Calian POV
"Is it wrong for me to think that the loud growl might be a stray dog's," Jill's smile didn't quite reach her eye, neither does Mikhail's. "I really hate Umbrella you know," I remarked, sitting on the roof of the tank,, slowly but surely looking over to the growl, no doubt Nemesis'. "I think we all do," Mikhail rubbed his beard exaggeratingly, like a wise old man.
GROWL! My line of sight finally came across Nemesis, fully stood up and still kicking. "Do you know how many rounds I shot to that thing with the LAV turret?" It's a rhetorical question that i wouldn't mind answering to give these two a piece of my mind. "Let me guess, 10 shots?" Mikhail said in a failed humor tone as I shook my head.
"Over 50 auto-cannon rounds, he fell unconscious for about a minute, and got back up without a slight problem," I sighed as I looked at Nemesis, still growling, still staying. I looked back at Mikhail in which he raised his brows in shock. "Over 50?! And it's still standing?!" The width of his mouth amplified, yep, you're not the only in shock.
"I hate this day," Jill murmured beneath her breathe and stretched back lazily as I saw Nemesis' hand move an inch. "It's moving," I squinted my eyes, scanning onto all its parts, trying to decipher what's it doing. Its hands pierced the ground as its body lowered itself like a cat ready to pounce on a laser pointer on the floor or a yarn ball on the couch.
Well, it leapt up onto a shop's wall, positioning itself, facing to the left. "Anyone's opinions?" Mikhail and Jill's heads shifted right and left. I sighed at this, no one's giving me their opinions then I'll not even think of an opinion! "So, anyone's got a great vacation destination?" Rather than waiting on Nemesis being very slow at the moment for no apparent reason, let us engage in small talk increasing the levels of our relations.
"I heard Paris is beautiful at this time of the year," Mikhail gave a chuckle, I can see his mind slowly drifting away. "Fancy a trip to Paris, Mikhail?" I brought him back to ask a question, Paris is beautiful, I visited there a few times in the past though I prefer a more uncrowded vacation spot. "Yes, I've collected enough funds for a 20 day trip and that's for after this mission."
His lips twitched on the mention of his mission, I'm sure he almost died a couple of times before getting into the subway station. "How about you Jill, anywhere you fancy a go?" Jill's eyes shone a bit when I asked her the question, it seems that she does want to go somewhere too. I mean, I've always wanted to go somewhere, never been to Egypt, always wanted to go there.
"Japan, my mother's a Japanese. I regularly thought of going there. I guess I'm just too busy for it," of course, being a S.T.A.R.S member has its perks and cons, one of the cons are that you don't have too much holidays to go by and not enough permission slips to go to vacation with. "Why are we talking about this, weren't our primary problem concerns the bastard?"
"Yes well, is it wrong to chat when the Nemesis is still staying still on some shop's billboard," Jill shrugged and nodded, I sighed once more. There a myth saying that sighing would bring bad luck and would quicken your aging, I call bullcrap at that. The only problem I have with sighing at the moment is that I'm sighing too much just because of an insolent just-don't-want-to-die monster!
"Anyway, what's the guy doing?" I looked carefully at Nemesis, still crouching on the billboard, as if it is currently contemplating on something. Then it suddenly raised a foot and stomped back, launched itself forwards! To another wall it goes, blasting from wall to wall, shop to shop, building to building.
It finally arrived onto the medieval-like walls of the clocktower, and now look upwards towards the clock. "An opportunity might have just presented itself to us, Mikhail," I turned towards Mikhail, instantly understanding my words and opened a black cover box on the side of the control panel. Nemesis is beginning to climb up, like an ant the size of a horse, like a monkey but better.
Inside the black cover box are 8 metallic switches with a declined big shiny red button, not the rubber kind, but the plastic ones. "What're the switches for?" There are 8, so it may be safe for me to presume that each switch arms a missile, maybe or maybe not. "Each individual switch will open each individual missile hatch."
"The missiles, 9M33s, are able to destroy tanks in a single shot, any air target with a single flick of a switch," his eyes shined a sinister glint as he took control of the panel and turned the missile chambers to the clocktower and slowly adjusted the height, lining it up towards Nemesis on top of the roof of the clocktower.
"Let's just hope 8 missiles are infinitely enough to deal with it," I gazed upon the 'mighty' figure of Nemesis above the clock and on the edge of the roof. Growling with majesty into the sky like an alpha wolf in a full moon. But, I'm afraid that everything must come to an end, right now! Mikhail's fingers, flicked all the switches in a single movement.
All the hatches, open in an instant, all missiles armed at the ready. "What are you waiting for then, fire!" I motioned my arm at the Nemesis and Mikhail pressed down the button. SWISH! I could see the smoke coming out of the chambers and the missiles launched all at the same time, forming a volley of death to the Nemesis!
The slick white bodies of the missiles made its way to the Nemesis, still proud, still arrogant, not for long! BOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!! The consecutive explosions of 8 missiles might just deal enough damage for my eye to go blind! God! It's like looking at the sun, but closer and much more personal.
The second sun engulfed the Nemesis in a very hot welcome, that must guarantee its death or I won't know what will! The sun went out just as quick as it appeared and Nemesis fell to the street below along with most of the upper clocktower if it could even be called so any longer. There's no more clock in sight and only half a tower remained.
"That's very destructive," and that's a very clear opinion from me as I walked closer to the foot of the fallen rubble. "I think it's dead," I laughed aloud to the irony of the peaceful situation, I might have turned a bit insane from the few events leading to this point especially that RPG-7 rocket, infuriating!
"So, time to move on," Jill said calmly and icily, walking around the pile of debris, completely burying Nemesis beneath it all. "Yes it is," Mikhail drew a deep breathe and followed Jill behind. We walked past a giant medieval hanging gate door above us and entered past the clocktower gate. SWING!
All of a sudden, came form below the rubble, an elongated hand pulled Jill down! Dragging her across the street! I immediately reacted with my obvious big brain and shot at the rope, hanging the gate doors. Such a big brain move right there! As the hanging gate door fell and sliced the arm in half and a pained shriek came from inside the wreckage.
"The f*cker's still alive!" Jill slid out of the hand and stood up, looking at the remains of the upper clocktower horrified! And then! Another shock of the day came! In a form of a tentacle, escaping itself from the ruins and aiming the spike towards Jill. No! No! No! I pushed Jill to the side and a painful sensation cut on my neck!
I put my hand onto my neck, feeling the blood flow freely out of it as I fell down powerlessly. Am I gonna die... At least I saved a pretty girl... And that was my last thoughts as I plunged deep into the dark.