Dog Days

Dog Days

by Emery C. Walters

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Aiden is sent to Hawaii to stay with his father, whom he has never met. But when he arrives there he discovers there is no one to meet him. He has no money, and his mother and stepfather do not want him back.<br><br>Devastated at their betrayal, hungry and heartsore, he walks away from the airport in a random direction, only to be beaten up and have his belongings stolen by vagrants. <br><br>But Aiden is a fighter. The next morning he determines to find help, and on his way he sees three childre…

Lift Me Up

Lift Me Up

by Ray Hatch

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Alec Bishop never expected the pandemic to bring a Romanesque god swinging into his life. His lockdown days blurred together into the coding of his computer screen and fending off attacks on his beloved balcony plants by a slightly psychotic pigeon.<br><br>When twist of fate -- and rope -- brings gorgeous circus performer Nico Franzetti into his life, Alec must battle his fears to grab hold of love and not let go.

Not an Angel, But a Cupid

Not an Angel, But a Cupid

by K.A. Masters

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Recently orphaned and alone, the winged elf Alec wants nothing more than to return to his childhood home one final time and succumb to his nostalgia and grief. But his quest home leads him straight into the arms of a dove-winged, wounded angel ... with human captors in hot pursuit.<br><br>After one magical night together, the two soulmates are united in love. Alec's angel becomes a cupid, transforming his grief into affection and love. But Alec has a secret that keeps him from telling his soulma…

Sweeter Than Honey

Sweeter Than Honey

by Jessica Payseur

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Bradley Kim is just trying to make the time without his boyfriend Lance go by faster when he takes on an additional article for his small town newspaper. But the moment he meets Shay Wilton, amateur beekeeper, it's definitely not the honey that catches his eye.<br><br>Bradley is lonely, and Shay is everything Lance is not -- passionate, fun, and kind -- and soon Bradley's interview becomes something more intimate as Shay gives him a hands-on experience with the honey extraction.<br><br>Turning d…

Hansen and Graber

Hansen and Graber

by Deirdre O’Dare

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When life-long friends Hanson and Graber learn there may be a great wizard on the far side of the woods behind their village, they decide to seek him out. The source of the information may be suspect, but the lure proves too strong. In hopes of learning magic to rise above their current status as Hanson the Pigs and Graber the Firewood, they set out on this quest.<br><br>When they meet wizard Holzy, they’re both intrigued and intimidated. He makes them labor and suffer, but eventually begins to …

Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror

by Terry O'Reilly

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It isn’t going to happen to Dave Fleming. No way. He isn’t going to end up growing old. He has this aging thing beat. He works out, eats healthy, takes all the right supplements. As a result, he’s a handsome man, with a killer body, and it’s going to stay that way.<br><br>But it doesn’t work. Though he’s done his best to swim upstream, Dave is swept steadily along to senior citizenship along with everyone else. In the process, he passed up chances for love. Now here he is, in his twilight years …

Off Sides

Off Sides

by Dianne Hartsock

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This is the story of how one perfect couple becomes three.<br><br>Austin and Riley have been together since high school. They've always loved each other and know they'll spend the rest of their lives together. But when they start playing soccer in college, they meet a sexy blond named Luke who, as far as they know, is the stereotypical conservative rich kid with the perfect GPA, who might also be their answer to a question they never asked.<br><br>For Luke, college life means keeping his head do…

Colin and Martin's Goodbye Christmas

Colin and Martin's Goodbye Christmas

by Drew Hunt

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The fourth and final Colin and Martin Christmas story sees the two men leaving Yorkshire to begin new lives in Australia.<br><br>Martin Kellam has no qualms about saying goodbye to what remains of his family, while Colin’s parting gift to Martin’s brother is a well-deserved punch in the nose.<br><br>Before leaving, the two men have one final Christmas in London with Colin’s parents, who are pulling out all the stops to make it an occasion to remember.<br><br>Martin enjoys teasing his husband. He…

Playing the Field: Tee'd Off

Playing the Field: Tee'd Off

by J.M. Snyder

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Greg Chennault has been a golf fanatic since he was a kid. When he was twelve, he managed to sneak onto a local golf course in search of a job -- there he met Trevor Johns, who taught him the sport. Greg caddied for Mr. Johns all throughout his high school years, and still recalls his time with his former employer fondly. His memories of Mr. Johns' young son Junior, four years younger than Greg, aren't quite as rosy. The boy annoyed Greg, and once he stopped caddying for the father, he promptly …

The Mule Man

The Mule Man

by Deirdre O’Dare

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Orr Loveless is exactly where he knows he belongs, rescuing and training mules. Despite their reputation, which he feels is undeserved, he knows they are smart, sure footed, and great mounts for trail riding and outdoor adventures. The only thing he lacks is a human partner to share the work and the fun, but he knows his lifestyle is not likely to attract one.<br><br>Jase Keller has returned to New Mexico, where his forgotten roots remain. With his high finance job destroying him, he desperately…

