Dangerous Tomb

All actions a player takes in the game are recorded for the players use. He uploaded the fight he just had with the five members of Dragon. After creating the post he exited the forum. Suddenly a System announcement occurred.

<10,000 Players have arrived at Feral City, Level Ranking Board has been unlocked>

"Of Course." Silver truly had enough with living completely in the dark. In-game where the greatest consequence was in-game death, he wanted to become well known.

1. Impenetrable Wall: Level 11, 32%

2. Silver, Level 11, 30%

3. Golden Bolt Level 10, 98%


Silver was rather surprised that he was so high on the leveling board, even though he was first to arrive he had taken quite a long break. The missions that he was completing also did not allow the grinding of mobs. The only reason Silver was able to stay near the top was because of the amount of experience gained from solo killing bosses.

Just as Silver was about to walk back into town to complete the quest a figure of the quest giving elder suddenly appeared in front of him.

"It seems you have completed the quest. I am always surprised by your speed. Here is your reward."

- Gained 40000 Experience

- Gained 50 Gold Coins

- Reputation with quest giver has reached a Milestone! Neutral -> Friendly

Silver's experience jumped to 37% instantly placing him first in the Level Ranking Board!

The elder continued "I have a new task for you. Recently the guild has lost quite a few of our elite assassins. This has caused the need for us to quickly strengthen the young assassins with great potential. Our guild works quite differently than others though, we are uninterested in those who can't survive struggles. A deadly competition has been organized for two weeks time. Although I am able to bring two young assassins, you are currently too weak to be one of them. Gain Strength, complete this task, and prove your worth, time is short."

After handing a scroll over towards Silver, the Elder then instantly vanished. Silver did not speak a word. The elder reminded him of another assassin that he knew well.

...Silver began to slightly sweat. This was an insane quest. This was the mage who he had just escaped from after looting the Baron's mansion. Silver had two weeks to kill the Viscount if he wanted to take part in the competition.

What is even worse is that the Viscount will become stronger during the two week period. the average level of users when Silver first met Mathew was only around eight. Although the Viscount will not level at the same speed as users, he would certainly grow stronger quickly.

Silver thought for a moment and decided to go towards Earl Edward's Estate. He quickly arrived and was lead to the same parlor as before.

The Earl quickly arrived, "Silver I have heard of quite a few deeds, some rumors, some truths. Let me be straight with you. Did you kill Baron Pactker?"

It seems that Silver had much to learn about assassination in this world. It seems that quite a few knew of his secret deeds.

Silver who had trusted the Earl quite a bit decided just to hand him .

Edward viewed the book, opened it for a moment then spoke "...What kind of idiot was this Baron...What gave him the confidence to keep a damned diary of his misdeeds...Well, whatever you do not have to worry. The only reason I suspected you were due to you asking me questions of Baron Albert Cust. No one else should know, although some magical surveillance was recovered you were not easily recognizable with your face hidden." Edward reassured Silver's skills.

Edward spoke confidently "Well that's that! I will handle anything else that arises from this case. What have you come to me for?"

Silver seemed to have placed his trust correctly. "I need information on Viscount Mathew." Silver spoke straightforwardly.

Edward's eyes twitched instantly realizing Silver's goals, "I see...The Viscount is directly above Baron Packter, Although he rarely commits nefarious actions himself, the nobles under him often complete them under his orders. Almost all of the power he gained is directly related to terrible actions committed by him and those around him. Although my rank is above him, I am unable to suppress him without strong evidence."

"As for information that is a bit more...important to you, He is a Tier 1 Mage, and is rather skilled. Although not confirmed he likely has a protective artifact that protects him from death a few times. He lives only a few blocks away from Baron Pactker's manor. I can have a map of his estate prepared for you, as well as some scrolls to bypass the magical defenses. They will be prepared within the week until then allow me to give some advice." Edward's voice became even more serious.

"Do not underestimate a mage who has already progressed their class. I hope you can gain some strength first."

Silver spoke, "Of course gaining strength would be preferred, but I do not have much time."

"I understand, I may have an opportunity that could increase your strength during the one week needed to gather a map and scrolls. Recently a scout of mine has discovered an unopened tomb of the Imperial Empire!"

About 1,000 years ago, before the world was split into four separated continents the imperial Empire ruled the single continent on its own. It was said that their power surpassed anything that could be imagined today. The emperor of the continent was of an unknown race but was far stronger than anyone alive today, but then an unknown disaster struck. The major powers of the Empire vanished, and the continents broke apart.

"I've had already sent some trusted guards, but they were forced to retreat by a Guardian Golems. I believe that in order to loot the tomb sneaking may be the only way. I am the only person in my estate who could defeat this Golem, but if I were to move, many eyes would be watching. I would not be able to keep this tomb a secret. If you do not mind grave-robbing would you assist me in this thievery."

Silver thought for a moment then spoke: "I will accept the task."

"Great then I will leave the tomb to you. I wish you luck. We will prepare a horse for your use." Edward then handed Silver a map. A waypoint quite a distance away from Feral City appeared on Silver's map. The location of the waypoint was located at the Brandish Mountain Range. Silver received some information about the tomb and then was quickly on his way.

Even in the outskirts, the roads of Feral City were cleared of most monsters. After traveling for about three hours on horseback Silver dismounted from the horse.

He tied the horse, then walked through the forest for another fifteen or so minutes. He approached one of the larger mountains, and after a short while of searching, he found embedded in the mountain a small iron door.

The door was off its hinges from when Edward's men broke in. Silver entered the door with light steps, peering around every corner. The tomb was dimly lit by magical lights through various long hallways. Silver slowly moved through the winding labyrinths, before finally spotting a large room.

When he entered the room he spotted the giant Golem that caused Edwards men to retreat.

(Magical Golem)

Boss Level 39

HP: 19,000


Defense: 900

Attack Speed:?


The Golem was over 24 feet tall, and 10 feet wide. The Golem was made out of a metallic material

Silver was unable to even damage such a powerful monster. The hall was humongous easily fitting the large Golem. Behind the Golem he was defending a human-sized door. After creating a plan, Silver entered . He then slowly made his way towards the door that the Golem was defending.

When Silver was about to pass by the Golem, only a few feet away from the door that was being defended, the Golem made its first movement. Turning its head slightly in the direction of the invisible Silver.