An Untouchable Phantom

Due to the vast amount of time, it would take to kill these three huge Gnolls. Silver knew there was only one way that he could outlast them. Not being hit.

Even if he only was hit by one of every ten blows he would still be unable to last long enough kill a single Gnoll.

Silver made the decision to focus on dodging. He struck the Elite Gnoll instantly causing him to enter combat with the three huge Gnolls.

His eyes instantly focused; preparing for any attack, Silver started to sway in seemingly random motion. Using his 220 base move speed his small movements seemed to create short after images. He was preparing to avoid any possible combination of the Gnoll's assault.

Silver dodged the first thirty Strikes from the three Gnolls, running circles around them, only allowing two to attack him at any time, but then he took a heavy hit by the bosses Battle Axe. Due to his complete focus on dodging, he dealt very limited damage only striking one of the Elite Gnolls a total of three times.

At this rate, Silver would definitely die before the Gnolls even at one hit every thirty blows, but a slight smile still appeared. Silver made a realization.

It's possible! He could do it!

Silver continued to practice dodging the Gnolls strikes rarely striking back. He slowly improved his already great movements against the Gnolls. Each time he was hit, he would improve. First, it took 30 strikes for him to take a hit, then 31, 35, 45, 70, and finally it seemed that is was impossible to hit him anymore.

All of the Elite Gnoll's Skills were to slow causing them to be useless against Silver. As for the boss he did not use a single skill yet, its skill usage seemed to be based on its remaining health.

After Silver dodged over a hundred blows in a row. The Boss seemed to become agitated it used one of its' skills

"RAAAAAAWR!" The Gnoll screamed.

Silver cursed in his mind, a large long lasting area of effect stun in a 1 versus 3 was a bit unfair, but without a choice, he still accepted the blows of the Gnolls. In three seconds his Health fell to critical levels, Silver knew that any single blow from now on would be fatal.

Silver started weaving more strikes into his near-perfect movement. Two minutes later without receiving a single blow, the first Elite Gnoll fell.

The boss eyes then grew somewhat red, Silver noticing these minute changes prepared to react appropriately.

The boss then activated his next skill

The attack speed of the Gnolls Battle Axe increased by a large amount. With this skill, the attacking potency of the two remaining Gnolls did not decrease at all instead it increased slightly. However, Silver who was now well practiced at dodging the bosses assault was able to continue to move around the Gnolls without taking a single blow.

The Second Elite Gnoll fell. The Boss seemingly activating a skill made similar movements to his first Roar. Silver activated to instantly move five feet away creating as much distance as he could to avoid the Roar.

Due to the distance, the stun duration was short, by the time the boss closed the distance the stun duration had ended. Not allowing a single strike to land.

Silver slowly riddled down the Health of the Gnoll. After five minutes the boss was to preparing to use again. In an instant Silver activated , , a and in a last ditch effort to stop the Roar, while running away. Unfortunately seemed to only slightly affect the cast time of which came shortly after the skill landed.

The boss closed the small distance and used a powerful strike at Silver. Silver survived with only a single Health Point remaining.

The stun ended, and Silver instantly entered back into his rhythm not allowing himself to be hit anymore. He brought the boss to zero with seconds left before his next would come off cooldown.

If anyone watched the battle they would not accept that such a battle was humanly possible. Silver seemed to be unaffected by the attacks of the Gnolls. The strikes seemed to pass right through him. Silver truly seemed like a Phantom who could not be hit.

Silver picked up the items that dropped from the Gnolls. He received a rare material which he stored away. He also picked up a rare item and two uncommon items that were either not usable or not good enough to replace his current equip.

has been acquired>

: Receive some Information on events that will occur in the user's vicinity up to one second into the future.

A good skill, although Silver was already capable of predicting movements if Premonition offered the information earlier he would gain an even greater advantage.

Silver then walked back to the entrance of the cave to leave. Once he walked through the cave he was spotted by a group of five players.

"You come here." A commanding voice spoke towards Silver. Although Silver could easily flee he felt no need, he hoped these people would pick a fight with him so he could test his new skill.

Silver in a casual tone responded, "What's up?" He casually scanned the five people in front of him.

