Don't Touch Anything

Crynn POV

Pure magnificence! The walls, plated with engraved gold, the floors carefully structured and carved with marble, the statues of gods and mortals decorate each nook and cranny to the edge. Gold, tons of gold, lay lying on the floors and piling up to create small mountains that spanned meters in length.

Gems of various sizes and colors placed randomly across a large silver table. In the center of the room, two thrones were carefully made with absolute elegance and beauty. But what catches our eyes is the two man and woman sitting on both thrones. The woman although old, still exuding style and youth and the old man, pale skinned and a proud bearing surrounds him.

The two man and woman smiled happily as they sat, hands intertwined with one another, showing an obvious sign of love. But I've just noticed that the floor in front of the throne is divided by three columns with a handful of hieroglyphs written on top of it. "Extraordinary! Extraordinary!" Ferrous floated to the throne as he looked at the man with respect shown in his eyes.

"So what's this man's story?" I asked for a light conversation as everyone began exploring the room. Though none have touched the treasures showing a strong control over greed. It seems that their mentality has truly been forged after so many hurdles. Evelyn traced the hieroglyphs on the floor lightly with her fingers as contemplation appeared on her expression.

"You see these hieroglyphs on the floor! These explain the entire journey of the vampire! From the time he was praise a God to the time he gave away his immortality to be with the woman he loved! I can't help but say extraordinary once more!" He gave an exuberant explanation and I see that Evelyn seems to see the Ferrous in a judgemental view.

"How did you translate these hieroglyphs that fast?" Evelyn critically raised her glasses as she moved her eyes to stare full onto the vampire's reds. "If you're born more than 3000 years ago, you'd learn a lot of extinct languages darling," the vampire smirked before pulling his attention back to the vampire on the throne.

"I just remembered that you're 3000 years old," Evelyn came to a realization while she moved on to inspect the thrones together with Ferrous. I'll let them look around while I explore this place. I came behind the thrones to see an odd looking pedestal, the bottom pillar holding it up is thin and the top of the pedestal is curved like a bowl, a small pearl is inside it.

But what's more omnious is a skeleton on the bottom of the pedestal, one hand seemed to be touching the lining of the bowl. The skeleton is wearing black robes, do everyone visiting this place in the past wears robes, I mean seriously. I flipped the skeleton to get a closer look from the front. Wearing a pointed hat like a witch and some very old fashioned apparel, probably something from 500 years ago.

I see a silver plate bulging out of one of its pockets, what could it be? As I retrieved it, I wiped the obvious dust on it as I read, "Brasidas Malfoy, Department of Mysteries Operative." I reacted strongly, is this skeleton really a wizard! What the hell is this! It's not enough to have Twilight and The Mummy together is it? You gotta have Harry Potter too!

[Hidden Slip Mission: You have discovered the corpse of Ex-Malfoy Patriarch, Brasidas Malfoy, sent by the Department of Mysteries over 500 years ago to seek the Pearl of The Fallen. The Department of Mysteries is very interested in this pearl.]

My mind is being muddled right now, what is this crap! I'm here for Imhotep but I got a lot of other surprises instead! But fine! I'm the best, I can do this! I noticed the ring Malfoy's wearing, a shiny silver ring with an emerald snake circling it and a big M on top of it. This should be important, I thought to myself as I gathered his wand and a piece of paper with a few paragraphs of words on it.

The wand is quite unique as the front tip is a snake opening its mouth and the area where you hold the wand is a snake's tail. At least that's what I thought it as because his hand was holding the tail when I came across it. How did this man die though? No obvious signs of anything, no broken bones or ruined robes, it all looked perfectly fine, unless...

"Don't touch anything!" I yelled out to the whole room but not before I saw Jonathan bending down to touch a very beautiful piece of diamond tiara. How many have I said this, we're screwed... again. The vampire from the throne opened its red eyes as it glared and placed dominant pressure on the room.

"أنت تجرؤ على لمس كنوز زوجتي! (You dare touch my wife's treasures!)"

"سيكون هذا قبرك! (This will be your grave!)"

The vampire shrieked as he closed his eyes waiting for our impending doom. What's that foul smell of rotten eggs, wait a minute rotten eggs? "H2 gas! Poisonous gas! Everyone get out of the room!" As soon as everyone heard the term 'poisonous', they started scrambling out of the room as fast as they can.

Jonathan scooped some gold coins and jewelry as do O'Connell, I didn't forget the pearl as that's my top priority! I then also scooped some old gold and a few necklaces and tiaras hanging from my fingers as I hurried out the moment the smell got stronger. I made it to the entrance and Ferrous made the roof fall in front of us, closing the entrance for good.

"That's dangerous! What's the vampire's power!" I asked Ferrous as I panted for a bit, that's a tiring 10 seconds of paced running and grabbing. "The vampire's recorded power on the updated Volturi archives is the ability to fuse and control gases, which meant poisonous gas is also involved. Thankfully, vampires don't need to breathe."

Hooh! I think I'm done for today, time for a bit of a rest on the camp. I groaned as I thought of what to come after all this, my luck can't be that bad right? We'll never know.