Crynn POV
Hmm... A schematic? What's that supposed to be. I felt something touching my hand, and when I looked down, I'm subconsciously gripped a scroll of blue paper. I brought it up to my eyes and unscrolled it for the world (me) to see. A drawing of a bottle?
{Veritaserum Schematics}
{"I can teach you how to brew truth, and put a stopper to lies." Veritaserum, strongest truth potion in all the realms, collect the materials and truth is yours to hold. (Schematics are 'blueprints' in which you collect the materials and the product will be instantly produced) }
{Fluxweed : 0/1}
{Knotgrass : 0/1}
{Lacewing Flies : 0/1}
{Leeches : 0/1}
{Powdered Bicorn Horn : 0/1}
{Shredded Boomslang Skin : 0/1}
Veritaserum!? Harry Potter's most famous potion!? Well this will be helpful in the future, who knows when I'll need to interrogate someone. Well these materials can only be gotten in the Harry Potter world. That's slightly troubling, there's a lot of movies and I don't know when I'll stumble into Harry Potter again.
I still have the Hard Reward Box though. I checked my inventory and there it is, a black box with some reddish ethereal hue on it which makes the box all so mysterious. I brought the box out of the inventory. The box weighs like air and is as tiny as a jewelry box. I opened the roof of it and shining out of it, purple beams of light penetrate through the lonely room as a notification sounds out on my ears.
{Congratulations, you've acquired a Purple Skill Book}
OOH! Great! A new skill is always and will forever be welcomed. Who knows what worlds I'm going to go next. Without the necessary skill sets for every occasion, things might turn out to be... troubling.
And as expected, a book is placed on the palm of my hands. Looking opposite of special, it's cover is pitch black, no label, no symbol, no description just black, pure black. I did what everyone does when looking at a book, open it! And again, beams of light penetrate outwards of the pages and a screen popped up.
{The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1, by Miranda Goshawk}
{Body-Binding Curse - Petrificus Totalus}
{Counterspell - Finite Incantatem, Finite}
{Hair Loss Curse - Capillus Damnum}
{Hot-Air Charm - Aer Calidus}
{Leg-Locking Curse - Locomotor Mortis}
{Levitation Charm - Wingardium Leviosa}
{Lighting Charm - Lumos}
{De-lighting Charm - Nox}
{Scouring Charm - Scourgify}
{Siphoning Spell - Tergeo}
{Slug-Vomiting Hex - Evomat}
{Tripping Jinx - Delabor}
{Unlocking Charm - Alohomora}
Hell yes! I've only been able to use my wand for only one application and now, bless my luck, I have some spells to use! "And! Learn!" I excitedly smashed the learn button and I'm enveloped in purple light, seeping through my brain. I opened my eyes and knowledge came through with it. Yes! I remembered every spell now. "Wingardium Leviosa!"
I pointed my wand at the laying briefcase and as if magically (of course its magical) the briefcase flew up following the direction of my wand. I canceled the magic and laughed out loud. "I'm finally magical!" it's really a happy day for mankind (me).
The only thing left to do is equipping my titles.
{Empty Slot} {Empty Slot} {Empty Slot} {Empty Slot} {Empty Slot}
{Available Titles}
{Hardcore} {Spider Slayer}
Oh? From what I'm making out of the screen it seems that you can equip 5 titles at once. I looked upon my titles, 'Hardcore' has a brownish golden vintage background and spider slayer has a silver background. Is it grades? Well I don't really know as there's no information describing the colour.
I started moving my hand around, and with my average control over the movement its surprising to see my hand seemingly moving faster than before, the 10% increase in speed is no joke. I couldn't feel the 10% increase in endurance though but everything is good, I feel really capable now, at least more than before.
I did the last thing remaining to do, start the World Slot Machine! I pressed the 'hard' button. First world's hard and if I've got a say on it, it's indeed a bit hard but to face challenges is to develop your life and I certainly am less afraid of death. Dying once have quite seriously clouded my perception towards the importance of living. No matter! I pulled the lever hard and the slots started moving!
With a small slot sound going on, it helps ease the... pressure of the next world by 1%.
It stops! And the next world shall be-
{The Mummy : Protect Richard O'Connell and Defeat High Priest Imhotep}
Crap! Its The Mummy! I haven't seen the movie in over a decade! How am I to accomplish this!? Ok calm down, lets try to remember. One, The MC travels to the Hamu-something with our heroine. Two, our heroine said a verse verse from a book and awaken the villain. Three, disasters happen. Four, The hero saves the world. Voila! Done! That's all I should need to do this mission! Oh the irony!
Oh! Its actually sensible enough to have an 'enter world' option instead of just jamming me into a blackhole with no notice! But... I can do with a change. I clicked the button and another blackhole enveloped me again. The first time, nothing happened, it's like being paralyzed for a second and then the next second, I'm on a whole new world.
I felt my eyes shine again as I looked around. I've arrived safely onto The Mummy! Oh great, the night and on a ferry boat no less. An absolutely stunning spot to land on. Ok now just to find O'Connell, look for a man similar in stature to Brendan Fraser. Seems easy enough.
I walked through the boat in the middle of a river, sailing towards God-knows-where. The deck is filled with people and camels, a lot of camels stationed in stables, a couple of horses too. I oved through the stables and onto another of the deck. Hmm... Sound of bickering? I looked at a nearby table, a man and a women seems to be arguing about something, they look familiar too.
The woman then proceeded to yell at the man and ran off bumping into me and worse of all, such a rude young woman not even an apology. I approached steadily towards man. I must look so out of place, a briefcase, a black suit and a large sword, totally normal.
I gazed down on the table, there lay an arsenal of weapons on a sack? Whatever that's called, twin revolver, a double-barreled shotgun and multiple knives. Woo, fancy. I scanned the man, wearing a typical explorer's outfit, check. Cool hair, check. Good-looking like a hero, check. Similar to Brendan Fraser, not check. "Are you perhaps Richard O'Connell?" I found the man staring back at me and then towards my sword.
"Yeah I am, what's it to you," It really turns out to be the main character, his tone is certainly... less than pleasant, annoyed if any.
"I heard you're on a journey to Hamu-something, I'd be pleased to join you on your travels."