The Black Hero

The Black Hero

by Joydeb_Sarkar_5961


It was the year of 2495. The most interesting and the most unfortunate year of the human civiliation... The human race was now facing its biggest challenge. Many things have happened in the past few centuries. A new community has been found during this time. This new community came to be known as the Magical Community and had successfully acquired a respectable position in our society.A boy, fifteen years old, was going to start his high school. He too belonged to this magical society, however h…

ALTERNIVERSE (Original Short Story)

ALTERNIVERSE (Original Short Story)



In the year 2078 technology has advanced tremendously, making strides in several scientific and medical discoveries. The greatest feat was when the american and britain intelligent centers combined their efforts to create a suborbital station for cutting edge tech. The experiment that held the top priority was furthering their advancements with dark matter. Needless to say an accident happened that blew a hole in the side of the space station and dark matter particles spread throughout the atmos…



by Marko_G


(Novel is on Serbian but you can translate and read it!)P A R A S I T E is about group of people that try to survive infection of parasitic worms that once entered body changes it look and genes and make it agressive.Story is very big soo better read it!

Infernium Eternium

Infernium Eternium

by Krizantem


Edis, finding himself in a peciluar situation hopes to live by uploading his mind and self to a highly-advanced robot called Infernium.After updating is over, he finds out that he is on a desolate moon.

The Exiled Prince

The Exiled Prince

by AldenMyro


A young man who possesses what appears to be an immortal soul is stripped of all his memories and forced to fend for himself. Throughout his struggle to survive among mere mortals, he slowly regains his powers, powers he should have already lost. This causes a ripple effect throughout the entire universe. Chaos ensues followed by a manhunt that reaches far and wide.Join Dimitri in his quest to reclaim his past, unearthing the truth from all the lies along the way in a perilous journey with only …

Rise of the Human Emperor

Rise of the Human Emperor

by ONyat


The Gods and Goddesses felt dissatisfied with the development of the mortals, and thus they decided to create a game.Animals mutated, and fantasy-like monsters invaded the world. Humans thought they were forsaken by the Gods.However, hope came after discovering that anyone that killed a mutated animal or monster would awaken an internal energy called 'Mana'.Miraculous abilities such as the manipulation of elements, moving objects with the mind, and more super-human abilities appeared one after a…

Escape From the Netherworld

Escape From the Netherworld

by BlackLab


Eurus, a 25-year old boy was sent to a hellish-like game, trapped, having no memories of how he got there nor his previous life. His journey began when he met players that have been sent into the game just like him and started unraveling the truth.

Legend of Death King

Legend of Death King

by cutelit4ever


Roger was just a simple child who was the sole survivor of what happened in the forest that day.Because of that, his guardian (Tristan) decided to bring Roger to Barack hoping for the child to be able to protect himself only for the place turned to a disaster.A life full of survival, exposing the truth, and discovering who really Roger was.Was he just a normal kid or a monster disguised?How would he live his life if people want his head?Life was full of revenge, pain, love, brutality, and lies.-…

A Realm Beyond: Spiro (Deader than dead… I wish it wasn’t)

A Realm Beyond: Spiro (Deader than dead… I wish it wasn’t)

by Commonnerfer


Woken up by explorers. Our protagonists finds herself stranded on an unknown world with a memory drive missing. She is forced to stabilize herself before setting out in search of her memories.

The Evolution Drug

The Evolution Drug

by Silvershot_Vinny


I spread my arms to their peak wingspan, showcasing the entire city below me. "This is going to be my empire," I proudly told him, "and I am going to be the emperor!"Vincent has had a tragic past and a not-so-pleasant present. So what does he have? The future. In a world where evolution, and its people, have been tamed by a single drug, Vincent embarks on a perilous journey filled with highs and lows that are sometimes not his hands. He will find out truths that have covered themselves up in the…

Within The Night Lies The Masquerade

Within The Night Lies The Masquerade

by ShadeFell


Aurella Morave-Xeres was born into the life of a vampire. Where the choices of actions can come at a grave cost. How will she fair when she is in the middle of the Vampiric world?If you like the story and want to support the writer you can do so here!

My Hot Vampire Sponsor

My Hot Vampire Sponsor

by Jenny_Charm


In her whole life, Mira have always dreamt of studying in France, so when she got a sponsor to further her studies in France, she grabbed the opportunity. Unexpectedly her sponsor became the love of her life in the process she discovered he was a vampire and her a whitewitch mixed with a dragon. Big dramas Happens from there, as jealousy, power and revenge hunt back..netherless they manage to defeat all and lived happily Ever

Why Am I A Girl?

Why Am I A Girl?

by Lord_Vancheltz


Jeff was your average 18 year old dishwasher working at a typical kitchen environment, when everything changed for him when he got up for work one day.. "Wait.. Why am I a girl?!"P.S. The cover photo is not mine, I found it on Google. If you're the owner, and want me to take it down, please contact me. Thanks! Also Webnovel said my own titles name was taken already hence the no exclamation mark.

Destiny 2

Destiny 2

by Sejal_Dhuri


This is the story of Charlotte and Alex, brought together by destiny and their love for Olivia, Alex's daughter from his Ex-wife.



by Mandeep_Singh_780


You are stuck in an endless loop of life and death. Looking for an answer. Your journey will be long and it will be hard. But you must stay strong and overcome any obstacle in your path with help of your allies. But the main question is what lies at the end? Will you become the saviour or will you end it all?

Mechanical Hearts

Mechanical Hearts

by Hisato_Dola


Synopsis: This story took at 2040 where production of human like program coexists with humans around the world. But, they have shorter lifespan than humans called life service. One day, kazumi saw a woman named yuuki. He then forms a contract with her to "retrieve" the machina from expiring. Thats supposed to be their job but...

Who Cares!!?

Who Cares!!?

by JHK


When an organization that was created after WWII seeks to create the perfect human and starts experimenting on people who were declared a lost cause by the doctors, a certain teenager is randomly chosen for their incomprehensible experiments and finally after many trial and error, with error resulting in “death”, they succeed with him.After success, he is immediately dragged into his final gruesome tests. With his life on the line without him even realizing, he sets out into the world now with h…

Ingeniosus Snilldech Academy

Ingeniosus Snilldech Academy

by ssun_ara


Humans, ever-evolving beings, have different characteristics, emotions, and ways of life. The creator or so we called "God" also has a different plan for each creature he created. Of the millions of human beings on earth, some humans are given a "gift" that is very different from others. Having "gift" or "power" is not as easy as it sounds, but it is certainly a responsibility to change the world.Kreisleriana is one of the humans who was awarded a rare talent referred to as Melody Catch. Krei's …

The Star Child Games

The Star Child Games

by evilantoniowriting


Cultivation is easy! Just win a death game from beyond the stars, and you too can become an Immortal! In this strange, Sci-fi world, watch as a man 6 years behind the competition begins his unstoppable winning streak...DISCLAIMER: The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this novel are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

Rebirth of humanity savior

Rebirth of humanity savior

by LOL_LoveOverLord


The human race did live on top of the food chain for a long time. Their intelligence gave them the power to reign over the blue planet although having weak bodies, but their greed will be their end. This is a story about Ben Lupus, who goes back in time. Trying to change the fate of humanity, he will climb up the ranks of the food chain.PS: This is my first webnovel so please be gentle! As I am a European, I will naturally name the character as Europeans do, so first comes the forename, and seco…