The Dragon's Tamer

The Dragon's Tamer

by WolfGirl9994

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After getting her life turned around at a young age in an incident involving a dragon, April swore never to go near them again... until a fateful encounter with a black dragon and a boy.

Grey Limits

Grey Limits

by Jasmine_1313

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~Midnight thoughts with the music playing. A book of poems.Everything beautiful has its grey limits. If thoughts and emotions are colors then they are a wide spectrum of shades that go from the sweet to the bitter. Yet our hearts and souls reach grey limits where colors can make you drown even when shallow, where the shades are for every fading emotion.At grey limits, you are hopelessly meeting surrendering to the end or death, not necessarily of the body but of any meaning, feeling or purpose.T…

Over And Over

Over And Over

by Snowbells2018

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What started as an adventure turned into something more. Five friends go into the woods to tell stories about their town, but somehow are dragged into a world of magic and gods.Darius a young man cursed in the past with immortality and imprisoned by the gods will do anything to avenge the life he lost. He seeks for freedom from his curse placed by the gods. Two twin sisters Aria and Zoe are unaware of their connection to two goddesses who live within them. Somehow they must battle to control the…

Survival for the Throne to be the Queen

Survival for the Throne to be the Queen

by Lo_ngl

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A world with magic that originated from the grounds of the earth, Living creatures that seemed only to come out in fairytails, the world that let humans gain the strength to use magic themselves.The strongest of the humans in each regional continent would take the crown as king. Many knights and mages sought to be the one to take the throne, but in this time, the difference between men and women's privileges were still greatly apart. One young girl, growing up in the forest by fairies and other …

The Meaning of Aiyuki: Eika's Story

The Meaning of Aiyuki: Eika's Story

by Odd_Lily

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Aiyuki Eika. Aiyuki. "Love Snow". A fabricated last name with a real, burdened meaning. Shouldering this meaning is no mere feat for the illegitimate child of Satan himself.Then again, Satan never played by the rules, so why should she?Consequences be damned, she'll make her mark. Whether or not that is what she truly wants will be determined.

The Escapee

The Escapee

by Maddie_Smith_8456

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When singer superstar Hart Sloan eyes a sign at his concert that reads "I wrote you a song" he's instantly intrigued by the timid girl that hides behind it. Little does that girl know her life's about to change when she's soon offered an opportunity of a lifetime. Jordyn Marshalls, a twenty year old from a small town is longing for a way out from her mediocre life back home. Hart could be the escape she's been searching for all along, but will her close-minded family ever forgive her if she choo…

Fallen Royals | Book 1

Fallen Royals | Book 1

by shewriteparanormal

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She had a life before it just went blank. As if a flip had been switched and she was thrusted into a new life, a normal life. Phoenix Ruiz, a CEO during the day and promiscuous during the nights was oblivious to the fact that her old life is catching up to her. With two men after her and no memories of before how will she know what is truth and what is a lie? Will she survive what's to come or will it all consume her whole?Will she rise and take back her throne or will she fall along with her ki…

Her [ A paranormal/werewolf romance]

Her [ A paranormal/werewolf romance]

by Taradizo17

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When the world is against her as she's all she has, She made a promise to live and not just survive..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She went rogue at nine, survived alone despite having a lot of dangers alone. Wanted for her power, she was abducted and lost her memory due to some slip up in the lab. She learnt not to trust anyone except herself, her wolves and perhaps the moon goddess. No one knew her name because no one cared or maybe she didn't care enough to reveal.No one knows her identity..Or …



by kaywrites

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She woke up from a coma that she had fallen when she was 22. She was now a 24 year old woman who seemed to have forgotten her own reality.Everyone around her thought of her as a pitiful being who had gotten her mind messed up.She felt out of place as if she didn't belong here. She clearly remembered her life of 22 years, she remembered her birthdays that she celebrated with her parents and some close friends, she remembered having a boyfriend who treated her as if she never existed, she remember…

Wrapped in Silk

Wrapped in Silk


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Demons and Lovers

Demons and Lovers

by BlueMarieHeart

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"If you could do it again, love him only to lose him all over again. Would you?" He asked. "Yes. If it meant seeing him, just one more time"



by Inspiration_Phebes

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"No, we shall call her Nature. The balance between life and death, the beauty of the Earth, and a rare treasure of the Universe."Being the queen's scribe was always a fitting job for Nature, and many Equalians respected her. Soon though her life would turn on its heel. Everyone knew she was different and wondered why, but how great is the difference? Nature's tried to ignore her past for years. Lately, it decided to catch up to her. How will she prove she's not a murderer in disguise?Future quee…



by Rheyrhen

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Moonlight Queen

Moonlight Queen

by Ash_Chronister

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Emilia and the Lost Children of Hell

Emilia and the Lost Children of Hell

by Below_the_current

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She vowed to be better mother than her own, but when a stalker takes things too far and her son is taken, Emilia nearly gave up on the dream of motherhood. However, two years later she meets a group of peculiar children: the oldest is constantly angry and avoids sunlight like the plague; the second one howls at night and behaves as if raised by animals; the third never speaks but smiles the most among them; the fourth giggles uncontrollably and is far too concerned with her looks; and the younge…

The Queen’s Shadow

The Queen’s Shadow

by DaoistXgPHco

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Checkmate, Doctor

Checkmate, Doctor

by NoA_Shade

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Anna is a shy but smart girl who is a complete failure in her career and now working in a coffee shop as a part-timer. One day, she met a handsome doctor, whom she firstly hated so much but after so many encounters with each other, they fell in love. Because of some twist, their happiness didn't last long and they broke up. After a year later, they met, and mistakenly had one nightstand. Now, Will, they be able to reunite again??? Is it a happy ending or sad ending?

the queen of the sun

the queen of the sun

by Yolanda_Pereira

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A different story The universe, a place of hidden mysteries, some of which humans do not even imagine this story, is about one of the largest, centered on a place that we call the solar system, made up of planets in which supposedly only in ours there is life But what if it was only that supposedly. Join me to discover the story of how love, duty and promises can be the most important threads of the tapis that is destiny in an extraordinary world

Where Love Knows No Bounds

Where Love Knows No Bounds

by BaybeAzel

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Annabelle a 19 yr old Senior in high school and Xavier a new young teacher. Will the attraction between them last or will something come between them and split them apart.

Blood of Roses

Blood of Roses

by lilithdarkness

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Rose Evergelista,a 19 year old teen has make a dangerous realationship with Felix Deanwood,or Prince Felix! a super cold vampire that suddenly attracted to Rose! After a one night stand,Rose ran away to Seoul,South Korea pregnanting Felix baby without knowing that Felix a vampire?How do Rose survive with her half blood vampire baby?What Felix will do?Will Rose and Felix meet again?Its all will answered by reading 'Blood in Roses'!