They all had Dragon in their name. For a guild to have five players in a tier 1 city they had to at least be a medium sized one. The class composition was Mage, Knight, Tamer, Mystic, and Priest. A party that relied on the Knight to control any situation.

The Knight named Sir Dragon spoke sarcastically to Silver, "We were about to enter that cave to open the valuable treasure chest inside. Now it seems you have stolen it from us."

Silver obviously understanding the Knight was attempting to rob him decided to play along. "But....but I didn't see a single chest inside." Silver faked panic.

"No need to lie it was our chest to begin with, just hand over your dagger, and boots; they look similar to items you would find in the chest."

"Brother really there wasn't a Chest, but there was something else that was rather valuable."

"oh and what was that." the knight's eyes shined slightly.

"Well, I entered the tomb and found a few gnolls, after killing a few a boss appeared! I was so scared, but a giant dragon then crashed into the cave crushing the Gnoll underneath it! the dragon died and dropped over ten legendary items!" Silver spoke the tale passionately.

"Stop speaking tales, it seems that all you desire is death." The moment the Knight was about to charge, Silver instantly appeared in front of the Knight using . He looked straight at him giving him a small smile before activating Vanishing from vision. The Priest attempted to reveal him using a skill Which revealed all invisible units within a twenty feet radius.

No normal player would be capable of predicting that a level 10 priest would have a rare skill, but Silver was different. As a true assassin, he was quite cautious, and in this battle, he desired to completely outclass these five players, he would not accept a single error.

He retreated immediately after activating . Then he waited a whole twenty-five seconds. The party of five was confused, but then the Knight spoke. "Damn it that weasel fled!"

With the final three seconds of duration Silver approached the Knight he appeared when only three feet in front of him.

"Did he now?" Silver spoke with a smile, not even holding his dagger's.

The Knight slightly jumps "Trash should have fled while it had the chance!" He then swung his blade activating an unknown Knight slashing skill.

Silver avoided the blow by a few milometers his unarmed hands crossed behind his back. Then he brought his fists out and punched the Knight with his fist landing on his nose.

"I've been meaning to try the monk class, I have a rather skilled friend who plays it."

The knight who was nearly spitting blood he attempted to slash at Silver, but each slash missed by the slightest margin. Each miss he would be hit by two more of Silver's fists at the same location every time.

Even though the damage was near zero it had high mental damage. No matter how the knight tried he could not block the strikes with his shield. "What are you guys waiting for help me kill this scum!" The other four party members joined the fight, but Silver truly could not be hit. Even the mage spells seemed to be predicted, not allowing her to land a single spell on Silver who constantly broke line of sight behind the Knight.

With no one to heal the priest and Mystic were near useless in the fight, only being able to slightly buff the Knights attack speed. As for the Tamer except for sending a Level 10 Elite Wolf to attack Silver he could not do anything else.

After five whole minutes of Silver landing hundreds of fists to the Knight's face, he created a small amount of distance and yawned. "I had a new skill that I wanted to try out, but it requires me to get hit. Can you please stop showing off your skills and actually use them to hit me?"

Silver was actually quite happy with , especially for the mage skills. Every time a skill was about to cast on him he would receive a slight warning allowing him to break line of site canceling the spell. "Well, I guess I should return the favor and show off some of my skills." He activated

The Knight called out "Priest!" she then cast again, but it once again missed. Two-second latter the tamer died with a throat wound. None of the four party members understood what had happened.

Next up the Mystic was instantly killed off, once again without a sign of the assailant.

"Everyone gather by me!" Not knowing what to do the remaining three players created a triangle formation. Unfortunately, that did not stop the mage from instantly dying again without a sign. Then finally the priest was instantly killed as well.

Silver then appeared in front of the Knight without a word.

"How?" the Knight who was boiling in rage, and embarrassment trembling.

"I'm sure you will find out soon." Silver then activated , which he followed up with , into . Both Skills landed at nearly the same time making the Knight Who had around 500 Health instantly die.

He had killed the party of five, he then smiled before opening up the forums. He created a post

"Untouchable Phantom, Silver!"