SAM Missiles and LAV Turrets

Calian POV

OK, OK, we need a new method, a darn good method. "Mikhail?! Why are you taking so long?!" The Nemesis is still in flaming pain, trying to put out the fire and burns by wiggling around. You think gunpowder and nitroglycerin burns are that easy to dispel, naive! "This is a SAM missile! We can't aim it when the monster's on the ground!"

"What is an Sam missile?!" I'm sorry, but can you repeat yourself. a Sam missile, is that a nickname I'm familiar of regarding missiles?! Wait a minute, I'm not at all?! "It's not a Sam missile it's a SAM missile!" Mikhail continued fiddling with the controls on next to the 8 missile chambers on the side. "What's the freaking difference?!"

"It's S.A.M, short for Surface to Air Missile!" Mikhail put his hands up in exasperation, struggling with whatever he's doing. "If it's a Surface to Air Missile, then how are we going to hit the monster?!" ok, so it's an abbreviation , but I now that Surface to Air Missiles only target flying objects. Can Nemesis fly, I sure hope not!

"I'll have to aim it manually, but you need to lure the beast to higher grounds!" Jill has retreated back into her LAV, doing something, and now I'm the only one left alone on the field! Higher ground, where could I find one?! I gazed around the playing grounds, what I could I utilize?! Not the stores, not the buses and cars.

How about the... clocktower?! That's a plausible idea! Now, only to figure out how to lure Nemesis up. "Calian, come inside!" I turned my head to the direction of the voice. Jill's voice has certainly been amplified from the LAV, loudspeaker perhaps? I left Nemesis alone as it is still struggling on his feet.

Nothing I could do about it at the moment. I dashed straight to the LAV, jumped up on it. The HMG couldn't be used anymore and what am I doing here exactly? I opened the hatch and dropped inside, there's not even a ladder up to the hatch. I've never seen or been to the inside of an LAV. Crowded is another way of describing its interior.

There's a long seat on the left side of the back transport, which would fit about 5 grown army men. And opposite to it, a line of screens covered the walls and a lot of keyboards and controls I've absolutely got no idea on is displayed all over it. On one of those seats, Jill is continuing to fiddle with the control panels.

Flicking a switch up and down, pressing a button on one side, and another on the other. "You're here," Jill said, not moving from her seat and definitely not looking away from the complicated controls. "Forgive me but this is my first time doing this. Can you get yourself on the turret seat," I can see clearly that you've never piloted an LAV or you'd not be just pressing things randomly.

I went up to the few steps leading the way up to the turret seat. I sat comfortably on the cushioned seat, I've not sat on such a seat for a very long time, that's for anyone thinking that a few hours is long. The reality of that is that it is, surviving for an hour in a zombie apocalypse is enough to make you feel like it's already a day, it's not fun.

"Is the turret non-adjustable?" I tried moving the controls left but it stayed right, I tried moving it further right but its still there. I even attempted to wiggle the turret around, it doesn't go that well. I can't move anywhere, the turret, is it an auto-cannon, just simply can't move! Is it stationary or is it decorative, because it doesn't look very unauthentic.

"That's what I'm trying to do. If you would to look at the top-right corner of the control screen, you would see a closed lock. Meaning I have to unlock it to be able to move it around!" That's very inconvenient but I suppose it does help in a battle if the enemy took over the LAV, but if the enemy have the same type of LAV, wouldn't they know how to unlock it? Yeah, it does seem pretty stupid to have a lock mechanism now that I think about it.

"How about that big 'UL' button?" Yes, just under her chin is a rather large blue button with the letters 'UL' on it, which may be an abbreviation of 'UnLock'. "Hmm," Jill raised an eyebrow and pressed it nonchalantly. I looked back to my screen to find there it is, a lock with its shaft open. "You couldn't have thought to press the most obvious button?"

It looked like I still had the mood to tease Jill. She blushed embarrassed by not having seen or touched the big blue button anyone would've thought to press first. "Sh-shut up! Now you should be able to turn and possible fire the cannon," she huffed and a tint of pink still remained on her cheeks, cute.

Crap! When I turned to look the turret windows, I'm graced by the terrifying sight of Nemesis lunging onto the LAV! 'What was that!" Jill almost fell out of her seat, the LAV shook wildly and I could see the Nemesis' foot claws already puncturing the front armored layer of the LAV! "The Nemesis is here!"

"The bastard! Use the turret! Blow the b*tch's face off!" Roger that ma'am! I looked at the screen and then at the controls below it. Doesn't look that difficult. There are two long rods on either side to control movement of the turret left, right, up, and down. With a glaring red button on top of the right rod with a big 'F'.

The 'F' must stand for 'Fire', pretty neat, pretty simple. On my screen shows the condition of the LAV, internal temperature, external temperature, wind speed, weather, et cetera but most important of all, ammunition. There's an image of a bullet next to a digital number '57', I've not got that much bullets huh, especially for an auto-cannon.

GROWL!!! The mad growl of the Nemesis is deafening, his foot claws slowly getting deeper and his hands are slowly penetrating their way through the armored plating. I've got the hang of this! Time to meet my auto-cannon you big piece of crap!