by Vivien Dean
Nothing has ever excited Tylen Merodine more than being invited by the Regent himself to celebrate the first solar eclipse in his planet’s recorded history. It’s the party of the millennium, and if he has to restrain his normal exuberant instincts to fit in, that’s what he’ll do to be a part of it. His good intentions vanish, however, the moment he’s presented to the Regent. Because there, in a gilded cage, playing music unlike anything Tylen’s ever heard, is the most beautiful alien he could im…
by Iyana Jenna
College student and football star Zeke Mitchell hasn't been home since he entered the university two years ago. His hometown only serves to remind him of a boy he loves whom he can never have. If not for his estranged mother who suddenly wants to spend the summer with him, Zeke would never think of going back.<br><br>The life of Nate Abraham, the boy Zeke loves, is not a walk in the park. Known as a hero in the past, he’s accused of being delusional and living in a fantasy world now.<br><br>Can …
by J.M. Snyder
Dane is destined for greatness, his boyfriend Krish just knows it, but first he needs to break into the local music scene.<br><br>Randy Blake is Dane's idol, a small-town musician with a sound Dane likes. When Blake asks Dane to stop by sometime, maybe have a private jam session, Dane is ecstatic. But it seems Blake has something other than music on his mind.<br><br>Krish struggles with jealousy -- he knows Blake would help advance Dane's music, but Krish just can't trust the man. A more pressin…
by Robin H. Pine
In the near future, Zach works as an advocate for an influential family in the Central Territories. His job is to keep his clients out of jail, but they make it hard for him if they can't keep their mouths shut. He manages to convince his clients not to talk, but as he's getting ready to leave the penal satellite, an escaping prisoner takes him hostage. To his surprise, Zach recognizes the man.<br><br>Aron has to consider his next step carefully and quickly. He has to decide if he wants to go fo…
by Kim Pierce
Thirty-two-year-old Rihanna Perry has the job, son, and husband of her dreams. But her world is torn apart when her husband leaves her for another woman. After the combination of the breakup and a major surgery, Rihanna’s mood changes from the way it used to be: she’s never been happier in her life. Soon she’s staying up all night, flirting with men and women (even at work), smoking weed, and starting writing projects she doesn’t finish. On top of everything else, Rihanna discovers that telepath…
by J.D. Walker
John DeWitt loves men and sex. He’s good at his job and enjoys life to the fullest. But his self-confidence is about to take a severe blow. His new intern Lee Pearce looks familiar, but John doesn’t figure out why until one evening when he sees Lee at Throwbacks, talking to the hottest bartender on the planet.<br><br>The bartender is Lee’s brother, Wei, who owns the club. John has been lusting after the man for years, but Wei always treats him like a pariah. Unfortunately, John finds out the rea…
by J.D. Walker
Trev Harding is a truck driver in his forties who loves having sex with a different twink every night. The only exception to this is one-time trick Grant Hess, a mid-thirties forklift operator on his daily route who could pass for twenty-three. Trev’s life takes a startling turn when he’s told by his latest conquest that the guys at his usual pickup spot see him as a shallow, dirty old man, and pathetic.<br><br>Tail tucked between his legs, Trev is forced to do some soul-searching and asks the o…
by K.L. Noone
Thomas East was meant to be the youngest Arch-Mage in history, a magical genius and a solver of problems. But he hadn’t expected quite so many problems -- not to mention the endless meetings, bureaucracy, and political negotiations. So he’s currently hiding in a sleepy California seaside town, working in an ice cream parlor and avoiding everyone he’s let down ... until a firebird in need of rescue crashes into his shop.<br><br>Nicholas Incandesco has far too many problems. He’s a firebird, a sha…
by J.D. Walker
Kenny Culpepper is a spin instructor at a local gym, but he used to be a bike courier, too. Truth is, he’s still recovering from the time his former roommate, Biff Tremonte, viciously attacked him and threw him out of their apartment for being gay. Only his close friends Damien and Les helped him survive and gave him a place to stay.<br><br>Now that Damien has moved in with his boyfriend in the duplex upstairs, Kenny has more time to himself than he knows what to do with. Then he receives a lett…
by Gareth Vaughn
With winter holidays approaching, it's supposed to be a time for romance and togetherness for Colton and Ben. Except climate change has erased the chance for a white Christmas, their rent is going up, and neither of them have energy after working all day and barely getting to see each other. As their frustrations mount and finances dwindle, it almost seems more likely they'll be single for the new year rather than doing anything special for each other.<br><br>Colton isn't willing to give up with…
by Annie Dean
Angie Cross isn't particular about her bed partners. Male or female, it's all the same to her. But she has a hidden desire, a fantasy she's kept deep inside for years -- a longing to be with two men at once.<br><br>One afternoon, Angie meets Charlie Dulcet, a man who somehow guesses her secret. Uncertain but still curious, Angie agrees to a date, and Charlie takes her home to meet his boyfriend, Justin. Both men offer Angie the experience of a lifetime: a chance to be loved by two men in any way…
by Vincent Diamond
Marcus is grieving -- for the lover he lost and for the life he once had on his farm. The years of sunny days and trail rides have given way to rainy nights and shadowed pastures. It's time to let go, but can Marcus make the hard decision to say goodbye?
