Centaur Tales

Crynn POV

"Tch, leaving me all alone in the forest," I grumbled all alone in the spot where the centaurs hatefully left me, "Bloody arrogant," I grizzled in mock British (I'm not British). While talking to myself, making funny jokes to myself trying to relieve my boredom, I didn't realize that the centaurs were back. "Human," a not so arrogant voice sounded from behind me, I turned around and saw Magorian, Bane and a lot of centaurs. Let me carefully emphasize, an awful lot of centaurs.

"We have considered, and decided to help you on your conquest," Magorian blankly said. Now I know what that awful lot of centaurs is for, thank God it's not to kill me. "Great, you accepted, when are we attacking," I felt my mouth stretch upwards. Yup, everything is going well, my inner thought suggested. "Now, we will be directly attacking the main colony, the acromantulas won't know what hit them, you'll do as a distraction," He solemnly said. "Why don't we attack the smaller colonies one by one first," I suggested back.

"The Acromantula has a connection with their ruler, Aragog the Great, if we attack the branches, Aragog would come to know that something's wrong. If we directly attack and kill Aragog, the connection will be severed the entire network of acromantulas will be in chaos making each branch very vulnerable," Magorian explained.

"But I slaughtered an entire lair, shouldn't that already alert Aragog," I pondered. Magorian responded with tha answer I'm hoping to get, "You were attacked, you did not attack, you were attacked. That's the difference, if you attacked them yourself, than it would alert Aragog, but you were attacked which in turn passed off in Aragog's mind as, simple hunting." Now I get it, Aragog the Great isn't that great at noticing a lair getting massacred.

"We should be on the move human, the factor of surprise is with us, the Father of the Stars is watching us," I simply nodded, I don't know what Father of the Stars guy is watching us and why the centaur used factor instaed of element, so old-fashioned. I never fancied the centaurs as religious, but you do indeed learn something new everyday. "Come on up human," Magorian said, patting on his back, the other centaurs looked shocked and horrified at having their leader carry a human like some lowly stallion. "The Grand Elder commands we take haste," one sentence from their leader with the words 'Grand Elder' shut them all up. Bane is still experiencing his 'Bane' I see.

I hesitated to get on his back, but I evenntually did, the Grand ELder has quite a power to make Magorian do such a 'lowly' gesture unbefitting of the centaur leader. "Well then, lets move," I said loudly, and Magorian began galloping through trees marching forward leading the centaur army through the forest. "Do you know where the main colony," I asked with my mouth threatening to open, this is just like riding a rolercoaster on the back of a horse, having such individual speed is unfair, and I know the leader will always be faster than the rest but he's holding back to make sure the rest catches up.

"We centaurs have lived in this forest for generations, we have mapped and known of every layout inside the forest, we know the position of every lair and the main colony of the acromantula." He said with pride. "And you never thought of erasing the acromantulas when they were but a few creatures in this entire forest," I wondered why the centaurs who have such hate towards those spiders never tried to exterminate the acromantulas before they even developed. "The previous leader is blinded with arrogance and thought ourselves the rulers of this forest, 47 years ago, he foolishly let Aragog stay in the forest and develop out of control until now, where we will seize this opportunity to get rid of the scums once and for all."

I just hummed in response, what he said is true, arrogance and pride is among one of the most dangerous sins out of the 7 deadly sins. Pride can take someone far away, but it can in turn drag someone down further from where they are. I can totally understand how the previous centaur leader is blinded by his pride. Every human or creature must have been blinded by their pride somewhere in their lives.

"I've always wondered, why don't you centaurs accept the being position by the Ministry," I asked on a whim, curiosity often killed the cat, but mine don't. "Hmph, the Ministry are a group of arrogant wizards and witches they think they can classify anything down to the earth, we centaurs rejected because we don't want to be associated with those disgusting vampires, we centaurs loathe them down our souls," Magorian said with furrowed brows, hatred showing out when speeking of the vampires. "What wrongs do they commit for you to subject them as such," curiosity got to me again.

"Those horrible blood sucking bats serve their so called 'honourable' God, Personification of Darkness, Erebus. This causes those beings to gain immense power from the shade of darkness, in other words the night, but in turn of believing in the God they risk offending the God of Light, Apollo. Though not necessarily enemies, the two Gods are polar opposites, they cannot co-exist. Apollo then cursed the vampires making them weak towards the sun. But there are some vampires whom we are friendly to, the daywalkers are special vampires who thread in the shadows, believing both Gods as a mean of protection towards the world, where light exists, darkness lurks. This thought has the Daywalkers obtain recognition from both Gods, ridding them of the curse of sunlight." Magorian finished his storytelling.

That is one long fascinating explanation, it seems that the lore behind Harry Potter is complicated and massive, the Wizarding World I was sent to by God, seems to be a lot more sophisticated than I thought it would be. I nodded repeatedly as if accepting my own thoughts. I was about to ask why they hated the Personification of Darkness Erebus but then, "We are near!" Magorian shouted out, pushing me from my inner thoughts, the raid is to begin.