
"Friends..." Rory said with a frown at the word. She wanted more then just some measly friendship.

"Anyway, this is my good friend, Amethyst," Keifer said introducing Amethyst.

"Wow, such a brave girl this Amethyst is. Did you not tell her where you were taking her before came here?" Rory asked with a grin.

"I'm not as stupid as you think I am. Of course, I know where I am at. This is an establishment for vampires to gather. My buddie* Keifer would never bring me to a place that would cause me harm," responded Amethyst as she held Keifer's hand between them.

Rory looked at the girl with a smirk. "You honestly believe that. You humans are so easily fooled when it comes to a good looking guy. You're sure you not being used as bait for Keifer," Rory explained in a mocking tone.

"Rory that's enough. Your face is turning green with envy. Just admit your jealous of her relationship with Keifer," the boy beside her said interrupting the conversation flow.

Rory shot a glared at the boy next to her while Keifer look at Amethyst combing her hair with his finger. "I brought Amethyst here because I needed a break from the sun. Even though we were inside I was feeling a bit exhausted. I hope you're not mad at me for bring you down here," Keifer explained with a smile.

"No, I'm not mad. Your health is important to me. I just don't understand how you can be friends with such a rude person. It would be ashamed if someone found out about Ms. Rory identity. She might even be subjugated to being hunted by that hidden organization of vampire hunters. Your friend surely wouldn't want that," Amethyst respond looking at Keifer as she clings to his arm.

"Your courting death human," Rory snorted.

"Oh, so vulgar. You keep calling me "human" to make it seemed like I'm a lesser being but aren't you a human too. You remind me of one of those ankle bitters always yipping at other's heels." Keifer face turned red trying to hold in his laughter at Amethyst's comparison of Rory. The boy sitting by Rory did not pick up on the joke, but he understood it was a proper insult against his hot headed sister.

"Ankle bitter? Why would I bite someone's ankle? The blood taste the freshest around the upper body. I may be born a human, but I am proud to be a vampire. You humans aren't the brightest creatures," said Rory proudly.

Amethyst giggled a little. "For such a smart person you don't even know what an ankle bitter is," she mumbled.

"Somebody wants to be dinner," suggested Rory with a hint of anger in her eyes.

"Rory calm down. You can't kill Amethyst. She's a pact holder," said Keifer.

"Hmph! I'll be doing them a favor by taking out this arrogant little human," uttered Rory.

"Hmmm….do you think Eris would be pleased with losing his food source? He's a really greedy person and doesn't like sharing," Amethyst asked looking up at Keifer.

"He might throw a tantrum. You know how he gets when it comes to feeding. He would defiantly not like that someone stole his kill," explain Keifer.

"Eris? You couldn't be talking about Eris Reid? No way Eris Reid would make a pact with someone like you." Rory claimed honestly.

"Reid? Is that his last name? I only know him by Eris. Eris and his friend Joel are the two vampires I made a pact with. Living with them is a pain though. Eris is always hungry while Joel tends to ignore my pled for help," Amethyst answered truthfully looking at Rory.

"Wow. You're something else. You want me to believe that not only the hottie Eris is contracted with you but also the indifferent Joel. Sweetie there's no use lying. I promised to make your death swift and painless," Rory replied showing her fangs when she smiled.

Keifer sighed observing the flow of the conversation. He couldn't believe how childish she was acting just because Amethyst was a human. 'Jealousy is a real scary thing,' he thought. "Rory calmed down. You not going to be killing anyone. Yes, Amethyst is contracted to Eris and Joel. I've seen them feed on her personally. Eris is a neck bitter. He prefers feeding from her neck," he said as he pulled back Amethyst's hair from her neck line showing an old bite mark. "While Joel likes biting at her wrist. That's why she normally wears arm warmers are long sleeves. Now that we cover all the bases, we should join in the festivities," he explained trying to steer the conversation in a different direction.

Rory glared at Amethyst with a condescending smirk. "For a person of your caliber, I would think drinking your blood is like drinking poison. It seems I am wrong. I am sorry for being so rude to you. It seems I misjudged you. Lucky you such a thoughtful "person" that you are willing to cure two people with your life. May you live a short and tortured life," Rory said in a sweet tone with a blissful smile.

