Total War System

Total War System

by Nathan_Hinds


about a fella who loved Total war and its games while playing a game of total war warhammer 2 he lost his main army due to a ambush while streaming and he in rage threw a cod style Tomahawk at his wall in anger but it rebounded and hit him square between the eyes thus ending his life while streaming many will clip that for generations as the best self tomahawk after his death he awakes in a strange world with no cloths on or any items axcept his tomahawk :HAHAHA: and a system never seen bef…

Roma vena

Roma vena

by Kaugmahan

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ROMAN TRANSMIGRATUS***Following the withdrawal of the Roman legions in Britain, various Barbarian factions flooded the British land. Roman settlements was pillaged from left to right, and whats left of the Romans flocked to Londinium.Now Londinium is besieged and with its port blockaded, the Romans was left with no other option but rely to a forbidden witchcraft.-----------Note:I will try to make it as much accurate as possible. Roman behaviour depicted may be different from what you know or bel…

Level-up to Survive

Level-up to Survive

by Daoistoflust

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A middle-aged man with his teenage daughter with her best friend was stranded on a deserted island.With no knowledge of survival, the old man will try to survive with his daughter and her best friend with the help of a leveling system....."WHO ARE YOU""I'm your father""Don't joke around uncle was a suave old man but you look like a sissy"" But I am really your father!"

Rome on Middle Earth

Rome on Middle Earth

by NightCrusade


The legions of rome were about to go back to their camp after recently winning another battle when a flash of light from the sky blinded everyone, next thing they knew there is mist around them and 13 dwarves and an old man with a pointy hat running towards them with a horde of goblins chasing them. Watch the Legions of Rome fight their enemies as once again they make the world tremble as they participate in earth shaking battles, Battle of the six army, Battle of Helms deep, Battle of Minas Tir…

Heaven's Hammer

Heaven's Hammer

by Will_Caruso


It was all a lie! He found out after he was dead! He was raised as a hog for slaughter in the name of "The Greater Good". Betrayed by everyone he loved and sent to his death in the name of duty. Now given a new chance by Death to save a world! I am Harrison James Potter, The Chosen One, The-Boy-Who-Lived, Master of Death and Heaven's Hammer of God. Their will be no second chances or mercy this time!!!

Traveller of Two Worlds

Traveller of Two Worlds

by JamesLabel


What will you do if you somehow were able to travel between two world?. Harem? Wealth? Power? Adventure?... Sai Mies was able to travel between two worlds Earth and Fantasma, With that ability he swore to changed his mundane life to the better. Each steps he take will bring him closer to his aim, to become the most wealthiest and powerful man in both worldsP/s The image wasn't mine, i wil take it down if asked to. :) tq.

The War That Transcends Timelines!

The War That Transcends Timelines!

by Chaos_Overseer


Time. Time is intangible! Or so they said Sadly, we were wrong, time can be bent, bent to another's will. Empires stretching through the annals of another's history, Men of another race fighting in another man's war, technology, unknown to the Natives used to destroy them outright!Men fighting over resources not found in their Universe, troops fighting throughout the ages, brave heroes live and die. this... this is The War That Transcends Timelines!Kyle wit, abducted by a Mighty Empire to spearh…

Mad Power

Mad Power

by intheair

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Even as the strongest blade of the country, he was seriously injured after a long battle. He chose to retire and become an ordinary college student. As an ancient martial artist, he beats the wicked and supports the others. If you think that you are mad, he is madder than you!

Tsar Of Another World

Tsar Of Another World

by chevar28


Chevar now going by the name of Vladimir is sent to another world with a system that can summon troops, give technology, blueprints, etc. but only based on the era the system provides him so he has to work his way up through the ages and go down as the first Tsar of Russian Empire (not an empire from the start and most things are based on films, songs and what I've looked up and somethings I describe aren't historically accurate I would love to be corrected)P.S I'm doing this for fun and don't e…

Counterfeit Hero

Counterfeit Hero

by 72 Bian


In times of war…What is a Battle Mecha engineer expected to do? Are they expected to do research and realize their imagination? How about a Battle Mecha pilot? Are they expected to enter battle with their mechas as they display their exquisite control through bizarre and bewildering techniques? What about a member of the special scouts? Are they expected to infiltrate deep into the enemy lines as they use stellar unarmed fighting skills to suppress the enemy with a single move? Or are they expec…

Military Demon Lord

Military Demon Lord

by Daoistmaster

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A Classic world where Humans and other kingdoms and empires allianced together to defeat the Demons in the Demon ContinentThis continues over a fucking 5000 YEARS! The Demon Faction cannot even win to shit!And for some reasons the "Heroes" are a problemWhen they die and go the Gods realm they are very arrogant and they thought they are Gods too. This enraged all of the Gods and Goddesses in the Gods realm so they needed to put some "punishment" on that world. For all the troubles they madeBut as…

The Shattered Sky - An Aviator's Heart

The Shattered Sky - An Aviator's Heart

by YourJarbs

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In the midst of World War II, Aviators take to the skies to fight and die. Soldiers become brothers only to lose eachother, but as the war continues on and the death toll rises- a chance for light in the darkness erupts from the end of a seemingly endless tunnel of despair.

The War We Fight

The War We Fight

by Logan_Katz

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Set in WWII this historical fictional story is following a squad of seven soldiers on a mission to understand why they fight in the bloodiest war while trying to regroup with their battalion.

Sickle's Dilemma

Sickle's Dilemma

by Robert_Mox

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A battle, and a general's choice

Story Of The Tasteland

Story Of The Tasteland

by Udara_Amarasekara

(not enough ratings)

Do we know everything about the world?

Abandon Hope:Wrath of the gods

Abandon Hope:Wrath of the gods

by Glenn_Meeks

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In the distant future, mankind would leave Earth to travel the stars. These intrepid explorers found a planet much bigger than Earth that would allow mankind to prosper.Years later all of mankind has found it's way to the new world narrowly avoiding destruction and extinction on Earth. Humanity was excited for the prospect of a new start.Little did they know what was in store for them. The world had strange minerals and an invisible strangeness to the air that began to alter humans without their…

Redemption fall

Redemption fall

by Prince_Notpro

(not enough ratings)

Angels of chaos

Angels of chaos

by DaoistJQvsiN

(not enough ratings)

A work of fiction though places and certain people are real not everything is

"The German Navy"

"The German Navy"

by sckyh

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Admiral Graf Spee, December 13, 1939, off Montevideo, wounded and scuttled;Bismarck, May 27, 1941, 400 nautical miles west of Brest, sunk in battle;Scharnhorst, December 26, 1943, off the North Cape of Norway, sunk in battle;Tirpitz, November 12, 1944, Langanes Bay, Trondheim Harbor, capsized after being hit by British Tallboy bombs;Gneisenau, March 23, 1945, Gotenhafen Harbor, scuttled;Admiral Scheer, April 9, 1945, sunk in Kiel Harbor during a British air raid;Lützow, May 4, 1945, near Swinemü…