Challenge Accepted

Calian POV

"He did shout before I shot him in the head. So perhaps we must be more concentrated and ready," I advised before walking ahead, everyone extra focused and alert, well done. "So, these guys have metal arms and metal legs and weird eyes," Jill said as we stepped over the 3 corpses, they are obviously equipped with body modifications as one of them have 6 eyes like a spider which doesn't look good.

"This is a world with the name of Cyberpunk taken directly from the genre of cyberpunk which is a genre situated in a dystopian future world with a lot of lives lower than trash, a lot of rich douchebags and oh so much robotics not to mention violence," Jill answered for her in an accurate description.

"Summarized, the world is shit, am I not right?" Crynn grinned as he looked towards the right side of the dirt path to find absolutely no one. "I think that our local, V is acting as a one man army over there. Shouldn't we rush and help," no matter how good you are with a Japanese katana, you can't possibly overrun tens of gunmen.

"Sure, we're missing some action here," Crynn laughed as we traversed the empty dirt path closer to the primary source of noise. Bang! Bang! Bang! AAAHHH- Shots rang throughout the night sky and a painful scream was suddenly cut off. A girl came running down with a bat towards us and Jill brandished her shotgun.

Who will win this glorious fight! Random gal with a baseball bat or heroine Jill Valentine with her iconic shotgun! Fight! Bang! Pop! One shot and the random gal died! Applause to our champion people! I don't expect Jill to win at all, nope, never expected that. "Apparently, it's not just fashion and etiquette that has regressed, their brain has too," I agree with you Ariane.

"Looks like it's just me who hasn't gotten any form of action," Crynn joked while shrugging with a helpless expression. A guy all of a sudden came out of a corner and shouted hysterically. Bang! Bang! Bang! Crynn's eyes lighted up and three bullets were immediately shot out of the barrel of his gun, hitting the guy three times into his chest.

"Well, looks like you've received your action," Jill smirked but seriously these men aren't at all professional, I thought organ harvesters were better than this. Seeing no way else to go other than left or right, we chose the orthodox path, instead of going through the two remaining directions, we made our own direction, just go straight.

Firstly, in front of us is a tent blocking our way and tents are made of cloth and cloth are easily ripped apart. Secondly, Crynn has two very exquisite swords on either side of his waist, those swords must have some purpose. "Right, I've got the sword," Crynn stated as he fluently pulled the right saber out of its scabbard and swung down with ferocity, slicing the tent in two, creating a perfect entrance.

Turns out, there are two men inside the the tent, hiding behind a flipped table cover and shooting out of it without aiming. They were certainly surprised seeing their tent wall behind them being sliced open as another swing sliced their throats in turn, instantly silencing both their voices and their lives from existence.

"That's quite cruel," I can't help but remarked on it, those sabers are sharp and dangerous. "This is Napoleon Bonaparte's dual sabers, what would you expect," Napoleon's sabers! That's why it looks so exclusive. "Now we know to never underestimate cold weapons," I know how dangerous cold weapons can be even if it's considered obsolete, it's still a weapon of killing.

We peeked out the tent's entrance and the scene is pretty awesome! There are 5 armed men on one the side opposite of V with a katana. If this is a gladiator's game and everyone is to bet, I can bet that everyone will bet big bucks on five armed men when facing a sword wielding chick, but this ain't ordinary sword wielding chick you see.

V's eyes flashed like pearls as she stepped down with one foot and her whole body disappeared as the sand flew around. In the next second, V appeared back in front of the five men, surprising them as they shoot around carelessly and no bullets hit their target as V cut off the hands of one men and the legs of another.

That isn't over however when V struck again this time, someone clavicle slit open in a stream of blood as the other two's chest was slashed multiple times in multiple succession. In just another second, everyone is down on the ground, a few dropped dead while the few others survived albeit will be traumatized until they die.

I can't help but clap which proceeded to prompt Crynn, Jill and Ariane to applause as well in amazement and admiration, it takes true skill to do what Jill just did, a skill I'm sure none of us had. Hearing the claps, V turned to look at us with a weird expression, "Eh... Why are all of you clapping?" Poor her, she looks very confused.

"Your method of operation is excellent and extraordinary, I knew we picked the right person for the job," Crynn nodded a few times in acceptance, what he just said sounds like flattery though. "Thank you for that, we'll talk about the job after I regain my lifespan," V said as a man below her feet cried out in pain and insults as Jill stabbed the katana deep into the man's heart and coldly pulled it back, killing the downed enemy, brutal.

"So have you wiped out all of them?" I looked around to find piles of brutalized corpses, a lot are dead but some are still alive. "Pretty much, these guys are low tech, low ability and low firepower scavengers, unlike, how many do you need alive again? Ten? Pretty sure I've got more than ten alive still," great then, more than ten alive is what I'd like to hear.

"So now that we're done here, why don't you start to work your magic," is that a challenge from V I hear. I can only represent the team to say, challenge accepted!