Tommy is Near PAUSED

Tommy is Near PAUSED

by Default_Lemon

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The fire that lies on the melting candle stick slowly died out darkening the small room leaving small hints of light here and there.The generator from outside starts to hum as it always does every few hours.Inside the small room through the darkness a small light penetrates through the dark room revealing a wooden floor with dust and human like skin laying around here and there.. Near the corner of the room a small bucket with browned liquids and large chunks of excrement filled the atmosphere w…

Chaos In Me

Chaos In Me

by DaoistQsZcvq

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He felt surreal: a mix of every emotion ever. He was always quiet because he was told to be. He had no comparison to other children. He was ethereal when in a positive mood and looked terrifying when ticked off. But he could have only been tamed for so long. On his 17th birthday, hell broke loose. Not on him though, on everyone who lead him up to that moment. No one ever asks or looks out for or even likes to look at the bad guy in stories but here's what the truth, it wasn't him but it still wa…

Patient's curse and within

Patient's curse and within

by Glenstonx


Rose blinked her eyes open after waking up from a constant horrid dream of blazing fire scattered in the place where two people screamed for help. They were shadows in Rose’s eyes, their appearance was blurred she could not see their faces properly but they looked at Rose straight in the eyes. It was then the alarm clock was to make a noise. She went about her day to work.The white tile floor reflected the flickering of lights above Rose O’Quinn’s head as the sound of her heels echoed in the emp…

Rain of blood

Rain of blood

by Amitabha_Vardha

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A mysterious stranger, who calls herself v, claims to have come from the future to save four teenagers who will save the world from its bitter and predetermined end.

I Found Her Under My Bed

I Found Her Under My Bed

by noonebutchance

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The girl look at someone who called her. She froze for a second, she thought she's just looking at the mirror, but then the other girl spoke, "Hi, I'm you."

Her Desires his love

Her Desires his love

by divya_saroha

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Ron was the one and only child of Vampire king Arnold and warewolf princess Anaya Smith.But before his birth they shifted from their world to the human world as they got to know that some evil powers wanted to control the supernatural powers of their son. What will happen when arnold seize all the magical powers of Ron at a very young age?????

The Time Repeat itself

The Time Repeat itself

by Cripys

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Many believe that the world will end on August 13, 2022, and that the black sphere that struck the earth will have already destroyed our planet. However, this did not occur. did you know why it didn't happend?."becouse I'm caught in this f*cking time loop, dammit!"-,-The earth is unable to escape its time and space cycle for whatever reason.

Demon Wars- Tale of the Legendary Rogue

Demon Wars- Tale of the Legendary Rogue

by OmniFrog

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Cole is nearly sacrificed to a demonic entity on an altar surrounded by worshippers.All he could remember was being brought to the Holy Knight Academy and passing the entrance exam, so how did he end up here of all places?What to expect: This is an Action/Horror novel which means that it will be very much action based but will include many horror elements. There is a tad bit of comedic elements at times, but I would consider it a minor part of the overall story. I am known for writing Eastern Fa…

SCP encyclopedia

SCP encyclopedia

by SpiritsGoCrazy

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The SCPs one day suddenly disappeared prompting the SCP foundation to be disbanded along with other organizations like: MC&D, chaos insurgency, serpents hand, global occult coalition, church of the broken god(and other anomalous religions like sarkicism), along with other factions.They all went home, and eventually SCPs were forgotten in history. Unfortunately that peace didn’t last. There was one last anomaly left. It was one of the many SCP-001s. It was “the world gone beautiful.” A event whic…

'The Watchman'

'The Watchman'

by PS_Arlove

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They sing lullabies in the dark, and with their melodies we find peace. Michael Graves is a Watchman, a person who hunts creatures that many perceive to be nothing more than folktales. When a chilling incident involving murder in a small town catches their attention, Michael finds himself down a rabbit hole filled with his own nightmares that will put him closer to insanity.

The bee movie script

The bee movie script

by UrAverageSkeleton

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Unrecorded Tales

Unrecorded Tales

by Nyarlathotep00

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I hope to write different stories, or as the title points out, tales. I am a total amateur at writing, and I am not that good at English, that's why I would like to apologize for any misspell, and I would also like to ask for any kind opinion regarding my stories.

A hellish nightmare

A hellish nightmare

by scatteredsoul

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My life was pretty normal and smooth with a chance to cherish my love , until my heart got crushed from the weight of that cursed place that turned my life forever into a HELLISH NIGHTMARE .........

The Abominable Planet

The Abominable Planet

by yassertlm

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an apocalypse that is like no other, fear, nightmares and planetary wide catastrophe. a motley crew on a passenger cruiser comes across the now in ruins planet and footage from a survivor, join them as they watch the footage and some tidbits they would never know about.

Wolf 23

Wolf 23

by Marven123

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Project: DawnBreaker

Project: DawnBreaker

by AMCraft

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there is a reason behind every action, the horrifying reason behind why we don't go back to the moon is......

Run my dear, If you can~

Run my dear, If you can~

by Baba_boey

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A Yandere Male x Male Reader.To start off, It is about Tobias and Y/n. Two childhood friends who lives together in a nice home. Before he lives with Y/n, he lived with his abusive father and weak mother, seeing how possessive and controlling his father is to his mother and the way his father beat her and scream when he is drunk. Only being 4 when Tobias shot his father down after his mother passed out from all the punches and slaps. While his Mother was passed out, the young Tobias was able to e…

My Vampire System Full Of Demons Since 1946

My Vampire System Full Of Demons Since 1946

by CoolForniteplayer

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hello there any bug reports or mistake written in the book please tell me in the reviews thanks wonderful readers.

STORY of horror

STORY of horror

by Jaya_Kumar_1598

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by Atharva_karkande

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The smith is fallen in problem. The rose is her lover. They have to find the treasure.How will ghost treat smith and rose?. Can they find the hidden treasure? and what will be the real mystery behind all this things?. How will be the romance?.How far can they go for love?.How spicy can be the adventure? Who will be the real gamer of all big adventure and mystery?.Can the treasure safe after being finded? Let's see the adventure,thriller,and horror and the biggest mystery