The Troubador

The Troubador

by Emery C. Walters

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With the name of Jesse Thomas Cromwell, he definitely belongs in the world of Renaissance Faires. Playing old instruments of yore and singing ballads and bawdy tunes puts him on stage. This is Jesse’s favorite pastime, and things are going well until bagpiper James opens up a competition on a neighboring stage. Jesse becomes louder and bawdier until security comes and kicks him out.<br><br>Later James finds Jesse and apologizes for the ruckus. Together with a young lad whose faire gear was stole…

The Right Turn

The Right Turn

by Sam Couste

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Cam’s life isn’t all that exciting. Boring job, failing relationship, and a handful of missed opportunities. He often wonders how his life might have turned out if he’d made different choices. Especially when he runs into Mattie, his childhood best friend who’s grown into the man of Cam’s dreams.<br><br>That dream becomes a reality -- or an alternate reality, at least -- when Cam wakes up one morning in the arms of an adoring Mattie. This version of Mattie and Cam have been together for years, t…

Yesterday's Letters

Yesterday's Letters

by Kassandra Lea

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Matthew Dalton hasn’t been back home in longer than he cares to admit, but a letter brings him news and soon he’s stepping back in time. Going home, to a place he doesn’t visit nearly often enough.<br><br>Daniel Ellis, on the other hand, has never left. He’s always stuck around, waiting for the man who stole his heart to return. When tragedy brings Matthew home, Daniel sees this as his opportunity.<br><br>The only problem? Daniel can’t bring himself to voice the feelings he’s kept buried deep in…



by Clare London

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Kevin knows his crush on his gorgeous but impossibly aloof boss Marcus isn't going anywhere. So it's a huge shock when Marcus mysteriously appears one night in Kevin's bedroom. Kevin has just enough time to enjoy Marcus' attention and warm familiarity, then Marcus vanishes.<br><br>And then it happens again the next night.<br><br>And the next.<br><br>Meanwhile, back in daylight office hours, Marcus is as cold as ever with no obvious recollection of his night-time visits.<br><br>What's really happ…

Wild Fragile Vines

Wild Fragile Vines

by Vivien Dean

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When his boss’s twenty-year-old son announced he wanted to be more than friends, Tim Kammerling told him no. He wasn’t ready to have a relationship with someone more than ten years younger than him. Devin knew he couldn’t stick around Napa and honor the status quo, however. He left town, and the two became long distance friends instead.<br><br>A lot can happen in eighteen years. Letters are sent. Calls get made.<br><br>Lives are changed.

Can't Buy His Love

Can't Buy His Love

by J.D. Walker

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Wheeler Ridley is used to having men fall into his lap at a snap of his fingers. He's gorgeous, well-to-do, and absolutely clueless about commitment and what it takes to have a serious relationship. Which makes the fact that he wants such a thing with his relationship-phobic crush, Gregory Wang almost unheard of. And yet ...<br><br>Gregory runs the daycare center across the street from the gym owned by Wheeler, and he has a reputation in the tiny beach town for being the "ice queen." Although he…

Bloodstained Heart

Bloodstained Heart

by Kassandra Lea

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Living in a mysterious house overlooking the town, Seamus haunts the halls with his dog at his side. He's doomed to un-life, cursed, essentially a zombie, but without all the icky rot. His only human friend is a delightful fella by the name of Tibbit. Sweet Tibbit accepts him for who he is, and oh, how Seamus loves him for that.<br><br>But can there ever be love between a lonely human and a man whose heart doesn't beat the way it should? Love got Seamus into this mess; is it worth it to try agai…

The Orpheum Miracle

The Orpheum Miracle

by Pat Henshaw

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Christmas joy is a matter of perspective. For some, it’s the happiest time of the year. For others, not so much.<br><br>Twenty-nine-year-old Mick, the son of crack addicts, isn’t exactly a dyed-in-the-wool Scrooge. Mick’s been on his own from childhood. As a teen, he even lived in a shelter, where for a short time he had a boyfriend.<br><br>After the boyfriend left, Mick squatted in the historic Orpheum Theater. While living there as its self-appointed custodian, Mick has watched others celebrat…

Playing the Field: Tee'd Off

Playing the Field: Tee'd Off

by J.M. Snyder

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Greg Chennault has been a golf fanatic since he was a kid. When he was twelve, he managed to sneak onto a local golf course in search of a job -- there he met Trevor Johns, who taught him the sport. Greg caddied for Mr. Johns all throughout his high school years, and still recalls his time with his former employer fondly. His memories of Mr. Johns' young son Junior, four years younger than Greg, aren't quite as rosy. The boy annoyed Greg, and once he stopped caddying for the father, he promptly …

Always on My Mind

Always on My Mind

by Deirdre O’Dare

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Garth Talent could never forget Peter Nightrider, his best bud from high school, or the one drunken night they shared exploring each other's bodies. He's spent fifteen years with that memory and has never found anyone to erase it. <br /><br />Now Garth is a high-priced attorney and Peter is a celebrity, heading an exciting Native-Pop music group. But Peter is in serious trouble and Garth is the only one who can help him. <br /><br />Garth is on edge when Peter arrives...will his friend remember …