by JL Merrow
Nothing says “I love you” like a stake through the heart.<br><br>Niall’s just looking for a quiet life, ever since the botched vampire attack that turned him into a ghoul. He’s even trying to stay off the pleasures of human flesh.<br><br>Jamie’s a revenge-driven kid on a vampire killing spree, and he needs Niall’s help to survive. Somehow Niall finds his long-dormant conscience -- and his libido -- waking up. But Jamie’s luck can only last so long.<br><br>This is a visceral story of love (or som…
by Jake Harding
Professional dog walker and part-time brownstone-sitter, Adam Schultz attends a Three-Minute Dating Engagement in Greenwich Village to help him find Mr. Right.<br><br>Schultz world tilts on its axis when he meets Kintano Kind. The man is sweet, big, black, sexy, and works with autistic children. He treats Schultz like a king on their steamy and fun-filled dates.<br><br>Things become serious when Schultz is invited to meet Kintano’s parents and he begins to wonder if Kintano is his Mr. Right. Can…
by Cielo_kinagure
Cielo, a young man who comes from a Yakuza family has transferred into another world with the same name but married to Yuki, an alpha, CEO of one of the most famous companies in the world. How will he survive in the world with all these rules and people. Better yet they thinks he’s lost his memory!
by Kris T. Bethke
Television actor Aaron Zeller is thrilled when the character he plays on a popular primetime crime drama begins a gay relationship with one of the main characters on the show. While the cast and crew are mostly supportive, lead actor Lucas Logan is not. Aaron feels nothing but inexplicable coldness from his costar.<br><br>Lucas admits his attraction for Aaron, but is reluctant to act on his desires because of the potential detriment to his career should his sexuality become public. What they hav…
by Marco May
Santiago writes gay romance with tasteful erotic scenes, and a weekly series on WordPress titled "Something Like Fate." He meets a friendly new fan in the comment section of his latest blog post, a reviewer of hardcore gay erotica with kinky and taboo themes. At first Santiago is turned off by the vulgar reviews, questionable themes, and porn retweets that make the reviewer seem like an oversexed horndog. Santiago's a Christian with traditional morals, and he prefers sex scenes to be implied and…
by A.C. Katt
A classic rock and roll gay romance that spans both time and distance. A story that follows love and betrayal from the grit and grunge of the Jersey Shore to the clean high desert sands of New Mexico and back.<br><br>Liam knew he loved Milo, even when they were kids. But their fame and fortune can’t buy him the happiness of taking Milo out of the closet and be able to freely express their love. Unfortunately, there is someone out there who will do anything to tear them apart. He conspires to bre…
by Rick R. Reed
Henry Appleby has an appetite for life. As a recent high school graduate and the son of a wealthy family in one of Chicago’s affluent North Shore suburbs, his life is laid out for him. Unfortunately, though, he’s being forced to follow in the footsteps of his successful attorney father instead of living his dream of being a chef. When an opportunity comes his way to work in a real kitchen the summer after graduation, at a little Italian joint called Fiorello’s, Henry jumps at the chance, putting…
by Tinnean
Max Futé and Avery “Smitty” Schmidt are both doctors who work for the Washington Bureau of Intelligence and Security. They’ve settled into a comfortable relationship, and although Max assures him otherwise, Smitty is waiting for the other shoe to drop. That will be when Charles Browne, Max’s former lover, realizes what he’s let slip through his fingers and comes to take Max back.<br><br>Although Charles had enjoyed having Max in his bed, he’s always declared he wasn’t gay. And finding solace wit…