Carnival Cowboy

Carnival Cowboy

by Temple Madison

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At the end of a bloody trail, Johnny Redd finds an incredible secret.<br><br>While struggling with a bullet in his chest, he crawls along the ground until he finds himself surrounded by a maze of quaint carnival tarps. Inside is a world of color, costumes, false hair, nails, eyelashes -- and a man who dresses like a woman. It’s a world of trickery, deception, and lies. Johnny makes it just inside the tent when his strength fails and he faints dead away. When he awakes, he’s reminded of the bizar…



by Dale Chase

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Outfielder Tommy Knox is said to "own" pitcher Wayne Kerley because he always hits well when Wayne is on the mound. What the public doesn't know is that the two men have long been involved in a committed, loving relationship. They met and fell in love while playing in the minor leagues, but were called up to the majors and now play for opposing teams.<br><br>Tommy and Wayne have managed to stay together through twelve closeted years. Being on different teams means they have to spend most of the …

Midnight Cowboys

Midnight Cowboys

by Deirdre O'Dare

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Two young men from very different backgrounds end up roommates at a state college in west Texas in the latter part of the turbulent sixties.<br><br>Riki is the black sheep of a wealthy family, on his third and final chance to avoid the draft or disinheritance. His big dream is to be a hot guitarist with a rock band, and he has a weakness for recreational drugs that make him feel better about himself.<br><br>Jerry is a true son of Bible Belt America, happy to be able to go to college and perhaps …

Realm of the Polar Bear

Realm of the Polar Bear

by Alex Morgan

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Stranded by a blizzard on his way home for Christmas, Jarrod waits for death by freezing in his pickup, until a large, white-haired, bearded man steps out of the forest to rescue him. Jarrod is reluctant to follow the handsome man but decides his chances of survival aren’t good if he stays in his truck.<br><br>Caleb takes Jarrod to a warm, inviting cabin in the middle of the forest and offers him food and drink to warm him up. Jarrod’s apprehensions begin to dissipate as his attraction for the m…

Lost Souls Found

Lost Souls Found

by Kris T. Bethke

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Ghostwalker Sam Jones has been half in love with Michael King since he started working at Requiem Inc. But Michael is his boss and a Guardian, to boot. Sam thinks they could make it work anyway, but Michael uses his position and his age to keep Sam at arm’s length.<br><br>When Sam continues to volunteer for the most dangerous cases, Michael has to intervene. He tells himself he’s just doing his job, but he’s always seen Sam as more than another operative, and he can’t bear the thought of not tak…



by Mark Wildyr

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Thirty-two-year-old mixed blood John Strobaw, known to the Sioux as Medicine Hair, returns to his Turtle Crick Farm after a six-year exile on the Pine Ridge Reservation. Grief-stricken at the loss of his mate and lover Matthew Brand, known as Shambling Bear, at the Battle of Wounded Knee, he struggles to become a farmer again while fighting an internal battle to let go of the past and face his future. Will that future be with his best friend Winter Bird or with Pretty Face, an outrageous flirt w…

The Haunted Caretaker

The Haunted Caretaker

by Gordon Phillips

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While traveling in a storm, Glen Harper takes a wrong turn and crashes his car. Unhurt but cold and wet, he decides to get help. Using a distant light as a guide, Glen discovers an uninhabited cottage, where he lights a much needed fire. Glen quickly warms up but soon becomes aware of a presence in the room.<br><br>Hank Waterford is the caretaker of the estate where Glen found refuge from the storm. They meet when Glen, thinking he’s alone in the cottage, jumps into Hank’s bed.<br><br>Both men a…

Elevator Pitch

Elevator Pitch

by Ofelia Gr?nd

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Bjorn Ritter only wants one thing -- to live his life away from nosey, demanding bears. That's easier said than done when you're the son of the female running the Bayside Bear Community.<br><br>Cecil Baxter might be a bat, but he grew up away from shifter communities and he's doing his best to continue to keep his distance. Shifters aren't an accepting bunch and Cecil has never fit the norm.<br><br>Already facing a dreaded meeting with his mother, the last thing Bjorn needs is a stranger using h…

The Boss's Daughter

The Boss's Daughter

by J.T. Marie

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Once the daughter of a prominent dentist in Philadelphia, Natalie Allen wasn’t happy with the life she was expected to lead, so she left society behind and headed west. Now, in the little town of Junction, she’s known as Nat, a cowboy working on Boss Daddy’s cattle ranch. She keeps to herself, renting a room in a local boarding house instead of staying in the bunk house, and with her dungarees and short hair, no one realizes she’s living as a man.<br><br>But Boss Daddy’s pretty daughter Miss Luc…

Blurring the Lines

Blurring the Lines

by J.M. Snyder

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Greg is straight, but makes easy money offering his services to gay men online. He's inexpensive but has a few ground rules: never reveal his real name, never invite a client home, and never, ever, ever agree to more than three appointments with anyone. Ever.<br><br>RC is handsome, loaded, and lives in a big house in a swanky neighborhood. Greg doesn't understand why such a guy needs to pay for companionship, but RC’s been burned by men who are interested in only his money, and paying someone ta…