Me and My Big Mouth

Me and My Big Mouth

by Becky Black

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Max Sagan’s mouth is always getting him in trouble. His special talent for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person makes it hard to hold onto either a job or a boyfriend for long.<br><br>When Max is fired yet again, his best friend Noah reluctantly gets Max an interview where he works. Max is grateful, but unsure if a party boy like him will fit in at a stuffy law firm. Then he meets Noah’s gorgeous boss, lawyer Owen Hart, and becomes determined to keep this job.<br><br>Othe…

Boyfriend Countdown

Boyfriend Countdown

by J.D. Walker

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Milo Slowiak is perfectly happy to sleep with a different guy, most nights. Nelson Agnew -- a frequent buddy in Milo's bed -- has been fine with that, too, until Christmas Day, when he changes the rules. Now Nelson wants a relationship, and Milo has until New Year's Day to make his decision.<br><br>At first, Milo is upset and decides he doesn't need Nelson. After all, he has all those names in his little black book to choose from. Yet sex with others doesn't erase the lingering feeling that Milo…

Colin and Martin's Goodbye Christmas

Colin and Martin's Goodbye Christmas

by Drew Hunt

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The fourth and final Colin and Martin Christmas story sees the two men leaving Yorkshire to begin new lives in Australia.<br><br>Martin Kellam has no qualms about saying goodbye to what remains of his family, while Colin’s parting gift to Martin’s brother is a well-deserved punch in the nose.<br><br>Before leaving, the two men have one final Christmas in London with Colin’s parents, who are pulling out all the stops to make it an occasion to remember.<br><br>Martin enjoys teasing his husband. He…

Playing the Field: Play On

Playing the Field: Play On

by J.M. Snyder

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A junior at Patten University, Sean Mason plays a left winger position on the men's intramural soccer team. In the three years he's been playing the pitch, he's never been interested in any of his fellow teammates ... until Cordero Jefferies joins the team.<br><br>This is Cordero's rookie year with the team, but he catches Sean's eye the first day of practice. Sean wastes no time letting this fly brother know just how sprung he is. The feeling's mutual, and when the two hook up after practice, t…

A New Pair of Steel Shoes

A New Pair of Steel Shoes

by Kassandra Lea

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Nathan Pratchett’s last relationship ended because he spends too much time at the barn with his mare, Birch. But he finds peace in the saddle.<br><br>However, Birch seems to have other plans.<br><br>After losing a shoe while out on a trail ride, Nathan is forced to use a new ferrier. After that, it seems like Birch is a different horse. She’s gone from well-behaved to running loose! And, for some reason, she keeps winding up at the home of a dreamy fella named Lucas Shaw. Is it possible the mare…

Save a Horse

Save a Horse

by J.D. Walker

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Lanice Boudreaux is a romantic. He's been searching for a cowboy to call his own since he turned twenty-one. But now, at the age of forty, he's yet to find him. Close to giving up the chase, little does Lanice know that what he craves has been right under his nose all along. It takes a randy Sheriff, his lovesick foreman, and a little wakeup call from Ernie Trevine for Lanice to realize love can find you at any age, even when you're oblivious. Time to save a horse and ... well, you know.

It Never Left

It Never Left

by Iyana Jenna

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After his boyfriend Jonah Wright defeats the alien queen attacking their hometown, Sean Cross thinks everything is solved and things will go back to normal. But normal no longer exists. Jonah and his other friends look and act too good to be true.<br><br>Sean's suspicions grow after his search for a boy who stayed in Jonah's house, Ryan Godfrey, turns up nothing. It’s as if Ryan no longer exists. Can Sean save his boyfriend, or will he lose Jonah forever? And perhaps the most important question …

A New Deal

A New Deal

by Kelly Wyre

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It's been a year since Clark and Daniel found one another, and the bartender and the professor have found harmony.<br><br>However, Clark's work for Lucian Gray, the New Amsterdam Mayor's son and leader of an underground vigilante network, still continues, and it isn't without danger. Clark knows it's only a matter of time before the risks become too great for Daniel to bear, and his prediction comes true when a BDSM scene turns into a captive discussion.<br><br>What happens when the men must bal…

Wanna Cyber?

Wanna Cyber?

by J.M. Snyder

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Ritchie is a cam whore; he loves the internet and lives for the comments visitors post about his latest vlogs. His older boyfriend Doug isn't exactly technologically savvy and is worried about what Ritchie gets up to online. He trusts Ritchie, really ... it's everyone else he isn't too sure about. One evening while Doug is at class, he decides to chat up Ritchie without revealing himself to his boyfriend, just to see what happens. The response he gets surprises him.



by J. Tomas

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When shortstop Mike Watson catches his Junior Varsity teammate Robby Brown slipping a tube of ChapStick into his pocket at the store, he doesn't know what to think.<br><br>Mike has had the hots for Robbie since the two boys started high school and finds it difficult to talk to him without feeling awkward and stupid. But he has to say something. What if someone else saw and Robby gets in trouble?<br><br>Does Robby make a habit of stealing things? Has Mike’s perception of his friend been wrong all…