by KowloonFox11
Shortly after Sarah had given her gifts shadowreaver’s presence becomes minuscule, as Thawne reveals the fate of the world without a hydronain. The world will end if the creator isn’t released from her shackles. Easier said than done. The group long since separated and the threat of an unknown third party became involved, can Nick and Thawne find everyone before all hell breaks loose?
by Sneakycat098
A hero is a good guy who always protects his people from villains, the worst scum of the society. They bravely fight any hurdles that come their way and achieve success in their life. The government gives them a special status, the people of the country admire them and tons of fans fall in love with them.But what about the villains? They face a lot since their childhood and when finally managed to achieve an ounce of power in exchange for their soul with the devil, they create a whole army of an…
by dont_want_to_move
Two handsome and stunning creatures of the galaxies get very wasted! The next day they end up getting thrown into a rocky path of bad karma. Rivals yet partners, day by day they run through many humorous and life endangering situations. Who is to say you can't truly drink and drive?- A story about two aliens and the events taking place in their lives. A nonsense comedic story, even I don't know what I'm writing.
by Lyonnedas
The irrepressible cycle arrives. Thousand explosions herald its coming. Heaven, Sea and Earth become smaller stages. Actors on the cosmic chessboard sing the painting of the past. Immemorial travelers swim through the endless fabric with funeral letters. High eyes of the infinite crystal tower watch the war of the present heroes. Faced with the marks, labels and symbols imposed by fate, who will resign? ... On that fateful day, ordinary families and random people from all over the world were tel…
by Hampinator
You're stuck and alone. You can't remember why you're in this place, or more accurately, in this room. When you think about it, the only thing you can actually recall is the name you were given. Other than that, everything's blank.But hey!, at least it can't get any worse than this, right?...Planning to release these chapters on Saturdays
by Adrianna_Adams
What happens when an abused 18 year old girl named Adeline finds a murderer standing over her adopted parents bodies holding a knife.
by TravisLarowe2
The overthrow of the Republic is complete. The Separatist forces have been smashed, the Jedi Council nearly dominated, and the rest of the Jedi Order all but destroyed. Now absolute power rests in the iron fist of Darth Sidious... the cunning Sith Lord better known as the former Senator, now Emperor Palpatine. But more remains to be done. Pockets of Resistance in the galaxy must be defeated and missing Jedi accounted for... and dealt with. These crucial tasks fall to the Emperor's ruthless enfor…
by Maulana_Laser
"Sword, magic, quantum physic..."Makoto has gone through all pain and suffering. Through endless existential crisis, Makoto was thrown from great number of worlds, again and again and again. The only way to save his sister is to find a Core capable of ending the World War 4, or at least for what he's thinking. So Makoto travel back to the past, to venture the cruel savage mythological world and to fight beast from Hell. Reconstructing magic, building interstellar empire, running engines, and roa…
by thenewscifi
Iain Compton has been kidnapped by an alien spaceship and needs to find a way home. Trouble is, he was put into suspended animation and its now 22,000 later. So it's not going to be easy. But at least he can still send tweets, from wherever in the galaxy he is.
by spidge
Mae's life has been turned sideways as she tries to find the answer with her long distance friend.
by LeShredder
Why do weaker nations exist? Why don’t the strong always eat up the weak? Well that would need a good reason, after all if strong nations attacked, people would ways intervene.
by NicLane
Damon Kade is at the Mecha Military Academy against his will for another four years until he graduates. That is, unless he somehow leads his five-man team to victory at the annual performance tournament this year to get a free ticket out. It seems plausible, especially for his talents. The only problem is his team consists of the bottom rung failures in each of their respective specialty roles. Now he must learn how to bring his team together and win the tournament or lose and commit to another …
by SolSingularity
THE SETTING: A new solar system. Three suns orbited by dozens of planets, in turn circled by over a hundred moons. A piece of spacetime where the Goldilocks Zone never ends. Urth is long ago abandoned, lost to the Blaze. Today is the legend of tomorrow. Evolutionary plagues burn through the new interplanetary cultures. Wars dislodge our faith in each other. Dark Ages caused by both render our true place in time unknowable. Some worlds have one world governments but there exists only one multi-pl…
by Fluffie_Player
You live in a world where the only way to get anywhere in life is, be rich, be smart, or marry into success. lets hope you play your cards right, and climb your way up to the top.
by Leshana_blackwell
Angelica who finds an escaped alien named Daniel by the bridge between trinity hills and Venezuela. Unfortunately, the government and the Military both want the alien back for their personal, selfish reasons. Can Angelica help him escape from it all?
by BalaurKrin
Major Franco, head of the security team in a secret government facility dies and sees himself in another world, filled with monsters and conflicts, will this soldier survive in this new and dangerous environment? With a funny and lovely new family, there's much more to protect than he expects.