Divine Vision

General POV

Magorian, Bane and the other centaurs have made it back to their colony safely, the centaur colony is located deep in the forest, and getting close to it, you can feast your sight upon towering stone walls around their colony, covered in plain sight by even higher trees. Large towers with archers were placed in every 10 meters of the walls. Once entering beyond the high walls, you could see the whole colony that is more like a small city rather than a regular colony. Agrigultural farms could be seen in the edge of the walls, houses of varying sizes made of cobblestone and straw roofs.

In the center of the colony stood a high temple, you could mistake it for a smaller sized Chichen Itza mayan temple. A bright spherical light is floating above the temple resembling the sun, 9 small balls of different sizes and colours are stuck in a thread-like white light that bear a resemblance to 9 rings surrounding the center light. It's an entire miniature Solar System above the temple.

The centaurs are beings that has generally existed in the time mankind came to be, they pushed forward the development of astrology and divination, giving birth to numerous ideaology that are still being used today in the modern age. The Wizarding World especially Britain is known to be unreligious believing in their magic more than any belief of God. A few species seem to decline the statement. Vampires, Merpeople, and Centaurs all originated from the Ever Great Roman Empire, or just Greece. Vampires believe in their Dark God, Ἔρεβος (Erebus). The Merpeople believe in 3 different Gods, the Father of Typhoons, Τυφων (Typhon), Earth-Shaker and God of Seas, Ποσειδῶν (Poseidon).

And at last, the Centaurs believe in the Father of the Stars, Ἀστραῖος (Astraeus) and occasionally Star Maiden, Ἀστραίᾱ (Astraea). The temple in the middle of the colony is for the exact purpose of serving said god. Whilst the shape of the temple may not look Roman or Greek but resembling Mayan instead, it doesn't matter what form it took. The temple itself is only a giant device to store, give and receive divine energy from the Father of Stars up above.

Magorian was welcomed into the gates of the colony enthusiastically, Many centaurs, children, teen or adult, look up towards the Public Centaur Chieftain in admiration and women look towards him in longing and adoration. He poses and is symbolized as the center piece in the unity and strong standing of the Centaur Colony. He is the 'Publicly' known strongest and mightiest centaur. He walked towards the center temple climbing the steps upwards with Bane who is still experiencing said 'Bane'.

Reaching the top, Magorian and Bane knelt with their two front legs bent, and heads bowed in honor and respect of the Grand Elder. Standing high in the middle of the temple in front of the altar, a centaur with a high gold crown, running centaurs carved into the sides of the gold. A dazzling blue gem representing the starry sky is held in the middle of the crown. With an extraordinary beard that could give Dumbledore a run for his money.

Donning navy blue robes that stretch out from his shoulders covering every part of his body, both horse and human. Dancing gold flakes adorned his robes, his left hand holding an impressive tall staff with a white crystal hovering above the upper base of the staff, his right hand softly grasping onto a seemingly ordinary crystal ball that is covered with a blue napkin on top. This is Belutiate, the Grand Elder of the colony, Grandmaster of the High Temple, and lover of all things blue.

Magorian and Bane respectfully phrase, "Grand Elder Belutiate," they could feel the magical aura around the Grand Elder, more powerful and more concentrated that Dumbledore's. This is truly the 'epitome' of a magical. "What have you come and see me for," Belutiate peered from his long gray eyebrows, looking seemingly too fragile to move, but Magorian and Bane knows best that this is just his everyday façade of looking like a harmless old fool when he's clearly way wiser than he looks the part.

"Bane encounntered a human that seek an alliance to wipe out the acromantula, the human than said that if he could by himself wipe out a lair, we would give him a chance, and he did it, he wiped out a lair of acromantula," Magorian hurriedly said making no small talk and getting right into the crux of the issue. "What shall we do, Grand Elder," Magorian then continued to ask at the Grand Elder, seeing that he's not moving from his spot or even reacting to his earlier words.

The Grand Elder then suddenly turned around in a flash and held both his staff and the ordinary orb. The blue napkin flew off without any wind and the sky immediately turn dark as clouds gather above the temple. Without warning the staff's white crystal turned bright white and thunder shooting up from the staff towards the gloomy clouds. The clouds reacted and took in every lightning it could take and the dark clouds disappear. Magorian and Bane sweated heavily under the magical pressure and sighed thinking it was over when it isn't.

A loud roar deafened the sky, a crack is seen above the sky, starry sky of the universe peering through it, bright white ray of illumination was shot out from the crack. Belutiate brought his ball, now glowing and levitating above the ball, a small smoky whirlpool formed and absorbing all incoming light. And a blast was heard, a shockwave shoked through all directions when the transfer was complete, the crack was sealed back, and the sky was once more, blue and bright like nothing has ever happened.

The Grand Elder suddenly fell forward kneeling before the altar, "Grand Elder!" Magorian and Bane shouted and ran forward to hold the the Grand Elder up, the Grand Elder was panting out cold breath. "I'm fine," he finally said as he shook himself off the two centaur's grip. "I've received a divine vision by our God, the Father of the Stars,' He said shocking the two centaurs, it has been centuries, before a divine vision appeared once more.

"You two are to help the human, Crynn Avter in his acromantula extermination, he's a very important character in the future. Now get out of my sight," The elder said and heavily prompted the two appalled centaurs to rid of themselves in 'his' establishment.

Elsewhere, in the high towers of Hogwarts minutes before the two centaurs were chased out of the temple, the HEadmaster, Dumbledore, is drinking tea and chewing his assortment of candies cheerfully, always the sweet tooth. "Ah, another great day. It's time to start enchanting the mirror," Dumbledore relaxed in his sweet large office eating his sweet many candies, doesn't he fear for Diabetes at his old age of 110.

He was about to get up from his seat when he suddenly jumped up, truning into the direction of the Forbidden Forest, he felt the powerful surge of magic forming in the forest. As a Headmaster, he has the privilege of apparating in Hogwarts' grounds. He directly apparated to the astronomy tower, where he utterly and rudely interrupted Professor Sinistra's Astronomy lesson, "Albus! What are you doing interrupted my lesson!" She sternly said in which Dumbledore ignored and looked out from the giant windows, looking at a magnificent strike of thunder, striking towards the cloud, Professor Sinistra and all her student s were immediately distracted and looked at the scene with amazement.

Dumbledore muttered 5 words silently, "What are you doing Belutiate." He looked at the scene and just wondered, what is happening this year!?