Covering the marks back with her hair, Amethyst wanted to be angry with this vengeful person. She just met this girl and she keep talking about how much she wished for her death. It's true that she was possibly shorting her life span by helping Eris and Joel, but she never regretted helping them. The conversation continued to go from bad to worse. It seemed that this person's goal was to outright humiliate her in front of everyone. She came there to have fun with her buddie Keifer but ended up in a deadlock with a she-demon. Her gripped on Keifer arm loosen as she lowered her head.

Rory felt victorious seeing the dispirited Amethyst. Keifer wrapped his arm around Amethyst's shoulder trying to console her. Seeing the grim situation, a charming voice broke the tension among the group. "Amethyst, don't take what this one says to heart. She says the same thing to every girl she dislikes. You are a rose and she is the thorns. A rose is lovely and beautiful, while they're thorns are sharp and distasteful to be eventually discarded. The thorns will always be jealous of the kept rose," declared the boy in a sarcastically yet comforting tone.

"Me! Jealous of that thing. Lucky how can you compare your own sister to a discarded thorn," responded Rory baffled at her brother sudden claim.

"Sis, I only speak the truth," Lucky announced in an indifferent tone looking at the people on the ground floor enjoying themselves.

Amethyst still feeling depressed did not want to be around this person anymore. Even her own brother seemed annoyed with her overbearing attitude. She gently pulled on Keifer jacket arm to get his attention. "Keifer this is not fun like you promise. Can we go somewhere else?"

"Alright. We're gonna headed out. See ya later Rory…Lucky," said Keifer standing up with Amethyst to leave from the table.

Lucky sighed seeing them leave, while Rory was annoyed at how easy Amethyst had Keifer wrapped around her finger. Clearly this girl was like easy candy for vampires. Feeling agitated she got up walking towards the opposite direction. Lucky followed suit making sure that the pandora box, whom was his sister remained somewhat contained.

After leaving the underground raid Keifer lead Amethyst to a movie theater inside the mall. It was the second best place as a hideout for many vampires to crash at during the day. Two hours later the sun had already gone down. Keifer politely offered to take Amethyst to get something to eat before walking her home. Emotionally exhausted from today's event Amethyst parted ways with Keifer once they reached her apartment complex. Wanting to take a late nap she felled across her living room couch as soon as she entered.

Hearing the open and shut of the apartment's door Joel pushed open the sliding door seeing his benefactor laying across the sofa. "Tired?" he spoke softly.

Amethyst nodded as her face was buried inside a couch cushion. "Joel, it's a nice night tonight. You and knucklehead should go out and have some fun? I really need some sleep. Please can I have some peace and quiet?" she asked in a muffle.

"Fine, we'll go out and leave you alone to rest," replied Eris walking up from the balcony. The words were stated in agreement but were spoken in an arrogant tone.

Hearing the arrogant Eris being obedient stunned her awake. "Really? Thanks so much," Amethyst said looking up at them. Then a question popped inside her head. "Eris, I have a question for you. Do you know a girl named Rory?" she politely asked looking over at Eris.

"Ugh…." Eris responded with a displeased look. "How do you know that name?" he said with a sudden changed in tone.

"I met a girl named Rory earlier today. She was quite rude to me for being a human, which is a very common response, however she then started talking to me with disgust when I mention your name," replied Amethyst.

"If you must know that woman was selected by my mother to be my fiancé. Her personality annoyed me, so I had our union called off. She's such a beauty, but its ruined by her distasteful personality," sneered Eris looking down at Amethyst.

"I guess she was venting her anger on you maybe because she's still in love with Eris." Joel added.

"Maybe…. then again, she was also trying to flirt with Keifer. Well anyway I was just curious," Amethyst said with a yawn.

"Oh, really. Little Amethyst curious about my relationship with another woman…Is that jealousy I sense. Are you interested in me, Amethyst?" wondered Eris with a smirk.

"Hmph! I'm jealous…over you. You gotta be kidding me. If I'm romantically interested in anyone it would be my Mr. Sweetheart for my favorite anime, not a 3-dimensional person," responded Amethyst truthfully.

Eris laughed. "Okay, NERD."

"Let's go Eris, so Amethyst can sleep," Joel said pulling Eris out through the sliding doors. They jumped down from the balcony disappearing into the night.

'I'm happy to be a nerd...Vampires really don't know how to use an actually door, do they?' Amethyst thought as she drifted off to sleep.