Crynn POV
"Where are we?" As soon as we appeared out of the dark spiral, we were directly exited out into some kind of a dark room with multiple racks and an old oil lantern hanging on the ceiling becoming the only source of light in this cramped room. "I don't know but there is a door," I looked towards a metal door.
{Limited Time Event : Stop Grindelwald's Escape}
"No... No no no no no!!! We can't be!" Seeing the blue screen popping up with that description, I immediately went into panic mode and opened door out! "What's this limited time event?" No time for questions, and shit. My worst premonition comes to live, this the worst landing point we could ever receive!
The door opened outwards to a corridor, on the left end, leading to an old fashioned 1920s elevator and on the right side goes to a hall with two giant gates on either side and a man, a wizard standing on the edge of the right gate. "Sir, who are you? Whoever you are, you're not supposed to be here," a strong and fierce womanly voice entered my ears when I was busy staring at the hall.
I turned my head towards the left and saw a dark toned woman wearing a black shiny dress with a hat on, I instantly knew that was Seraphina Picquery, President of the Magical Congress of the United States of America also known as MACUSA. This is all going wrong by the second. "We need to leave quickly, our position is not remotely the best one."
"When I ran out, I want you to also run towards the hall," I whispered and on the count of three, 3! I ran out as did Aria, our clothing doesn't fit the era at all! "Hey!" The President called back as we ran towards the center of the hall. "Grindelwald stop!" I pointed my hand towards the wizard standing on the edge of the gate, I could see the elder wand approaching from within the sleeves of his robes.
"Too late," the figure is Abernathy, a follower of Grindelwald but at the moment, the body was momentarily take by Grindelwald for the escape! The familiar sound of zooming and the short black whirlpool sucked Grindelwald in and he's gone. "Worst start ever," I muttered. "Who are you two," Seraphina Picquery came to the hall accompanied by her guards ad aurors, oh boy.
"Slowly get to that carriage," I murmured near Aria's ear as she nodded and slowly stpped back towards the carriage I'm currently eyeing. It's a roofless carriage with 4 Thestrals stood menacingly in front of the carriage attached to it with ropes, their hooves constantly moving up and down as if ready for any take off.
"Madam President, I believe we may be having a complication," I turned around and started moving towards the carriage behind Aria. "Don't move a single step," I tilted my head backwards to see the president and the rest of her entourage aiming their wands at me. "Not a request I could adhere at the moment."
The last word I uttered earned me a bright white verbal-less spell coming towards me. My reflexes went to play and a saber exited the scabbard and intercepted the spell directly dissipating it. "We must leave Madam President," every guard and auror shot at me after the sentence, well shit. I whirled my saber like a helicopter rotor, cutting every spell but the saber beats everything.
"Go! Go!" I stepped up onto the carriage and quickly shouted! Aria nodded nervously and waved the Thestral reigns, igniting their movement. The Thestrals sped and towards the gate and plunged down in an instant! "Seatbelts! Seatbelts!" Crap, I swiftly found the seatbelts and attached the two end together across my waist and I could see Aria already had hers on.
"Do you have a flying carriage license!" Shit! Shit! Shit! This is terrifying! The Thestrals hadn't opened their wings and are still falling down from the high ministry skyscraper! ANyone would've though the presidential and main headquarters building of MACUSA to be in Washington D.C.! And not in the middle of Manhattan!
Meanwhile with Seraphina Picquery... "Aurors! Guards! Brooms!" Seraphina Picquery shouted in a dour tone and a gloomy face, her left hand stretched to the left laterally and a fancy broomstick appeared at once. All the guards and aurors behind her too had their broomsticks out! And... jump! Seraphina Picquery made the first leap off, and the other guards and aurors follow in the hunt!
Back to Crynn Avter. "One of my hobbies is equestrianism! Does that count?!" Aria answered in fear and finally, the wings opened and the Thestrals began flying to the skies in chase of the prisoner carriage! "No, that doesn't! Horse riding doesn't count at all!" I never though I'd had a fear of flying, but I actually had it now!
"Over there! Steer left!" Is that the MetLife Building! The prisoner is flying above the MetLife Building! "This is very dangerous!" Aria shrieked and off course I know it's very dangerous! That's why our landing point coupled with the limited time event is the worst starting location that we could possibly get in this whole entire movie!
We are proceeding nearer towards the prisoner carriage with 4 guards following closely behind on their broomsticks! I could see bright white light and a few circles of black shadows suddenly came from above the prisoner carriage roof and there Grindelwald stands in his unshaved beard and wand out pointing at the driver.
"Ahhhh!" The scream of the driver beat the loud sound of high rainfall as he fell from his seat and to the back, probably going to fall to his impending doom. The second driver went away soon enough as I discerned of him getting flown in front of the carriage and then backwards, hitting two guards on the carriage roof, directly dragging them both to their dooms as well.
Actually, they probably won't die because instead of the snake bite the previous driver got, this one only received a tied rope to his ankles and the two other guards probably still have their wands and could cast Arresto Momentum to slow their fall. Overall, this has been an exhausting first start.