Hell is rising

Hell is rising

by Ope_Openomi

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This is a war between 2 sides

The Apex Alpha

The Apex Alpha

by BoredAsura

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Seth was a legendary assassin with metahuman abilities. He was so feared that a country was willing to risk sending all of their metahumans as well as the many metahuman mercenaries they hired in order to bring him down after he killed several political leaders and their families.After killing several thousand metahumans, Seth was finally brought down. But he was fine with it. He knew that with all the damage that he had caused, he would eventually be killed. And he was prepared for his death an…

Birth of the Synthetic Lord

Birth of the Synthetic Lord

by OmensHymn

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What happens when a universe with immortal cultivators and monsters beyond the scope of man collides with a universe ruled by science and technology? The merging of two opposing forces led to the extinction of more than half of all life in this strange new universe, where miracles could be found just around the corner.

My Sentient System

My Sentient System

by chef

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"Error!No compatible system found.Searching database."It was then that Rey understood what it meant to be crushed by a single sentence."Compatible system found.Bonding with system A-1927"Rey was left dumbstruck, he experienced a ton of emotions in just a few seconds.He did not pay much attention to this event as he was very much engrossed with the fact that he finally got his own system, after waiting since he was a child.But this never seen before event is sure to have its repercussions and in …

I Am Unstoppable

I Am Unstoppable


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History changed its course due to sudden emergence of magic in this new world.Humans the once frail creatures have now become superpowers of Galactic Era.Science and Magic combined gave them the power to destroy planets and build newones.But as they become strong will the gods they once worshiped remain still just to watch someone gaining powers equal to theirs.Will the professed war happen?....Enter the MC, Lucifer Godfell A man who can honestly be trusted to always be dishonest.His food is win…

Human Factor

Human Factor

by Luilu3

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Humanities dream was to reach the stars and discover whether they were the only species in the universe. The scions, an Apex race who yield to no one and take what they want have decided that humanities ability to rapidly evolve and earths resources should be theirs. The Celestials are galactic peacekeepers who’s sole duty is to uphold the rules of the galaxy and protect weaker species. When the Scions invade the defenseless human planet killing a Celestial in the process humanity is granted unl…

My Watch Can Stop Time!

My Watch Can Stop Time!

by LeFrenchDrip

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Have you ever been late to class? Perhaps didn't have time to make it to that game?In the nearby future, the earth's atmosphere is starting to deteriorate, forcing humanity to find other planets to live on. Of course, we weren't the only ones in trouble. Our kind had to fight many battles against otherworldly creatures, more advanced than we were. Humanity almost lost, when a brilliant scientist discovered to harness one's soul's powers through special watches. These watches amplified the soul, …

Project "Universe"

Project "Universe"

by La_Boule

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And now the one whose life did not end in the best way, again got the opportunity to reach unprecedented heights or again slide into the abyss of no return.A mysterious space in which many dangers are hidden along with unknown rewards, as well as an endless universe that turns into its own sandbox.And perhaps, he doesn't need anything but a reliable spaceship and a powerful blaster....well almost*The cover is taken from Google

Space Janitor Bop (J.P. Japhet)

Space Janitor Bop (J.P. Japhet)

by JPJaphet

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Meet Bop, a humanoid clone who was tasked with being a Janitor at the Hypertrain "Zelda X8"Why was he cloned? Why not robots clean instead, I mean they're cheaper and more efficient, right?Well, the thing is...Nobody KNOWS!In fact, even the Hyper Galactic Council doesn't know!Bop, unwilling to accept his ignorant fate sets out!...To continue his daily activities.Until his train cart got ejected from the Hypertrain by a beautiful girl who tells him to find this thing called "Freedom" with her.Bop…

Darkness to light

Darkness to light

by Mowni_ka

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Embodiment of the Primordial

Embodiment of the Primordial

by _Kamish_

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Orion Hadzis is a 2nd year student of the USP, a lover of various stories. It’s good to follow the characters of novels, but why look for a story if it is being written in front of your eyes? He has always been interested in what is hidden behind the masks of the Supers. their goals. To do this, he will have to face all the delights of life.

The Gods Of Egypt

The Gods Of Egypt

by W3TBananas

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'Gods Of Egypt' This story is based nearly a million years ago about a bunch of people that lived in Egypt long ago, many of them being slaves, or forced in to labor that they did not sign up for. In this particular case this is about a man that works on one of the slave labor spots, and he is looking to make some sort of living off of it. Mean while, the powers above, that seem to rule the place that he lives at, are making it harder and harder on their citizens. After an uprising begins in the…

A Simple Guide to Immortality.

A Simple Guide to Immortality.

by knowoneno

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Derrick is a half-dragon who lives in an technoloicaly advance world, his extreme lust for girls is only overwhelmed by his love and longing for his parents. His parents had long left him since he was a child to travel the higher dimension. A place filled with dangers and to reach the higher dimension, he has to travel endless amount of stars while at the same time having enough strength backing him to face dangers in his journey.The universe was a place filled with unexplored mysteries and vari…



by Siyam_Haider

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HAIDER is the main character as he was a normal collage boy who had a strange dream about the future so he started to prepare for it Support my insta account niyht_fall69

Bringing Farm to Fallout 4

Bringing Farm to Fallout 4

by King_apocalypse

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This is my first story i sorry if its not your liking. But im open to criticism as i believe that criticism will help me make this story better. The reason I am writing this story because right now I am currently admitted in the hospital and im bored so yeah i decided to write a story. And i like watching fallout 4 although i want to play it we really don't have any money to buy a computer haha. I dont even have enough money for my medication fee. By the way i dont own the fallout 4 this just a …

Apocalypto Imperium

Apocalypto Imperium

by Pudi_Mandal

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I often think, who is the man who has the intention of betraying the name of mankind?It’s a pity that I am a human being who bears a name…In the great age of iron and blood, the only meaning of survival is to fight! ! !

Intergalactic Online: Space Evolution System

Intergalactic Online: Space Evolution System

by So_Sa

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Calendar Year: 7231, seventh millenniaLH city, one of the many megacities on planet X3-Y42. These megacities are ruled by megacorporations that employ private armies to enforce their rule of law.In this world, only those with enough influence and money can live comfortable lives. Those who are particularly wealthy can even buy tickets off-world using one of the many intergalactic ships to explore the wider galaxy.In this strange world, Creed looked up into the starry sky with a shocked expressio…

body sculpter

body sculpter

by Dadstuff

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not mine https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=1474336&page=contact

Red Eyed Whales: Reincarnation of the Cacophonous Lord

Red Eyed Whales: Reincarnation of the Cacophonous Lord

by ISharpe

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Countless eons ago the universe was sick corrupted by a darkness that had snuffed out all its stars. Countless heroes and mighty legends were given the call to save the last living within the galaxy before the last star saw its end. In the end he was the only one who was able to answer the call...a boy who'd been original been meant to be a deliverer of its destruction. After he doing his best to throw off his dark destiny, he managed to give his galaxy and the universe beyond, a future that'd c…

Aliens: Hivemind

Aliens: Hivemind

by Nightkrawler

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Date: 09/16/2036Log Entry #1:We have found an organic lifeform living in space outside the Earth's atmospheric conditions. This is truly a groundbreaking discovery that could even change our biological concept of life._________________________________________Date: 10/21/2037Log Entry #2:The specimen was kept in a vacuum. Tests and experiments show that the foreign lifeform favors lower temperatures. Our studies indicate that the specimen was once in a colony of the same species. Rest assured, it…