Calian POV
"WHERE'S THE F*CKING ROCKET!?!?!?!?" I yelled out into the night sky, completely scaring all the nonexistent birds away and shaking the peacefully-unpeaceful atmosphere. Oh God, did I just break, I think I just break, didn't I!? I'm actually going mad right now, no, I AM mad RIGHT now! Oh ho ho ho, I'm going to find this f*cking rocket and jam it up that f*cking Nemesis' arse!
Did I break again, got to calm down, breathe in, breathe out. Don't let your feelings get to you, you just need to find a rocket and you're done, Nemesis kaboom! "I don't believe I've seen you cuss before Calian!" Jill looked at me with mirth, her gleaming eyes clearly teasing me all while still firing her 20 mm rounds of ammunition at Nemesis.
"Shut up Jill! It isn't like you'd never cursed!" I growled beneath my breathe scrambling through boxes smashing them open but NO rocket! What is wrong with these army dudes, why the heck did they have an RPG-7 with no RPG ammo! Can't let it get to you bro, let the calm wind soar through you, expelling the negativity in your mind and body.
I really have to thank the monks up in Tibet, their methods really push up the positivity in someone. Ok, now just to find the rocket. Argh, just thinking about rockets could really make me impatient and a bit angry. I haven't searched that corner, have I? I pushed all the boxes out of my way and came upon a brown box with a fancier green rag cloth than the others.
I've got a good feeling about this! I opened the covers and oh the light is too much, I've discovered the holy grail! Oooh! Yes, this is what I want, two rockets, can't waste them. You'd think you'll be subjected to RPG practice in Kingsman but you actually don't. So... how do I exactly load this rocket in the RPG-7 launcher?
(A.N : just a disclaimer, I don't know how to load an RPG-7 and I can't find any videos showing how to do it and well, I'd just have to follow the COD style of reloading it. Which is just putting the long sustainer motor and booster into the barrel, pretty simple, very deadly.)
Ehm... do you just jam it in? Oh, you actually do just jam it in! I simply just screw it inside, that's very easy and now, all I have do was just, fire the trigger! "I found it Jill!" I exited the truck slowly and positioning the RPG-7 carefully. Wouldn't want the tip to hit anything and just explode. Also, this is not too heavy over 13 pounds I'm guessing, I thought it'd be a lot more weighty!
"Yeah, well go blow the f*cker up!" Do you think it's very easy to aim a large barrel with no scope on your shoulders?! Wait, what's the Nemesis doing? The spikes all over his arms elongated fiercely, aimed to the skies. No it isn't! "Jill, get back in the vehicle, close the hatch!" And oh yes, I'm right! Slowly but quickly, the spikes released itself from its arms.
Launching every one of them into the air. An incredible arc of very long, very red spikes with stripes began forming its direction to the LAV! Jill, seeing the flying spikes immediately reacted, but wait a minute. What in the blazes is she thinking?! Instead of getting into the LAV, she changed the HMG's line of sight, yes, towards the darn spikes!
Pressing the trigger with a confident smirk, she fired the bullets as the spikes made their descent downwards. Crap! Has she got superhuman aim?! The spikes were shot off their trajectories by the bullets! I don't think even anti-air guns can do that! She continued shooting as more than two thirds of the total spikes have flown off route.
Wait, did she let one spike get through? The one spike is still going, too close for the HMG to shoot! "Shit!" Jill shouted as the spike plunged itself into the HMG's chamber, piercing through from its roof down! Ok, ok, time for me to shoot! Shooting an RPG standing is not effective at all, even if it's not that heavy, balancing a 13 pound long rocket launcher is not exactly simple.
I don't understand how in-game characters can fire an RPG while running, now I know that's only a bunch of bullcrap. I knelt down on one feet and positioned myself better. The Nemesis has fully retracted its crowns and growled loudly into the night. I think I just need to press the trigger now... Swish!
Darn! The recoil almost threw me off, now I know for sure that anyone saying they could fire this while standing must be lying. The rocket shot off with a small start, but just as quickly, the back boosters began propelling quicker and bigger. Nemesis, instantly knowing of the rocket making its way to its position, stomped the ground in one motion, his claws penetrates into it, locking it in place with a defensive gesture.
He caught it! He Goddarn caught a rocket! I mean, it's not as if I'm too surprised, Nemesis did caught the quad-launcher's rocket. I knew that even the great antagonist Albert Wesker with the height of a normal human could catch a rocket and dodge bullets point blank. Reload quick! I grabbed the remaining rocket and pushed it back into its chambers, aiming it once more at the beast.
Nemesis still struggling for its hold on the rocket, puts the booster downwards and aimed the tip to the side. Now! I fired the trigger, closing my eye. The rocket shot out, I can feel its flames and smoke grazing the side of my face, the bitter taste of carbon and the spice of sulfur. The Nemesis too caught up by the RPG doesn't notice another RPG going its way.
At that moment, the Nemesis finally turned its gaze towards the incoming rocket, but there's no more it could do. BOOOOOOM!!!!! A truly large explosion ensued in front of me, going up to 10 meters above ground and a small smoky shockwave spread itself out. That ought to kill him am I right?
It turns out guys don't look at explosions to be cool, but because the sheer bright intensity really hurts our eyes, involuntarily closing it or looking away from it. The flames faded and the fumes stopped. And what the crap! Nemesis is still alive! What in the actual CRAP this!