Chapter 3

It was a few days later and things had been easier for Kira. The students at school either feared her, believing she killed Hannah and Paris, or they just ignored her, hoping to forget recent events.

Kira didn't mind, although she was starting to get a little lonely. Having no friends felt like that sometimes.

She had spent the last few days pickpocketing and robbing from stores and got a enough to buy an outfit for her future outings, with some to spare.

She was currently invisible, flying high above the Falcone mansion with only one of the duffle bags of guns. She was wearing a black mask that covered her entire face, besides her eyes. She had taken inspiration from scarlet witch from the MCU and worn a very similar outfit, only in black with leather gloves and holes for her wings.

Finding his mansion was easy since he was a famous millionaire, just like Bruce Wayne. All you had to do was google it and his home address was available for all to see. Kira was worried he wouldn't be in such a public home, but had seen him in a magazine entering his home followed by paparazzi and reporters trying to ask questions. So he must spend some amount of time there.

She flew through the roof of the building and spent the next half hour going through ridiculously large home, room by room until she found his.

Two massive doors were at the end of the hallway and three burly men with guns stood outside prepared for anything. Almost anything.

Flying up through ceiling above her she went forward until she was just above Falcones room and came straight through his roof.

Looking around she saw the famous mafia godfather at his desk writing things down on pieces of paper. She stood there in silence, uncertain on how to approach this. Deciding not overthink things she moved to the corner of the room and sat on large, comfortable chair.

Retracting her wings she dropped her invisibility, but kept her torso and head intangible. She needed the bottom half of her body to be physical to sit down.

The monster didn't seemed to notice, so Kira decided to make the first move, "Mr Falcone?" She spoke softly.

Carmine's eyes widened in shock, as he quickly grabbed his gun from under the desk and aimed it her. "Who the fuck are you?! And how did you get in here?!" Carmine was about to call for his guards but was cut off by Kira.

"Please don't call for help Mr Falcone, I'm not here as an assassin or here to hurt you. I'm just looking for business, you're not someone that I could just set an appointment with."

The words spewed out of her mouth a mile a minute as Carmine kept his gun steady and raised and eyebrow, he had already figured out this girl was some kind of meta. She had snuck into what he thought was an impenetrable fortress, not to mention the red eyes.

The gangster would be lying if he said he wasn't tempted to listen to what the girl had to say. Gotham was starting to have more freaks pop up at every single fucking day. First that poison ivy bitch and now the joker, Carmine was in the market for some freaks of his own.

Slowly putting his gun down, but keeping a tight grip on it, he spoke "Oh really? Tell me what kind of business does a kid like you have with the big bad Carmine Falcone?" He asked mockingly.

Kira wasn't surprised he knew she was a kid. Her body hadn't fully developed, she was short even by a girls standards and her voice still had that slightly childish tone to it.

Kira sighed in relief, "I'm sure your moles in the GCPD have already told you about the stolen guns, well that was me, I want to sell them, but haven't got any clients. Im here to sell them, to you or one of your friends. What do you say?" She asked with false confidence, trying to hide her nervousness.

Despite all her power, she was still as socially awkward as ever.

By now Falcone had put his gun down, his instincts and experience telling him that girl was telling the truth. It was just business. "I'll do you one better. I'll buy the guns, and you come work for me kid. You're a meta right?" He smirked invitingly.

Kira froze for a moment before nodding, this was good opportunity. Working for Falcone was the in to the world of crime she needed, "Yea I'm a meta. So what exactly would working for you entail? Because my identity is not something I'll be sharing." She replied cautiously.

Falcone nodded in acceptance, "That seems fair enough. For now. As far as working for me goes, it means I pay you and you do what I say. Heists, murders, tailing someone or just gathering information. If you get caught my people will anonymously provide you with the best lawyer we can If you can't break out. As long as you deliver results, this arrangement will continue or possibly improve." He responded gruffly

Falcone spent a few more minutes listing his terms, one being that she had to be on call. Whenever, wherever. Kira requested to be paid in cash since it was simple and almost everything in this crime obsessed city accepted cash, no questions asked.

Falcone opened his safe and handed her $20,000 for everything she got from the GCPD. Despite all his money, getting guns wasn't as simple as you'd think, especially with batman taking his guys out and turning their weapons in. Every little helped.

Kira accepted the cash and made a second trip back to the orphanage, before returning with the weapons.

On the way she had stolen an old fashioned phone that was harder to trace than a smart phone. This worlds tech was slightly less advanced then her old one, at least when concerning civilians and the general public, so she was hoping Falcon wouldn't even bother trying to trace the cell, or look for her.

She traded numbers with Falcone and he told her to be ready for a call at any time.

"Welcome to the Falcone Family" The Godfather smiled viciously. Kira knew he didn't trust her, not by a long shot and he probably would have shot her if he didn't need more metas on his side.

She needed to gain Falcones trust if her plan to become the Queen of Gotham was gonna work. Yea she could just write down all the names of her possible enemies in the death note and have them killed, but she wouldn't be in control.

What she needed were her own men, a perfect army like Falcone had.


The next morning Kira had visited the orphanage matron and told her she wanted to leave and live on her own. The woman was more than happy to comply and began to help Kira with the paper work. Kira had reached the legal age of 16 to be on her own, but she chose to stay as long as she could before the orphanage had to kick her out. It took a few days, but she managed to get social services to agree. This was Gotham and they didn't care now that she was all grown up.

During those few days she had also bought a laptop and a personal smart phone.

Kira already had an idea of where the safest place for her to live was.


At present she stood invisibly right underneath a large red paifang. It was the entrance to one of Gothams most elusive and untrusted districts. At least by the police and batman.


As with many American cities its size, Gotham boasts a sizable Chinatown, bustling with immigrants as well as crime. Law-abiding or otherwise, the denizens of Chinatown prefer to keep aloof from the rest of Gotham, and intelligence on the district tends to be scarce for any of non-Chinese descent.

Long distrusted by both the authorities, Batman included, and other criminal sects, Chinatown saw its crime skyrocket after plans for the Hong Kong handover were made public years ago.

When it comes to police there hold over this district was the weakest and practically non existent. No matter how much they hated each other the Chinese habitants of this place wouldn't say anything to the GCPD.

Making her way through the district she couldn't even see single person who didn't look Chinese, all the shop names were written in Chinese as well.

Soon enough she found a large building with apartments available and made her way in.


Getting an apartment was easy enough after she proved she could pay. The rent was cheap and the room could be much worse. It had one bedroom, a kitchen, bathroom and nice balcony. She was on the second to top floor, although her view was trash. All she could see was another building next to her. It was a very compact district with everything close together in Chinatown.

Sitting on her bed a tired Kira began some long overdue work. She opened her Laptop, connected to the buildings WiFi and typed in 'Justice League'.

The justice league was indeed a thing and had been founded over a year ago. Some of the bat family existed and so did the young justice team. From what she could tell this world was a mix of many different Dc universes.

Deciding to get some sleep she crawled into bed with one thought flashing through her mind, "Why couldn't I see Falcones lifespan?"