
Calian POV

"And where is the closest route to the hospital," Mikhail leaned against a palm tree, arm crossed. "Through the clock tower, the hospital is on the other side of the river," Jill pointed towards across the river, her eyes glazing past the scenery, the buildings in the distance reflected beautifully on her dark grey eyes. Showing the bravery of a knight and the force of a full grown wolf.

I really admire Jill you know, for her tenacity, her goodwill, concern towards others. Her ability to help others in need more than herself. All the prime positive traits lumped into one and that is Jill Valentine. "Let's go then!" Mikhail called loudly, distracting me away from my thoughts and back into the action of Resident Evil 3.

"Pedestrian bridge there," Jill gestured to the very long pedestrian bridge crossing over the river, this is going to be a very painful walk. "The we'd better hurry, wouldn't want Nemesis too close behind us," I shivered and my spines tingled, I have a very bad feeling about this. I already know that we're about to fight Nemesis but I can't help but think that something else might happen.

"Calian, what are you doing! Come on!" Jill shouted from up the pedestrian bridge stairs, looking downwards with a very impatient look. "I'm coming, jeez," I know right, she could use a little bit more patience in her life although it might be because of the current stress she's having for a whole lot of reasons, Nemesis is one of them.

Boom! A fiery explosion came from where we climbed out from, and guess what Nemesis showed up. It showed up in a lot of pain and a whole lot of fire, its entire body from up to down is covered in flames as it is trying to put them out by flapping its hands on every part of its burning skin which translates to about everywhere.

"Bitch can't even swim," Jill stared coldly and ruthlessly at Nemesis stumbling himself down to the river. "I'm afraid we can't take any chances and let's just continue on, don't look down on the river," I persuaded Mikhail and Jill to stop darn gazing on the tranquil waters, that's is very dangerous. I quickly put both my hands on their shoulders and jogged on, Nemesis will show up in 3... 2... 1-

SPLASH! BANG! And oh, just as I grimly anticipated, Nemesis jumped out of the water and crashed itself on the pedestrian walk. In a split second, I got a clear view of what had become of it. its arms have evolved into straight up lean fins. its hand enlarged into a monstrosity with very sharp claws that easily put a deep scratch on the metal floor.

Around its fins are also a heck of a lot of spies similar to the ones hanging around lionfishes, extremely pointed upright and certainly just as serrated, I bet it's poisoned. Around where its spinal cord should be, grew two large half-crowns that cupped around his shoulders and up past its head. Nemesis has truly lost almost all similarity to a human form, it's now more animalistic than it is humanly possible.

It's legs had also transformed into flaps and is that gills on his waist I see? Good gracious, if I wanted to think of one marine animal that could even be remotely similar to this foul beast would be an Axolotl. Even then, Axolotls are very cute amphibians and are nowhere near as terrifying as the Nemesis!

"What the f*ck!" nope no time for that, we need to mooooove! "No cursing but moving!" I reminded harshly before quickly pushing Mikhail and Jill running as fast as the can go. "Grenades anyone?" I asked out with cold sweat all over the surface of my skin, Aqua Nemesis is much much more scary than land-Nemesis.

"Here!" Mikhail pulled one out of his bag and pulled the pin lightly, rolling it backwards on the steel plated floors. Boom! It exploded on Nemesis' feet, blinding him just for a second, hardly even slowing him down. "We need more explosives!" Thank God Aqua-Nemesis doesn't use much of its tentacles anymore, might they have burned out?

"Explosives?! I can't shoot backwards while I'm running!" I don't think anyone can shoot backwards while running from something like Nemesis. And the worst thing is, Nemesis has abandoned all form of slow intimidation strolls and directly went to crazed chasing and killing! I guess pain really does bring out the worst in people huh.

"Jump!" We all synchronized and leapt over the gap in between floors, why do these construction workers not care about these problems?! We made it out of that very short yet time consuming run, and I don't even understand the meaning of what I just thought?! "Mikhail, anything we could use around here against the beast?!"

"M901 ITV there and the P-LAV-25 over by the bus," what in the crap are those?! I may recognize an LAV but an M901 ITV, I'm not a military heavy weaponry junkie?! "Explanation please?!" I'm going to turn bloodshot because of this?! My eye is slowly turning red from too much adrenaline and too much fear risking!

"M901 ITV, modern American light tank, I may be able to pilot it. But for the LAV, a S.T.A.R.S member should be trained to use it," Mikhail said calmly but I knew that inwardly he's not as relaxed as he is. Is it just me or is Nemesis taking his very sweet time back there? "No, no, no! Only S.W.A.T members are trained for it."

Ok, what's the bloody difference mate, I thought S.T.A.R.S was Resident Evil's form of S.W.A.T. Bang! Some panels on the roof of the pedestrian bridge behind us blew off and Nemesis pounced high and mighty like a wild cat onto the fountain before us. "Well, then. Mikhail, I'm sure I could trust you in manning one of those armored vehicles. Jill and I are going to draw its aggro."

"I'm sorry, aggro?" Oh come on, it's a popular term in video games! But, it is the 1990s, maybe the use of the word hasn't really gotten off yet. "We're going to draw his attention, it's as simple as that," Mikhail finally nodded on that one, we can finally get this 'not so plan' plan, running!

It's just you Aqua-Nemesis, me and Jill. Let's play lasso rodeo on feet shall we!