Saint Michael's Clock Tower

Calian POV

"Spencer Memorial Hospital?!" It seemed that I surprised Carlos once more, he did eventually go to the hospital in the game. "The very same," I said and turned to Jill and Mikhail whom both shrugged, can't both of you do anything productive. "That's a... good choice. We have affirmative that Nathaniel Bard is in the hospital."

Now, Mikhail showed some expressions, albeit still in deep contemplation. "Tell Carlos to rendezvous at the hospital, we'll be getting Nathaniel Bard and leave this town for good," I nodded and transmitted the exact same words Mikhail just uttered. "Roger that, I'm out," the radio abruptly closed and I looked around.

"We could exit through that door," I gazed towards a reinforced door on the tunnel walls, perfectly nearby, perfectly enticing us to go through. "No other options, is there," Jill commented drily and went by to open the door, heavily pushing it. "God forbid this leads to another Gamma sewer, I'm sick of those," I peered in only to find white pipes and dark murky brown brick walls.

"I hope not," Jill entered with her gun out and her spirit blazing, she definitely isn't dying today. "What's wrong with the sewers?" Nice for you to ask Mikhail, what exactly is wrong with it? For one thing, it's almost the filthiest place in the world, secondly, Umbrella has got monsters lurking around the area, which makes even more abhorrent.

"Why don't you tell him, Jill. Show him the serum if you want," I sat by a bench next to the many pipe networks around here and a few lockers. Mikhail turned his eyes onto Jill, his gaze confused and curious. "Long story short, we ended up in some sewers where Umbrella is experimenting on a creature called Gamma. We reached the researcher's office and got a virus and a vaccine."

She brought out the two protected injection tubes from her pocket, that darn unlimited space pocket, I'm very jealous of that. Mikhail brought his amazed eyes downward at the two tubes. His gaze is of utmost sincerity and pure curiosity, no greed, nothing hostile. "That's extraordinary," he silently nodded his head multiple times in astonishment.

"I believe we're a little on the down side of time, let's get moving," I checked my ammunitions and they're all locked and loaded, time for some serious actions- "Wait a second, I found these on the table," Jill suddenly sounded from behind, her hands full with some peculiar MGL ammo. It has a light bulb connected and painted very blue.

"Oh! These are mine rounds?! How could they be here?!" he said out in surprise, unhidden by his eyes. It looked like he knew what these were, intriguing. "Oh, what is it," Jill questioned with her head tilted. Mine rounds huh, interesting, it probably is shot with an MGL, a portable mine might I reckon?

"As its name suggests, these are mine rounds developed by Umbrella's R&D, it's got motion sensors that will activate once shot," I'm correct, it is mines and the light bulb probably works as the detector. "Let me guess, it's to be shot with an MGL," Mikhail flashed a 'you're correct, 10 points for you!' look across his eyes.

"Zombies up ahe-" Mikhail shot before I finished my words, killed all the zombies as easily as chopped butter. "Never underestimate an old man," I said at the moment's shock, did he just kill 4 zombies with 4 precision head shots, that's darn impressive! "I'm flattered young man," Jill snickered at that, it's still impressive.

"Look, 3 more zombies," I unstrapped my umbrella and aimed it to the ground, Mikhail watched with his brows raised and absolutely no idea at what I'm doing. Turning a dial clockwise until it arrives on the words 'Lethal Area Shock' and I pressed it lightly. A small tube discharged from the umbrella shaft, embedding itself into the ground.

In just a jiffy, the top of the tube plopped and three large bright blue electricity bolts charged up towards the three 'chilling' zombies. Electrocution is not one to be taken lightly as over 400 people die every year due to this accident. And 5 seconds later, the zombies are if spoken lightly simply charred.

But if you want a real view, the zombie is burned to a crisp, it's completely black with blood spurting all over its skin, covering the barbequed surface with a nice ketchup glaze. "That is excessive and very useful," Mikhail can't hide his surprise again! I really am quite the shocker, am I not, I dared smirk at that thought.

"If you had that, why didn't you use it on the bastard?!" Jill frowned and glared at me, expecting a reply quick. "We're in a state of panic, I didn't think of using it," I said as fast as I could, a bonus on me not tripping over my own words right there. "Right, of course," Jill squinted her eyes at me, not entirely believing what I confessed.

I swear, what I said is entirely true! I really forgot of the wonders hidden in my umbrella! "Well then, are we going to exit this place," Mikhail had already climbed his way out on a ladder, I ain't gonna lose to an old man, I still have my pride! I quickly climbed up, followed by Jill and arrived next to a river and across it, a Big Ben counterfeit.

ROAR! "Is that f*cker seriously still alive," a loud roar sounded from somewhere, the beautiful and silently mourning night sky just amplified how sad the city is right now. Dead people, undead people and a big giant baddie chasing us over the city. "Is that the voice of the monster," Mikhail shuddered, we are now all traumatized by Nemesis, how delightful.

"Yes, that is," I coldly said and surveyed around the area. Everywhere looks peaceful, no zombies, no Nemesis. Just benches, trees, nice views, parked cars and closed shops. "What is that clocktower," I asked Jill, as a resident, she should know what it is right. "Saint Michael's Clock Tower, it used to be an elementary school. It's good to still see it ticking and ringing, even after all this mess."

Don't get nostalgic and hopeful yet Jill, I'm almost a hundred percent sure that below the clock tower is where the next battle with Nemesis will be. And I'll certainly be prepared for that.