Leo Kurosawa is a half-Japanese student who attends Kuoh Academy and lives in Kuoh Town with his Younger Sister. But he's far from average. Known as one of the Princes of Kuoh Academy, Leo is both studious and athletic, excelling in most things he puts his mind to. A friend to everyone and a kind person through and through, his popularity is unmatched.
But there's more than meets the eye when concerning this more than average teenager - he has the blood of two heroes running through his veins and their spirits burning in his soul!
His heritage, put together with the fact he's in possession of something called a Sacred Gear, makes him a target of Fallen Angels along with another boy the same age as him.
Watch as the Supernatural World welcomes yet another Dragon Emperor.
(A/N - Heads up from me before you even read the book. The MC is gonna join a peerage, Rias' peerage. So if you don't like that, please don't read this. Because it'll no doubt just annoy ya. But I do plan to change things. Especially with how Rias dealt with the Raynare situation - just leaving Issei to die doesn't really fit in with Rias' character.)
Finally! I'm so done with Rias bashing. This concept has been overused to the point of being cliche. Seriously, it's like people are starting to believe that Rias manipulating Issei's death is a canon thing, when it's clearly not. This is the greatest negative of fanon. If something is mentioned a thousand times in fanon, then it becomes canon. I'm glad that this story is not filled with cliche landmines. Besides, Rias is one of my favourite canon girls. Just hope that the author doesn't abandon this story after 20 or 30 chapters, like every other fanfic on Webnovel.
Just for not bashing Rias and call peerage and evil pieced slavery i gave 5 stars I think i will like it . Also for harem my suggestion without NTR are : Sona , Tsubaki , Koneko , Rossweisse , Ravel , Kuroka , Serafall , Yasaka , Lavinia , Gabriel , Seekvaira , Gresilda(maybe)
I RECOMMEND THIS ONE JUST BASED ON THE FIRST TWO CHAPTERS. ...............Trolls beware go somewhere else...........Here is the AN for you! (A/N - Heads up from me before you even read the book. The MC is gonna join a peerage, Rias' peerage. So if you don't like that, please don't read this. Because it'll no doubt just annoy ya. But I do plan to change things. Especially with how Rias dealt with the Raynare situation - just leaving Issei to die doesn't really fit in with Rias' character.)
Well, it certainly is special. I am curious to see how it will evolve.......................................................................................i want to get rid of the 140 characters thing so here is my opinion about cheese, i think cheese is the manifestation of madness in a physical and edible form, why ? because why not ? also because Sheogortath is a fan of cheese, and so am I. Peace
Very nice, I'm sick of all these other stories bashing rias and ****, so stupid.
This is really promising also I like the fact you’ve stuck with rias and kept issei but the MC is smooth as **** so we know issei isn’t getting any action. Thank **** too because he was such a pussy. Based bro-con sister too
well this is just your average dxd fanfiction where MC just replace issei importance in the story and thats it... like usual like rias, take all the girl or plan to, join rias peerage all that you would find on your average dxd fanfiction on this website..
so good don't drop please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pls don't ever drop this.MoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMoreMore.
Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a great story. With an interesting concept. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??!!!! 
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This novel is great hope it isn't dropped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Update pls, really loving this book.
Reveal Spoiler