness, metal control, freezing… After half an hour, Emma can’t stop!p.s: this is a translated Chinese novel, so sorry in advance for the racism and I hope you do not. get mad because not all Chinese are racist it only depends on where they live and what they teach them that will cause them to be racist because they are not born racist they were trained to be racist by a short government and bad parents wh…

Factory Inc.

Factory Inc.

by Gravedagger


More than 500 years have passed since World war III, A war that changed everything.Humanity has long since recovered from the war's effect. Many human lives were lost, in return they also gained much more.But the Scars of war remains. Monsters and Beasts roam the Earth, and many places remain deadly due to radiation. Still, humanity stood firm and was able to persist and even surpass their ancestors in terms of science and technology.One day! A boy receives the greatest gift in the universe, in …

Extrasensory Perception System (EsPerS)

Extrasensory Perception System (EsPerS)

by SongWeaver


Year 2050, after a couple of astrological phenomena that just by coincidence happened at the same time, the world changed completely.The phenomena generated a very special electromagnetic wave, This changed everything, all the technology became useless, and it also changed the brain cells interactions of part of the population.Some of them died, some just resisted them and continued their lives, but some of them got special powers..._______________________________________________If you like the…

Master of the Omnitrix

Master of the Omnitrix

by AmpJ789


"One of the most powerful beings in all fiction whose only weakness is his mentality and plot. "...."OK then ...."Ben Tennyson. Ben 10. Holder of the Omnitrix. Earth's Greatest Champion. Hero of Heroes . Saviour of the Universe.I got some big shoes to fill since I am , somehow, in his 5 year old body ......The Universe is doomed... isn't it. * First Fanfiction. I just felt I should give it a try.Proper Crictism and writing advice is welcome .