by sarahsmalin
"You always end up there, where you're supposed to be. Right where your destiny meets it's climax."Choi Kwangmin, in short, Min, had been surrounded by fake people for the eighteen years of his existence till he flees from the clutches of his dictating father⸻to start anew in South Korea.There, Min not only was able to discover his home country and culture but true friendship, dreams and a soulmate.
by Lynn Townsend
Brandon Russo can't stand the sight of blood and the current heat wave makes doing almost anything outdoors unpleasant. So when an SUV sideswipes a bicycle right at the gate of the storage facility in Burlington, Vermont, where Brandon works for his aunt, he considers just locking himself in the office and calling 911. But he's rewarded for letting his good nature overcome his squeamishness when the man he rescues from the ditch turns out to be absolutely gorgeous.<br><br>Scott Seay is a photogr…
by Sam Couste
Fresh out of a relationship, Jesse Velasco needs some downtime. He finds himself in an isolated beach town helping out with some family business. While he’s embraced his inner hermit, Jesse is not completely isolated; he’s got a new Twitter friend, a hot neighbor, and a celebrity crush to keep him entertained.<br><br>But it turns out all three of them are the same person; Jack Anders, primetime heartthrob who has his own reasons for dodging the spotlight in Jesse’s sleepy town by the sea. After …
by Michael P. Thomas
Henry Kavalauskas spends most of his time at YVR, Vancouver’s international airport. He works there, he hangs out there -- he knows the world is bigger than his fast-food job and his parents' living room, and he wishes he could find a guy to take him out into it. Someone to shepherd him through its teeming cities and sleep beside him in its fine hotels.<br><br>Someone like Zack Hoffman, to be quite specific, although Henry's first encounter with the short, sexy business traveler seems destined t…
by Belea T. Keeney
Jared thinks life in his big cat refuge is perfect. Surrounded by tigers, lions, leopards, and cougars, Jared has moved easily from life as a college baseball star. Sultan, his favorite tiger, is healthy and happy; his wife Julianna is the same. Or so he thinks. When Jared suspects that Julianna is getting a little too close to the refuge volunteers, he faces a tough choice.
by J.D. Walker
John DeWitt loves men and sex. He’s good at his job and enjoys life to the fullest. But his self-confidence is about to take a severe blow. His new intern Lee Pearce looks familiar, but John doesn’t figure out why until one evening when he sees Lee at Throwbacks, talking to the hottest bartender on the planet.<br><br>The bartender is Lee’s brother, Wei, who owns the club. John has been lusting after the man for years, but Wei always treats him like a pariah. Unfortunately, John finds out the rea…
by Gareth Vaughn
With winter holidays approaching, it's supposed to be a time for romance and togetherness for Colton and Ben. Except climate change has erased the chance for a white Christmas, their rent is going up, and neither of them have energy after working all day and barely getting to see each other. As their frustrations mount and finances dwindle, it almost seems more likely they'll be single for the new year rather than doing anything special for each other.<br><br>Colton isn't willing to give up with…
by Feral Sephrian
In this tale of pre-Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell forbidden love, Chas is a champion high school-level boxer turned paragon Naval officer who no one would dare accuse of being anything less than masculine. However, he secretly struggles with his homosexuality, which is known only by himself and Esmeralda, his best friend in the French Naval port of Toulon.<br><br>That is, until he’s found out by fellow gay crewman, Michael. The two spark up a relationship, but all is not well when Chas's homophobic bunk…
by J.M. Snyder
Who says marriage is bliss? Blake and Jeremy had more time to spend together when they were dating than they do now as man and husband. Working long hours keep them apart, and their schedules rarely sync during the week. They can't even make love except on the weekends -- no time. When did life get so damn busy?<br><br>One hectic day follows another. Will the two men ever get a moment alone?
by J. Tomas
It's the first Saturday of summer vacation. But upcoming high school senior Logan Bradley can't celebrate -- he has to watch his younger brother Dylan while their mother attends her monthly book club meeting. She even forbids him from inviting his boyfriend Chad Adams over when she isn't home!<br><br>Logan's only consolation is his cell phone, which connects him to Chad. Now, if Dylan will just leave him alone long enough to chat up his boy, the evening might be salvaged ...
