Calian POV
"Hehehe," I laughed creepily as I aim the barrel of the gun towards Nemesis' stretched head. I'm really going to take the guy's face off! I pressed the red button on the rod but before I fully pressed it, Nemesis reacted quicker than I expected. He gripped the turret barrel with both hands and pushed it past his head.
I fired a couple shots before I realized that he had moved the barrel and all the rounds had hit a small shop behind him, tearing the walls apart with relative ease. "You cheeky crap!" I moved the barrel back at him, readying to press the button a second time. This time, he moved his head to the right, going over my barrel.
Can you please stay still for just a second, how hard can one second of not moving be! "Are you having troubles up there Calian!" Even in this difficult moment of being attacked in an LAV by a giant monster, she can still ask questions with mirth?! "Shut up! The monster is constantly moving its body and also pushed the turret sideways!"
"Well stay put," Jill said, getting off her seat and opened a compartment under it. Unclasping the locks, she brought out a big long tube with rectangular shaped structures built above it. "I knew there'd be one here! Most LAVs are fitted with an M72 LAW light anti-tank weapon," She brought it up to her hands, caressing its smooth black outline. Oh boy, that sounds very wrong.
"If it's another rocket launcher then it might not affect it much!" It sure does shape like a rocket launcher, it's 100 percent a rocket launcher! "It is weaker than an RPG-7 but it would distract the f*cker long enough for you to be able to shoot!" That's fine, as long as I can shoot its face off, I'll do with anything.
Jill armed the launcher with a rocket and climbed out the back hatch. She pulled out her rocket launcher and aimed the big bad barrel at big bad Nemesis. BOOM! Thankfully, the LAV is armored right from the plates to the windows, no scratch nor burns or any other damage manage to seep through the armor plating, totally safe.
As for Nemesis... not so much. He shrieked loudly after getting hit by the less impressive rocket, I mean, the rocket hasn't got that much explosives has it? The explosion is miniscule at best for a rocket, it might even be less than half an RPG-7's power. It's also got quite the minimal punch, not really staggering Nemesis too much with it only retreating a few steps backwards.
"That's a weak rocket, Jill!" I thought when she said that the rocket's weaker than the RPG-7, I honestly thought it's still as powerful but that was a disappointment. It may have loud noise but it doesn't have a large explosion. "I did say it's less powerful but truly, I never have expected it to be so... underwhelming."
Well, everyone and everything's got its moments, the M72 LAW though, doesn't have any. At least now, I could shoot the heck out of the Nemesis! I flashed a sinister smile as I turned my turret to face Nemesis. Anddddd TAP! I gently nudged on the button, my bloodlust hidden so deeply inside the very finger!
Bang! Bang! I could hear the beautiful subtle sounds coming out of the chamber in every second, the slow motion of everything intensified the atmosphere! I could see the very particles of gunpowder consisting of sulfur, carbon, and potassium nitrate flowing in the air, creating a dance of treachery, of fear and of power.
I opened my eyes and now I'm back to the living! Bang! Bang! I peppered Nemesis' entire torso with my rounds and I could see from the bulletproof window that Nemesis would be really miserable after this! The shots continued on, some ricochet and others going deep into him, creating bloodied holes that would make anyone with trypophobia wet their pants.
I pressed the button in frenzy when I finally realized, oh yeah, I only have got 57 shots at this. "I think that's enough, Calian!" Jill's words sounded behind me as I laid back, not mad anymore and just tired. "These are comfy seats, I would want one in my house," I remarked jokingly with a wryly smile on my face.
"Well, you can always buy one another time," I looked through the window, Nemesis looked really... disabled with all those gunshot wounds on its torso, I'd be surprised if Nemesis isn't dead. "Right, time to go," I get down the turret and followed Jill out the hatch. There goes my first and probably final opportunity of getting into an LAV but we have more pressing matters to do.
"Mikhail! You didn't even get a shot off!" I snickered all the way over the fountain, I could see a less than satisfactory face made by the captain. We strolled all the way to his tank, taking it all up in detail. It looks different up close than over and far. From a distance, it looked like any tank with rocket tubes on top.
But, approaching it within the reach of an arm and a personal eye, you'd get a beauty. It is a relatively short and plump tank, you could even call it cute if not for the menacing eight-chamber rocket tubes on top of it. Like any other tank, this one is beige colored with a bit of natural green on the sides, it would probably fit in Iraq and not in Raccoon City.
"So, the shit-bird is dead," Mikhail said calmly from on top of the tank, I could see a bit of irritation, I guess he's just disappointed in not being able to fire a single shot even after minutes of figuring out the controls. "Now, let's not jinx it alright, the day's gone haywire already. Don't make it worse," I pursed my lips, how could the day even get worse, everything should go smoothly from now.
All that's left to do is to snatch up Dr. Nathaniel Bard, get the vaccine, take off out of here, doesn't seem very difficult, does it? "So, mind telling me clearly how you couldn't fir-?" GROWL!!! Oh not again!!!! Can't it just die already!!!