
Crynn POV

Ahem, ahem, can't let my image and pride be broken easily, I quickly stopped prostrating and wiped the dust or any kind of particle from my body. I am not going into caves anymore unless it's absolutely necessary, which in my case, nothing is as necessary as my mental health. I'm done with caves, and never again. "Never Again!" I shouted to the sky, pledging truthfully to my words.

But dang, that whole sprint is exhausting, I'm sweating all over, I can't believe I hadn't change clothes for 4 days already, this is bad, I'm getting awfully stinking, I have to uphold an image here! I need to change as soon as I'm back in my safe haven (Room of Requirement).

I walked slowly, trying to preserve my energy, I just realized that I probably shouldn't just shout out in an open area, that is extremely dangerous, the acromantulas could hear me and attack me and I'll be dead. How to die 101, being stupid. I groaned, why must I be subjected to the cruel prejudice of the centaurs, damn them, they must be plotting to kill me! A human

But I've got no evidence, so I only could grumble in silence and walk my way back. I've made it, I slumped on a tree root, completely tired but still very capable at handling a fight, I preserved a lot of energy getting here. "Is it done, human," Magorian asked in his very everyday voice, which is eternally condescending.

"Our cover may have been blown," I expressionlessly said, in which Magorian squinted his eyes right till their as small as pins. "And how exactly did you do that," he raised an eyebrow upwards, displaying his interest and curiosity. "I screamed because I was shocked at an acromantula, which in turn notified every single acromantula in every single outpost," I coldly said, looking stony at the ground, why do I even fear caves, where does the phobia come from.

"And how did you take care of more than 30 acromantula together," Magorian said as if alerting all acromantulas is just fine and no big deal, what's wrong with this guy!? I merely stated that, "I blew the whole cave up which in turn crushes the acromantulas under piles of hard stone," Magorian merely nodded and shrugged, which in turn boggles me, seriously what's wrong with this centaur.

"That is the final defense before we can attack Aragog safely, and if you had truly blown every single acromantula in the outposts up, then we can attack Aragog," Know I know why he's so nonchalant at this whole thing, it's the final outer defense before safely attacking the inner part without being flanked. Now I know, I nodded over and over, clearly being pleased at myself for destroying their last defenses.

"Now we must move to attack, you'll follow behind us, I trust you on being able to run fast," I nodded as I've seen my great running skills in the caves, I could definitely run fast, maybe not as fast as Usain Bolt, but it's still athletically fast. Magorian turned towards the centaur army and proclaimed loudly, "Today is the day my fellow brothers! Today is the day we wipe out the Acromantula! Today is the day we wipe the scums off the planet! Are you with me!"

Everybody cheered and raised their bows, "Yes!" Magorian shouted, "What did you say!" in which the centaurs answered with no hesitation, "Yes!". "Let's move!" Magorian roared and galloped towards the direction of the inner section, the rest of the centaurs swiftly followed behind galloping past bushes or tree roots, nothing's stopping them today.

They're fast, I followed behind them running as fast as I can to catch up, but they're just too fast, they've gone behind the trees and are quickly out of sight. "Crap! How am I to follow them when they're so fast!" I shouted to myself, I still have the map, so everything's still fine, I opened it up, and I see that you just had to head straight and you'll arrive, seems simple. I folded the map back and stashed it inside my clothes, I continued to run.

After a few minutes of quite a tiring run, I finally made it, and guess what I saw. Total ancient fantasy warfare in modern times, acromantulas biting, arrows shooting, blades slashing, this is so medievel, if the British were to found a colony of acromantulas in their forests somewhere, Her Majesty's Armed Forces would be quickly dispatched and would gun down any acromantulas in a press of the trigger.

But instead of using modern riflery and ammunition, gunpowder included, centaurs still use bow and arrows, that shoots so slow, reloads so long. Meanwhile, rifles shoot faster than the speed of sound, hitting the enemy before the sound even got to them. I don't understand Tomb Raider either, instead of using silenced weapons, Lara Croft would rather use bows to take down militias.

Same could be said to Far Cry. One shot kills with a bow? What do you mean? How ridiculous is the world. I just sighed at the prospect of me using a bow versus an army of armed and armoured militia, No Bueno Amigo. I searched around the outskirts of the battlefield, I don't want to get close seeing an army fight each other, I snuck around taking glances at where the Boss is at. Aragog is an acromantula that stands 15 feet tall, the only one taller than him would be no one. None of his children are even taller than 8 feet. I snuck and snuck and finally found him.

Standing tall with pincers up high, sharp legs piercing two centaurs beneath him, "Holy crap, Aragog shoots venom," I said aloud to myself, seeing Aragog, spraying venom at a nearby centaur which died a horrible death, eaten whole by the venom, I forgot to feed my venom back in the briefcase, I need to remember to feed the venom or they'll die.

It seems the only way to defeat this guy is my Magic Overcharge, I can see no way of beating this huge dude, killing with his legs, spraying venom, you joking mate. I thought that this would be a good chance to try out something, "Magic Overcharge," I said calmly stretching out my hand without my wand. And of course, Mr. Blue Screen (A reference to a song released in 1977) shows up, not hidden anymore ye?

{Skill : Wand Magic has not reached a high enough level to unlock Skill : Wandless Magic}

So I need to upgrade my skills, the problem is, I can't even see my skills! I gotta complain after I'm done stealing the stone and returning. How am I suppose to just 'feel' your skills, it doesn't make the slightest sense.

I summoned my lovely sharp silver wand and pointed at the huge figure of Aragog, "Magic Overcharge," I coolly and calmly walked out of the forest and showed myself, firing the beam of magic towards Aragog. The beam made its way onto the side thorax of Aragog. He screeched loudly in terror, "Human!!! You'll pay for this!!!". "Not if you're dead, Aragog the Great not so great anymore is he," I continued firing my beam while taunting him.

Aragog slowly fell down, a hole in his thorax, juices and spider blood flowing out, it left out one final screech before truly dying in the hands of me, Greatest Smartest Hero, Crynn Avter. "Aragog! He's dead!" A centaur I don't recognize said, "The human, he killed Aragog!", everyone slowly came to notice it, a human killed Aragog!

{Bonus Objectives Completed : }

{5. I Hate Spiders : Kill Aragog the Acromantula. Giant spiders are no different from spider memes, they just want love. (Rewards : Spider Slayer, 20000 Mission Merits) }