by Vincent Diamond
Felipe Lugo made a bad mistake, and now he's starting two years of prison time to pay for it. He says goodbye to a girlfriend and faces life inside with men. Men tougher than he is maybe. Men with their own idea of how Felipe should be. And now he has to make a choice: to be a wolf or a shepherd?
by J.M. Snyder
Ah, the luxury of a smoke break. For some, it is the opportunity to get away from the routine of the workplace. For others, a chance to refuel on the nicotine a cigarette provides. And for others? Well, it could be a chance to become easily addicted.<br><br>When Trevor meets a sexy co-worker on his smoke break, he's hesitant to take him up on his offer of getting together after work. But Zack isn't just some guy in sales, and sparks fly when Trevor finally makes it to Zack's office ...
by Valerie Mores
Quinn is in love with a very much taken Skylar. But after finding Skylar bleeding and unresponsive at the hands of his boyfriend, Quinn is sure the world is playing a cruel joke. Recovery is long and hard, but Quinn is determined to be supportive and caring for Skylar. He just wants the chance to show Skylar there is still hope for him, that someone cares and loves him. And Quinn will be there for Skylar, whatever he needs, even if it's just a hand to hold.<br><br>Skylar isn’t prepared for his w…
by Etienne
Josh Carpenter is gay, and blind since birth. He’s about to graduate from college, and is already an extremely competent piano tuner. He and his best friend Norman Simms encounter a pair of twins while walking on the beach, and their lives are changed forever, and for the better.<br><br>They eventually set up housekeeping with the twins, and begin to live a full life, calling themselves the four gay musketeers.
by Terry O'Reilly
Brad Sturgis, adopted son of Andy Barnes and David Bennett, is all grown up and ready to face life with his boyfriend, Hank Reynolds. However, he soon discovers life away from the Bennett-Barnes household proves much trickier than it seemed when he was growing up.<br><br>Brad finds many things in Hank’s work as a horse trainer competing for the man’s attention and affection. The time-consuming nature of the equine show world and the constant demands of the clients Hank coaches -- their interest …
by J.M. Snyder
Dane is destined for greatness, his boyfriend Krish just knows it, but first he needs to break into the local music scene.<br><br>Randy Blake is Dane's idol, a small-town musician with a sound Dane likes. When Blake asks Dane to stop by sometime, maybe have a private jam session, Dane is ecstatic. But it seems Blake has something other than music on his mind.<br><br>Krish struggles with jealousy -- he knows Blake would help advance Dane's music, but Krish just can't trust the man. A more pressin…
by Paul Alan Fahey
Philip feels in control of his life -- at least until his best friend, Jonathan, contracts AIDS, passes away, and leaves him feeling disconnected and uncertain about the future. Then the one steady influence in his life, his mother, becomes seriously ill. The doctor who makes the diagnosis of ovarian cancer is not hopeful. Once his mother commits to the treatment plan, there is nothing Philip can do but follow the blueprint they both hope will lead to her recovery.<br><br>In late April 1992, Phi…
by Kim Pierce
Thirty-two-year-old Rihanna Perry has the job, son, and husband of her dreams. But her world is torn apart when her husband leaves her for another woman. After the combination of the breakup and a major surgery, Rihanna’s mood changes from the way it used to be: she’s never been happier in her life. Soon she’s staying up all night, flirting with men and women (even at work), smoking weed, and starting writing projects she doesn’t finish. On top of everything else, Rihanna discovers that telepath…
by J.D. Walker
Trev Harding is a truck driver in his forties who loves having sex with a different twink every night. The only exception to this is one-time trick Grant Hess, a mid-thirties forklift operator on his daily route who could pass for twenty-three. Trev’s life takes a startling turn when he’s told by his latest conquest that the guys at his usual pickup spot see him as a shallow, dirty old man, and pathetic.<br><br>Tail tucked between his legs, Trev is forced to do some soul-searching and asks the o…
by K.L. Noone
Thomas East was meant to be the youngest Arch-Mage in history, a magical genius and a solver of problems. But he hadn’t expected quite so many problems -- not to mention the endless meetings, bureaucracy, and political negotiations. So he’s currently hiding in a sleepy California seaside town, working in an ice cream parlor and avoiding everyone he’s let down ... until a firebird in need of rescue crashes into his shop.<br><br>Nicholas Incandesco has far too many problems. He’s a firebird, a sha…