Twelve Gifts

Twelve Gifts

by Casper Graham

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Dylan Hughes owns a small bakery. He's doing what he loves and business is good, but he's lonely. After a bad relationship, he's been keeping to himself, and things are worse during the Christmas season. Then there is his unrequited crush on Aaron Tyler.<br><br>Aaron is a successful event planner. He and Dylan met more than two years earlier and, after tasting Dylan's baking, Aaron proposed a collaboration. They've worked together ever since. Not willing to risk their friendship, Dylan has kept …

Crazy Like Fox

Crazy Like Fox

by Michael P. Thomas

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Fox McHardy leads a charmed life. Puget Sound penthouse, gorgeous boyfriend, jet-setting job -- everything he’s ever wanted, he’s gotten, including the heck out of the small Iowa town he grew up in. Even the trip he takes to Miami to surprise his boyfriend Jeremy is something of a long-shot wish fulfilled.<br><br>Until he arrives in South Florida.<br><br>Once things start to unravel, they do so with alarming speed, and he finds himself riding shotgun in a rented convertible with his new sworn en…

Persistence of Memory

Persistence of Memory

by J.M. Snyder

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Five years ago Joah was culled -- kidnapped by the government to be trained as a soldier. In the process, they erased his memory, destroying his past, his dreams, everything but his name. Armed with that alone, Joah escapes from the facility in search of someone to help him recall the man he used to be.<br><br>That person is Tobin, Joah’s husband, who never gave up hope of finding him again. He refuses to believe that the strength of his love alone won’t be enough to bring back Joah’s memories o…

Family Obligations

Family Obligations

by Vivien Dean

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Tate D’Angelo always thought he knew who his father was: beloved doctor, devoted husband and father ... Everyone at the funeral shared the same glowing stories of a kind soul. So when his father’s old college buddy, Randy, approaches him after the service, Tate expects to hear echoes of the same.<br><br>Instead, he gets a lifetime’s worth of letters that tell a different tale and cause him to view his father -- and his family -- in a whole new light.<br><br>The truth, about a secret romance kept…

Holding Hands

Holding Hands

by B.L. Dayhoff

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Hollis is done with hanging around the bar on Valentine’s Day. He’s going to stay in -- alone -- and watch some movies. At least, that’s the plan.<br><br>But his coworker’s half-brother’s cousin, better known as Ryan, is new in town. And although the lunch they shared was more levels of awkward than a house of cards, fate must want them to become friends, because on his way home after picking up his Valentine’s Day dinner, Hollis runs into Ryan again.<br><br>The nice thing to do is to invite him…

Snowed In: Bar and Joey

Snowed In: Bar and Joey

by R.W. Clinger

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A January blizzard causes havoc in the small town of Frozentoe, Pennsylvania. Best friends, Joey Redd and Kel Foxford, become stranded in the wicked storm and check in at the strangest bed and breakfast ever, The Foreboding Castle. Joey meets a diverse lot of guests at the castle: Vivian Vampe, a famous B-rated Hollywood actress; the bizarre Colonel MacCarmichael and his male pet, Dash Hound; and the sexy stud and adult entertainment star, Magnum Ride.<br><br>When Kel takes a fancy to Magnum and…

Vivaldi in the Dark

Vivaldi in the Dark

by Matthew J. Metzger

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Out-and-regretting-it comprehensive attendee Jayden Phillips turns his cast-iron plans for life upside-down by falling in love with private-school violinist Darren Peace, a sardonic boy with the craziest hair Jayden's ever seen.<br><br>But all is not what it seems, and Jayden's bullying problem becomes meaningless when he is confronted with what the music does to Darren. How do you stop a dangerous depression rooted in the same thing that makes someone what they are? Dark moods, blank apathy, an…

A Dangerous Game

A Dangerous Game

by Rick R. Reed

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Sex can be a dangerous business. So can love.<br><br>On the worst day of his life, Wren Gallagher wants oblivion when he steps into Tricks for a drink. When a mysterious stranger steps up to pay his tab, he offers Wren the key to fulfilling his dreams of prosperity and true love.<br><br>But appearances are not always what they seem.<br><br>His savior owns the escort agency ? Louer, and he wants the young and handsome Wren as part of his stable of men-for-hire. Down on his luck, Wren figures, why…

See Ya, Space Cowboy

See Ya, Space Cowboy

by J.V. Speyer

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Escaped slave and radical Genthry is facing down his final moments, bound to the execution platform, when some soul detonates the platform and the prison wall. He didn’t plan it, but he’s more than happy to take the opportunity to escape and thumb his nose at fate yet again.<br><br>By the time he gets his hands on a ship, the authorities have caught up to him in the form of handsome marshal Dryath Riatt. When a passerby knocks the marshal out, Genthry takes Riatt “hostage” to save him from the a…

His Needs

His Needs

by Kris T. Bethke

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When State Trooper Travis Kinslow is injured right before Thanksgiving, the only positive is that for once he won't be working during the holidays. Since he has no family, Travis was absorbed into his best friend Joe's, and he considers them as good as his own. Everyone except Joe's brother Noah. Travis has been in love with the younger man for much of his life, but he's always kept his distance.<br><br>As an ER nurse, Noah is a caretaker by nature. When his brother's best friend is hurt, he's h…

