Lonely moon

Lonely moon

by K3ii

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The story is about a 23-year-old young lady, Eliana Cole.After a tragic car accident, the young girl was declared dead. But she wakes up, for everyone's amazement but loses completely her memory. Eliana is completely detached from her past and makes new friends and a New life. Every time she feels disappointed or feels alone, she chooses to leave the city and go to another one to restart for a new life.Love doesn't take long to appear. She falls in love with a young man, who will completely dis…



by favouregedegbe84

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When Mel's parents are found dead in her basement, she finds out things are not as they seem.Her parents might have been involved in something that cannot be contained.When Mel's tries to find answers from dreaded sources, she puts herself in danger.Her friends, worried about her, try their best to get her out of danger, but danger might be closer than they ever imagined.Sometimes, it's better to leave the unknown, unknown.

Destiny The Hunters Tale

Destiny The Hunters Tale

by UpTJay_OG

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I've lived before. I remember the feelings. What I dont remember is the memories. They have been taken or wiped. I dont know why I am here or what I am to do. All I have been told is to follow the light. Let's hope that light can shine through darkness after all but maybe this system is a form of darkness... or is it the true light..?

Rayden: The Vampire Queen

Rayden: The Vampire Queen

by aescathetic

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Xier Rayden, the last standing vampire with the noblest pureblood of the Royal Family. She swore an oath to protect the 6 regions, all in all, the realm of mortals and immortals where both are in the protection of the Queen of Vampires. Until the army of X-Species has come and wreaked havoc in the lands of the Royal Kingdom with an unknown motive. However, one thing is for sure, they will wipe out the entire kingdom. With the loyalty of the vampires and humans to the Queen, would they continue t…

Dark vs. Light

Dark vs. Light

by Kayla_Smith_9261

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A woman with a dark past still following her. Two brothers that want her powers for their own gain. One choice can change everything. Will she choose the good verses the bad?

Tales of Nadsa

Tales of Nadsa

by AnneliWoodling2331

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This is the story of a family and of friends bound to the stars and to a destiny. A destiny that was decided upon many eons ago.The mages have said that when Nadsa will be at its weakest, the Sun will shine upon them, guarded by the Four Guardians of Ancient Times and guided by the Seer. A new era of peace and prosperity will shine upon the nadsanian civilisation.

Age of witches and wizards

Age of witches and wizards

by smart_baby

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Erica is a witch she is forced by her father to join witches and wizards academy? but she is afraid of her past. will she be able to let go of her past? will she be able to use her powers? will the shadow of her past will stop chasing her? or will someone change her bitter life into sweetness?

Tales of Northmere: Black-haired Stallion

Tales of Northmere: Black-haired Stallion

by Goddessof_being_me

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Princess Delila has has always been travelling with her father, King Leonardo but never allowed to go out into the world by herself. One day while she meets a sexy, flowing black haired Spanish man who sweeps her off her feet. His name is AlejandroShe fell in love with the adventure and excitement he brings while he has never seen a woman such as her. With her eagerness to see the world and readiness for a good bar fight, he can't help but fall in love.Join them in their adventure through the wo…

Poisoned Night

Poisoned Night

by RebekahVires

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The Young miss was raised to believe that she was important.The young miss was raised to be involved with the community.The young miss was lied to from the start.She was a beauty even from birth. She was supposed to be this amazing girl."You are not even my problem. You are HIS now."This is how she comes to her Poisoned Night and what she dreams never came to be.



by KristaErykah

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The Adventurers Of Toriand

The Adventurers Of Toriand

by Fure_Giri

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In an open vast world, the land named "Toriand" contains much magical events and traditions that never dies ever since the beginning of it's creation. Somewhere in toriand, in a small city named "bihame" lived a girl named Rozu, she's quite an explorer not to mention an adventurer at heart, and she plans to venture off and witness the beauties of Toriand with her own eyes one day, but along the way, not too long in her journey, she'll meet someone who'll be accompanying her for a lifetime.

Tara Kelly

Tara Kelly

by tara_kelly

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Elizabeth Swan is a seventeen-year-old girl who lives with her mom in Galway, Ireland. She has learned to befriend demons since the night she met a vampire whom she liked before he tried to kill her. One day the council tells her there's a chipped vamp in Sunnydale, California and they're hoping she can rehabilitate him. I guess Spike has a new friend. BTVS characters belong to Josh WhedonOriginal characters belong to me :)

The heart of yesterday

The heart of yesterday

by HazyLazyBoo

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Cheryl Lugano thinks she is a girl with enough issues to fill a world map but she is content with what life offered her. Keeping her self composed was always on top of her priorities until she meets the rose tattooed boy named Elliot her feelings are never on bay anymore.

Antique Treasures Forbidden Love

Antique Treasures Forbidden Love

by Betty_Tatum

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An old house passes down for centuries through a family is lost when the last family member passes away. The secrets hidden in the house will bring many together. join me to learn what happens.

On Death's Doorstep

On Death's Doorstep

by Numberonewolfy

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A demon?!?! Thats bizarre I can barely stand! There is no way I'm a demon! These turn of events have me confused! My name is Eclipse and my big sister enrolled me into a school filled with creatures!maybe there is a big secret about her to!? This contains long chapters so I hope you love to read! I hope you don't mind helping me find out the truth about me....And we shall find out together how I ended up On Death's Doorstep.

The 13th Loop (Halted)

The 13th Loop (Halted)

by Arsin_Vulpine

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[Mature content]This is due to violence and gore that it to occur, swearing, sexual references, major forms/depictions of abuse, mental health issues, self-harm, and even talks of suicide and the like. I do not suggest readers under the age of 17 due to some of the things that will happen in the story. You have been warned so read at your own discretion_______________________________________________________________Nadia Luna, a 24-year-old woman suddenly becomes a 15-year-old girl called Evang…

Flame Kingdom Series

Flame Kingdom Series

by Zen_Hanashiro

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The Flame Kingdom is considered the most complex kingdom in the unknown world of magic and mystery; Melaynia. These books will capture your soul of stories regarding family, friendship, romance, battle and adventure. Join the Flame Sister's as they battle their world bit by bit alongside their friends and foes.




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"Anger, guilt, sadness, do you still despise me?" said the sprite to the tired old man, he turns his gaze towards her and says "I've never despised you, I just despise the world." As he clenches his fist and the world is thrown into turmoil. No structures, no man nor woman was left, the world had died and so does his anger. Come and read a story intertwining the fate of two people, their destination unsure and the journey perilous. Nevertheless fate pushes on these destined lovers as many tries …

Lucerna's Gift

Lucerna's Gift

by geuuk

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All it took was a car crash for them to be trasnported into different world, each having their own tasks whilst completely weirded out by their system-based competition they unintentionally joined. Death is tied to their necks, and the fight for a second chance to live starts now. I mean, all they have to do is survive a ton of death flags, what's the worse that could happen?