
Crynn POV

Hohoho! Let's get started, first step 10 live sinful people. "So, whom among this mess is still breathing?" I scratched my head and looked around, a bloodbath is what this is, chopped arms, chopped legs, a head or two, not very pleasant to my eye, some might have this kind of fetish but definitely not me.

"Any would do, am I right? Even ones without limbs?" V strolled around, eyes looking at the piles for any signs of life. "Should be alright, as long as whoever is alive is sinful and still has his soul, we should be fine," Calian answered calmly, his eyes not flinching when V pulled out someone from beneath some bodies with one arm and leg gone, blood flowing after.

Fast forward a minute, and V has become an excellent life finder, 10 humans, still breathing, still in pain and suffering, good, we shall start. Everyone looked at Calian as he coughed and cleared his throat, put his hand behind his back, and there appear the scroll out of thin air. "Before you do your mumbo jumbo, just curious here, what do you mean by soul?" V asked.

"Soul is as simple as a soul, this treatment or crudely, ritual requires ten sinful souls around a medium in which a soul will be pulled out of the afterlife in exchange for the ten sinful souls," Calian explained as V's eyes twitched. "Are you implying that I'm soulless or are you trying to kick my soul out of my body as well, just for the clearing here, I don't believe in any of this, I'm just here to try and join in in whatever ceremony this is. You know, you only live once, gotta try everything in life right?"

"Ehh... Yes, we received divination from the heavens that you are in need of a longer life span which apparently means you've lost your soul, somewhere along the road of life," that's a bunch of nonsense just spewed out of Calian and he said it without a hint of a lie, wow, though it's technically not a lie, just an excuse but surely V actually lost her soul because if she hadn't then this ritual wouldn't be in one of the treatments, interesting.

"If only Misty was here, she'd make some friends," I heard V murmur below her breathe, who's Misty? Actually never mind, we've delayed this affair long enough. "So, where do I put the bodies?" V questioned as she suspiciously looked at all of us, well that's justified, we do look very suspicious, coming in with an aircraft and spouting rituals, not your everyday insurance salesman.

"You'd have to lie down on the ground for the ritual and the bodies will be placed in a circle all around you, simple enough," Calian shrugged with a smile as he opened the scroll to re-read the text, whatever text it is. "Why am I even doing this," V sighed as she lined the bodies up easily around a patch of sand as she dragged a clean board and placed it in the center.

"I'm a clean person, I don't want sand all over my jacket," she responded upon seeing the weird looks we're giving. "So, can we start?" She conveyed towards Calian as he lowered the scroll just enough to be able to see V in front of him and he replied, "Oh of course, the ritual is ready for the taking." Let's see how this goes.


Calian POV

I'd love to see your face once the ritual works, probably nothing very great. She's probably just gonna be shocked to the brim, her worldview would instantly crash and she would join up with us. But hey, my worldview crashed first. I went from devout catholic in my childhood to atheist later in life and now, I'm now apparently a polytheist omnist because I believe in every religion and pantheon, thanks to none other than the Greek Gods.

Reading this Enochian language on the scroll is going to be an absolute pain. There is the alphabet written below the characters for pronunciation but I already know that I'm going to mess up in every bit of the pronunciation. "Ready? I hadn't seen anything supernatural other than zombies so this will be quite a spectacle," Jill whispered from next to me, I cleared my throat, let's begin.

"(In ancient Enochian) Gods above and Gods below, your humble subject and collaborator is here to pledge an exchange. Ten sinful souls for the soul of one beneath the depths of the world. I plead thee the Gods of Death to accept this exchange as the rules of karma allows it to. Open the gates and blow the trumpets as the portal to the other-worldly opens to the ever-worthy! (In ancient Enochian)"

I felt a rumble from the skies as I looked up to find one of the most unforgettable moments I will ever remember. The clouds parted open to a full circle, lighting struck the sides as storms of wind pluckered out any unwanted objects out the circle. I heard the sound of drums playing and the start of a symphony!

The death knell rings and tones as trumpets sounded, blowing horns roared to welcome the arrival. The clouds traveled around in a melancholic tide, I don't even know what that implies, the statement just immediately came from my mind. The clouds revolve faster in a raging motion as it was sucked into a swirl where the color transitions from white to black.

What's gonna happen? I thought as a portal fully formed and illusory gates open to reveal a landscape of nothing, it's just a void, a black curtain, hiding secret behind. What caught my eyes next is the two spectral hands coming out of the shroud, fingers open like a puppeteer. A second passed as screams of agony and reluctance came from all around V, herself looking thundered to the brim by what she's witnessing right now.

Fire spread from the sinful ten's soul up, quickly turning from a malicious red to holy golden as the body is cleansed and the souls are lifted out of it. A misty combination of red and black is what colored the souls, colors reminiscent of heavy sins. The ten souls was collected in a flash as the ten fingers of the I presume, Grim Reaper grasped the souls and immediately threw the lot of them into the portal.

Next, the reaper pointed a finger onto V as a soul, golden in purity and red in might escaped teh tip of its index finger and ran straight into V's chest, entering it swiftly. Wow, this has been very exciting!