Lost Souls Found

Lost Souls Found

by Kris T. Bethke

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Ghostwalker Sam Jones has been half in love with Michael King since he started working at Requiem Inc. But Michael is his boss and a Guardian, to boot. Sam thinks they could make it work anyway, but Michael uses his position and his age to keep Sam at arm’s length.<br><br>When Sam continues to volunteer for the most dangerous cases, Michael has to intervene. He tells himself he’s just doing his job, but he’s always seen Sam as more than another operative, and he can’t bear the thought of not tak…

To Taste the Dawn

To Taste the Dawn

by Jamie Craig

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It’s been four years since Jesse Madding and Gideon Keel rescued their lover Emma from a hell dimension, and their lives have settled into an easy pattern. Jesse and Gideon still keep the streets of Chicago safe from vampires and demons, while Emma has opened her own gallery.<br><br>But things aren’t exactly easy for the trio. Especially since Jesse is still learning how to deal with the fact that the world continues to move on ... while he never ages ...

Spy Games

Spy Games

by J.D. Ryan

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Cold War ... Hot Spies. It’s the 1960’s. Unbeknownst to the world, a secret international organization is working behind the scenes for world peace.<br><br>Nikoloz, a Russian agent, has his doubts about his American partner, Vincent. The man is his exact opposite: hot-tempered, impulsive, and an incorrigible playboy. Will they form an effective team?<br><br>Their latest mission: find and destroy a secret laboratory producing a new gas weapon. A small town has already been used as a testing site.…

A Demon for Forever

A Demon for Forever

by K.L. Noone

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A demon, a rock star, and wedding bells!<br><br>Justin Moore and Kris Starr have their happy ending: a life together, full of magic and music. Justin's always wanted to get married, and ever since Kris proposed, he's thrown himself into wedding planning. But planning a wedding's not easy when the whole world's watching their choices -- including whether to invite Kris's estranged father.<br><br>Kris wants Justin to have that perfect day. He'll support the man he loves, whether that means agreein…

Don We Now Our Gay Apparel

Don We Now Our Gay Apparel

by Feral Sephrian

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Don’t let the fashionable skirt and flawless make-up fool you -- Kellan is the straightest man in his drag troupe. By contrast, his favorite co-star, Casey, is one of the most effeminate gay men Kellan has ever met. Despite their differences, Kellan feels closer to him than anyone else outside his family.<br><br>At their troupe’s “Crossmas” party, where everyone and their partners have to attend in drag, a run-in with a carful of bigots gives Kellan and Casey a reason to get even closer. With th…

Seamless Sky

Seamless Sky

by Georgette Gouveia

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Jade Cabral strides into the 21st century as a golden guy. Brilliant and beautiful, with a California cool and a Harvard education, he is poised for wealth and success in New York’s Financial District.<br><br>But Jade harbors a secret flaw, a thirst for revenge against Se?or Rodriguez, the California landowner who deprived his father – Se?or’s out-of-wedlock son, John Virgil -- of his family’s rightful inheritance and place in the world. Jade thinks if he succeeds in New York, he can make up for…

The Hunger Gap

The Hunger Gap

by Holly Day

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After years of the government taking everything he grows, homesteader George Vega has had enough. Food is scarce and people are starving. To provide for himself, he’ll need to break the law. Together with his next-door neighbor June, he sets up a system to hide food from the controller during his weekly collecting visits.<br><br>Axel Rowe won’t survive much longer. Every scrap of food he can get his hands on, he gives to his six-year-old daughter, but it isn’t nearly enough. Luck is on his side …

Saved By Sam

Saved By Sam

by Deirdre O’Dare

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As he struggles to get back on his feet after the horrors of service as a medic in the Middle East war, Roy Dunham tends bar in a quiet club. The sudden entrance of K-9 Officer Samson, a Belgian Malinois, and his handsome "human" partner Craig Rommel startles Roy, and the cop's attitude puts him off.<br><br>Roy's opinion soon changes, however, after Sam and Craig save him from drug-driven violence. He returns the favor by tending their gunshot wounds, and before long, Roy finds himself hoping th…

Persimmon Kiss

Persimmon Kiss

by Mel Bossa

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A year has passed since Derek's motorcycle accident, but he still battles with brain injury symptoms. Forced to take a sick leave from work, Derek picks up painting to occupy his time. Through his art, he begins to rediscover his imagination and turns to his journal again.<br><br>Meanwhile, a new business venture is on the horizon for Nick and he can't postpone his trip to Norway any longer. Concerned for Derek's safety, Nick convinces Derek that he needs someone to watch over him while he's awa…

Accidentally On Purpose

Accidentally On Purpose

by J.M. Snyder

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One morning before work, Alan Travers accidentally bumps into Detective Jim Garrison at a cafe where both men stop for coffee. The handsome younger man interests Alan, but he misses his chance to get to know the detective better and wonders if he'll get another.<br><br>With the help of his nephew Bryce, Alan concocts a plan to try and get Jim's attention "accidentally on purpose." It works, but as things heat up between them, Alan worries what Jim will think if he finds out their getting togethe…