
Crynn POV

Magorian raised his hand, signaling a stop for the centaurs, I got off his back and prepared my readied my sword. "This is your time to work, take out the outer guards, silently if you may," Magorian commanded, and I accepted, getting the centaurs tow ork is hard enough, I'm not complaining even if I were to be commanded like a low-rate assassin. I'm not the Manslayer, I'm not skilled at all with the sword, me slaughtering acromantulas with a sword is just complete and utter sheer luck.

But hey, I ain't gonna complain for all my luck. "Meet us back here when you're done human," He is still calling me human instead of asking my name, does he have any respect, even if it's only a little, come on man, you just don't go around calling someone human instead of sking for his name, the centaurs don't have manners, or at least they're too arrogant to fully respect any human, except for Firenze.

"Here's the map of the area, the blue dots are where the outer acromantula guards are stationed at," Magorian remembered and said to me just before I walked away. This is gonna be a drag, there're tens of blue dots around the map, this will be a real prolem to deal with. I walked through the rainforest holding the map, it's fortunate that I left my briefcase back at the 'Centaur Spot' or I would have too much to carry. A map on one hand and a sword on another is enough to carry in this dense forest.

(A.N : I'm sorry everyone, you may have read that Crynn carried a suitcase, it's not meant to be a suitcase. The corrrect one would be a briefcase, Crynn is carrying a briefcase, NOT a suitcase. I just searched it up for knowledge's sake what's the difference between a suitcase and a briefcase, turns out a suitcase has wheels and briefcase doesn't. Just here to clarify so readers don't get confused.)

"I'm near the first spot," I looked around me and it sure is, a big rock is erected on the ground, an acromantula stood atop it. A big rock how traditional, I snickered at seeing the big rock as a watchtower, it's big but certainly not tall. Watchtowers are meant to be tall, the name suggest that it be used to watch. And you can't really watch anything from that short rock, and coupled with spiders' general bad eyesight, it's really a stupid thing to do.

Sneak, sneak, sneak, I sneaked through trees and I now stood behind the big rock, I climbed on it, absolutely not making a single sound, just tiny vibrations is all it is, I reached the top where the spider is still tatally oblivious to my advances, it's now a fact that acromantulas truly can't handle stealth, I thought the acromantulas in the main base are different, more elite, but that's just a waste of my thoughts as it turns out all acromantulas are the same.

A slash through the air was heard and the spider's back was cut vertically in half, from the spinnerets until the abdomen, the spider doesn't even shriek and died instantly caused by pain and shock from my brutal slash. Killing people psychologically is hard, killing beasts psychologically is as easy as killing an ant. it doesn't do anything to your mind, killing domestic animals might traumatize you but killing 'true' beasts often times doesn't deter the state of your mind at all.

That's really easy, how have the centaurs not just stealthily attack the acromantulas, just killing a guard is already so easy. I still have around 15 guards to kill, gotta move fast, the clock's ticking Crynn (A.N : This is a reference, anyone got it?). I swiftly made my way to the second guard, and to my absolute sarcastic surprise, another rock. These acromantulas got either a microscopic brain or just none, sure they could speak, but the intelligence in the acromantulas are just laughable and pathetic. Perhaps only Aragog himself could be under the term, intelligent.

Easily sneaking and taking out another guard, this is gonna be a walk in the forest (It's a pun, come on, it's funny ok). 15 minutes later, I killed them all already, like no sweat bruh. It's hot and all, that makes me sweat, but the killing itself doesn't make me sweat. It's just this easy taking out the guards, 1 minute for each guard taken out, heh I'm the master assassin of the forest. I reckon they won't have time sending a signal back to their glorious leader, but the fault doesn't ie in me, it lies in them.

I wiped the sweat off my face and sprinted the way back to the centaurs. "I've cleared the outer guards Magorian," Magorian nodded and thought for a while before speaking back, "In the colony, there exist outposts after the outer guards, there are 16 outposts the exact same number as the watchtowers, each outpost has 3 acromantulas, take them down, then return."

I sweatdropped, who does this centaur think he is, they haven't done a single thing, they pinned all the work for me! I just shook my head and walked away for the second time. Those damn slave drivers, don't care about my life. I mean I slaughtered a lot of acromantulas which I can't help keep bragging about it in my head, but you don't expect me to disable an entire security system of the acromantula. I mean, it's easy, but it still takes time you know.

I merely sighed, "The red dots are the outposts!" Magorian remembered again and shouted at me. I merely curtly nodded at his general direction, before proceeding with the mission, which is supposed to be a joint operation but I guess I'll have to do the lot of it. I sighed and approached the now nearby location of the outpost, I arrived and saw nothing, all's normal, trees no big stones this time, hmm, what seems to be the case here. I walked further and I saw a cave leading to, you guessed it underground.

I shouted to myself inside my head, why must it be caves, caves are the most dangerous creepy place anyone can go, in my past life, a lot of people are known to die and got lost in caves never to be found again. I hate caves, I have a tiny bit of Speluncaphobia (fear of caves) and Nyctophobia (fear of darkness) combined, but for the sake of justice and heroism, venturing in the cave is a must.

I stepped one foot in and than another, this will be a horrible experience.