End of the Jill Chronicles

Calian POV

"Where were we? Ah right, in the original timeline which I ruined, you were stabbed by Nemesis and in a very painful comatose in which Carlos went through a painstaking effort to get a vaccine and inject you with it. Apparently, the vaccine did not completely cure you of the T-virus infection but instead, a bit of it hibernated in your body, only resurfacing during your cryostasis 'tete a tete' with Wesker."

"Doesn't that mean, because I'm not stabbed by the T-virus this time and you were the one stabbed, the virus is still sleeping inside of you?" Ohhhhhh... Well, crap, how did I not think of that... I need to get that sorted some other time, Jill did survive like what? 7 to 8 years with the virus in her so I'll just put that on hold for the time being.

"I guess that means that I'll have to get a check up some time later and also try not to get into a coma in the mean time. So, you fended off the newly awoken virus with a newly produced, much stronger anti-bodies which grant you resistant not only towards the T-virus but also towards all the other viruses, a definite positive perk."

"This new ability of yours made you useless in virus experiments towards your body as all viruses entering it would just die. Wesker however, had a whole other plan, and a whole new virus termed, the 'Ouroboros'? I think? He believed, that launching this virus to the whole world, would force evolution onto mankind, pushing the world of man into greater heights."

"Obviously, forced evolution would cause millions and billions to die and only a few selected ones would be alive and even if they safely made it out, the whole world would've been infested with monsters anyway so there's no point anymore. Clearly Wesker didn't think that far, such a fanatic, eh?"

"He planned to continuously inject the Ouroboros virus into your body to develop the virus' tolerance towards the human body. Eventually, you were no longer useful for the Ouroboros virus and was made as a test subject to yet another little school project of Wesker's, mind controlled super soldiers."

"Huh, I'm brainwashed, convenient," Jill said with immense sarcasm, I wouldn't want to be brainwashed, it's inhumane and absolutely unethical. But as they say, power is everything and even though the CIA's brainwashing program was uncovered, they weren't met with any troubles regarding the laws as they are a special department with special jurisdiction.

"Yes, you are controlled with a kind of drug that needs to be constantly injected in you every so often and so, Wesker created this device in which he stuck it onto your chest. It's an iconic ruby red, shaped like a carapace, fitting in between you clavicle just above your cleavage, it's not exactly aesthetical, more looking to intimidate than to beautify," Jill didn't say anything to that so I'll continue on.

"Your chronicles are moving towards the end of the line where it gets just a bit better. A mind controlled you are supposed to guard some guy in some place I can't remember the name of, you are to prevent the BSAA's team consisting of Chris Redfield and some chick from capturing the guy you're protecting."

"Soon enough, incidents lead to incidents and the guy you're supposed to protect ended up trying to blow an oil field and injected himself with some kind of virus serum but in the end had a sliver of moment to tell the BSAA of Wesker's secret lab before he succumbed to darkness. so something happened in between and Redfield and his team caught up with you, Wesker and some gal.

"You had a big fight, on Wesker's team of course and in the end luckily, you were abandoned while Wesker and the other girl escaped which is extremely fortunate as Redfield quickly figured out that the device on your chest had something to do with this weird behavior of yours. So, they took it off and you've regained full control of your body."

"That however is not the end yet, Redfield and his friend reached a ship of some kind to confront Wesker and apparently multiple missiles aimed at multiple important parts of the world, packed full to the brim with the Ouroborus virus. As always, main characters inthe side of 'justice' always win in the end with Chris and his friend whose once again name I can't remember, shooting two RPGs at Wesker, blowing him up completely to bits."

"You returned to the BSAA to get a full intensive check-up and resumed your duties without holiday and ounce of rest. You were a depressing workaholic with too much stress, it certainly ain't good for your health but... that's your faithful ending, now any questions?" Damned I have to really quench open the deep crevices of my brain trying to remember everything that happened in... which Resident Evil game is that even?

"I guess my life has definitely gone to the shitter, it could've been better," Jill shrugged her shoulders like what I just story told for the past what, like 10-20 minutes or so don't mean anything, wow, rude. "I'm just a bit curious, am I anything other than from a game?" Well... That's quite the question but greatly so, her eyes looked just curious and nothing else.

"There is for one, the movies, adapted from the game's popularity, it has a total of 6 films in which instead of the world being absolutely fine except for some bioterrorism, the movie world is much more literally dead. The entire world has gone to the zombies, no one is safe, America is in ruins and only the Umbrella Corporation and some other lucky humans survived the zombie virus outbreak."

"The most vital comparison is that, in the movies you were dead and in the games, you were clearly not because you were a fan favorite character," Jill once more looked like she wanted to say something but better off being silent, great, now where is that extremely delayed mission completion notification?