What Did I Do To Deserve This

Crynn POV

Calm yourself down, calm yourself, I haven't realized how much I feared caves, until now. It's damp, dark and slimy, and it's also an outpost to three giant spiders! Calming down, I stepped further into the cave, looking around carefully. I went farther into the cave as I collected my bravery in each step I take, I'm going on a therapy after this cave outpost crap is done.

I stepped and stepped, click! I heard a noise, I looked behind me, there's nothing. I sighed in relief and when I turned my head, "AAAAAHHHHH!" I cried like a little girl, my heart beating non-stop, Harry Potter isn't supposed to be classified in the horror genres! 8 glowing dark eyes were in front of me, I brought my sword to pierce it on reflex.

The now identified acromantula, didn't move anymore, I looked at the blade of the sword, currently impaled inside the acromantula's chin and out from it's head. That was terrifying, and the worst thing is, I shouted. You don't shout in cave's when there's enemies inside it.

Spiders can percept and make out sounds through airwave vibrations in a distant of 10 feet, and acromantulas are clearly more capable in sensing these vibrations, especially in caves where everything echoes. Acromantula receives the vibration and translates them in their brain, translating the vibrations into words. This is how acromantulas can hear any sound as long as the sound's not too quiet or if the sound's emits higher frequency than acromantulas could percieve.

Clicking! Noises coming from my 12 o'clock, this ain't gonna be good, I failed this round's stealth mission, this has turned bad. two acromantulas emerged from the darkness and creeped towards me. I pushed my lighter towards them, the small flame twirled around my movement. I waved it at them, pushing myself into their area.

Seeing something unfamilliar in front of them, the acromantulas backed off, step by step. I then waved the lighter, and in a moment of a flash, I slashed at them, having too focused on the small seemingly hipnotizing little flame, they are dead by the second.

I exhaled in, and exhaled out, repeatedly. My heart is still threatening to jump out of my chest after that earlier debacle that resulted in me crying out loud like little girl in Monster's Inc after being spooked by a monster. This is craptastic! I hate, so hate the caves. In fact, I despise them with all my heart. "Damn caves," I grumbled, very annoyed and embarrassed by that girly shriek.

"Ok, time to go," I whispered and started moving into the caves once more, I killed 3 acromantulas already, the supposed number that should be in the caves. But we must always check, for any unknown leads. You can't have a random acromantula just left alive inside a cave unchecked. Deciding to speed this up, I fast walked into the inner caves so that this whole checking can be done faster, and I can get out of this scary, spooky, cave.

I made it into the end, a bigger half-dome cave, covered in large webs, that could go off as silk, it's really smooth to touch, you can lie in these silk all day, if only it wasn't so sticky and slimy. I was about to quickly leave the area after noticing that there are no more acromantulas. But then, of course I had to see to cave tunnels posssibly joined to other cave outposts.

"Crap! Did my voice alert them too," I said anxiously. Nevertheless, a great hero, is one who fears of no dangers. Yet, I fear of dangers because I'm a smart hero, not a great hero, it's different. A smart hero is the one helping the great hero so I decided to join them both and made myself th Great Smart Hero.

Feeling awfully brave now after deciding how heroic I am, I silently strode through the right-side tunnel, this time, humming is not allowed. I'm conquering my fear of caves in every step I take, I might not need a therapist after this but then again, you never know. I heard centaurs are great therapists because they're wise and are somewhat philosophers just as they're astronomers.

Bringing myself into a halt, I feel massive vibrations throught the sole of my shoes, and small sounds were heard in the dark distance, "Hmm, what's that sound," I wondered before concentrating more on my hearing. A few seconds have passed and the hearing sounded louder and familiar, and after a while. "Crap!" I said aloud, quickly running like there's no tomorrow in the opposite direction to the direction from where the sound originated from.

I sprinted and jumped, just like in Minecraft, never thought jump sprinting would actually affectively increase your speed through the air in real life, I thought that was some stupid Minecraft blovky physics, but it turns out to be real. I looked behind me, and damed the Gods for real this time, over ten acromantulas are chasing me in haste, what problems do they have with me! A lot, I realized but that didn't stop me from condemning the Gods for this sticky situation.

I kept running and at long last, reached the big half-dome room, I was about to stupidly run to the other left-side tunnel, but I for the second time in a day, totally frieked out, from looking at the tunnel. Another more than ten, might be 20 acromantulas came zeroing in on me. I ran towards the tunnel I originally came form shouting with all grudges out, "What did I do to deserve this!"

I dashed like the wind towards the eventually coming exit, but seeeing all the acromantula converging on to me from behind, I dashed even faster at speeds I don't even know I could go. I suddenly had an epiphany! "System Space! C4 come on!", I thought aloud when I suddenly felt like something is in my hand, 1 brick of C4 and a detonator!

"Hahahahahah," I laughed like a lunatic, threw the C4 over my head, and I gripped the detonator carefully, before. BOOM! I pressed the button and the C4 exploded behind me, I looked back and saw something that I don't want to see, the roof of the cave coming down on me! I once again shouted to the air, "What did I do to deserve this!"

I ran even faster and I finally saw the ight, the heavens have blessed me! I jumped forward just in time for the roof to crash down and the caves to fall merging with the ground. "OOOHHH BLESS THE HEAVENS!" I prostrated down kissing the ground, praying for whichever God that helped me out of the miserable caves.

And mainly on how I could still keep my life after that.