
Crynn POV

Holy shit! What the f*ck did I just witness! It's like watching Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark in the scene where the Ark is opened and everyone was lasered to death, seeing how the sinful ten burned in holy fire to mere ashes as souls escaped their body only to be captured back, what a sight to behold!

AAAHHH!!! V screamed in horror and affliction as the crimson soul covered in gold slowly entered through the left chest. To be honest, the scene is a bit terrorizing. It's like seeing a ghost forcefully possessing a body to inflict vengeance on another. "Will she be fine?" Aria asked in worry, how do I answer something I don't understand?

"Based on the scroll, she will be fine... maybe, it doesn't say about the screaming and... just wait," Calian sheepishly rubbed his temples while he hesitantly laughed. V's back arched up as her hands tried to take a hold of the soul to have an attempt in pulling it out but to no avail because souls can't be physically touched, according to books.

The soul is still seeping into the depths of V's heart as she clutched her chest not in mild asphyxiation which is not good. "Does she need oxygen?" Jill questioned as her eyes narrowed towards V's hand, one one her neck and the other on her chest, painfully gripping teh both of it as if she needs air.

"Okay, I don't know, this is the first magic ritual I've ever done, I'm not professional in witchcraft," Calian sighed exasperatedly, oh look, the soul is almost in! Which means everything will be over! I looked back at the skies as the portal closed and the clouds burst into all sides, creating shockwaves which might alert a lot of people.

The soul fully entered the body as V went silent and dropped down, her face covered in sweat and her hands are perspiring. "YOU!!! What have you done to me!!!" Right out of nowhere, an enraged V jumped in a big stride as her hands grabbed upon Calian's collar throwing him down on the ground in a threatening motion.

Calian gulped as he sneaked looks at all of us for help. "Calm down, calm down, so, how's the experience," he tried to talk it out whilst striving to push away V's hand but apparently V is way stronger and her hand is totally unmoved. "The experience?!?!?! What do you think! That f*cking heart you motherf*cker!!!"

Woah language, this is a bit comedic if not dangerous. "What I mean is, what do you feel right now? Good I hope?" Calian made an effort to release an optimistic question in which V further furrowed her brows as she squinted angrily at Calian. "Oddly enough, somehow after that grueling f*cking experience, I don't feel pain but quite complete and a lot more healthier."

"Well, that's good to hear, maybe you can get off me first before I explain, that would be more appropriate, don't you think?" Calian stated as he looked downwards and upwards at V as she got off and stood up with a warning look. Calian swept the sand off his back and loudly cleared his throat and a couple of coughs.

"Right, so how do you feel, not physically but mentally," I think we won't have to say anything, let's just let Calian do all the talking, sounds good to me.


Calian POV

Finally, V caught me by surprise, oh well. "What do you mean by mentally?" V looks like she is ignoring all that is supernatural that had just happened seconds ago. "Your worldview must be shaken, did you the hands, that is the grim reaper and to get your soul back to your body, it or he demands ten sinful souls in exchange, voilà."

V trembled, I believe that there is no true atheist in the world, someone has to believe in something, even my atheism isn't really atheism. I believe in science so I put science as my God so to speak so in this case as well, I might concur that V is the same as me, she doesn't believe in God, maybe she believes in science as her God, that should be why she's having such a hard time here.

"So the supernatural does exist? Looks like Misty isn't talking bullshit all the time," her whisper is heard by everyone in the silent desert where even a slight rustle of sand clearly rang on our ears. "Ahem... so, yes, okay what's next... the ritual, yes. As I've said before the ritual's aim is to exchange ten sinful souls for one soul and the soul we exchanged for is yours."

"I'll repeat again, someway, somehow, your soul escaped your body, maybe you died twice and was revived without your soul, who knows, I'm not overly an expert in this branch of metaphysics. This is also why you feel complete, because you've regained something you've lost, the pain is only a side effect."

"Right, I died, of course I died," V mumbled to herself, this is a juicy story I'd like to hear. "Might you be willing to share us this unfortunate experience of yours," how can a human die and come back to the land of the living, there's a lot of debates in the subject but it's a known fact that the subject can indeed happen, like me for example or Jill, Crynn, Ariane, we died and came back to life.

"Right, it all started from a single simple heist gone wrong. From then on, my life seems to tumble downwards, albeit not completely, there's some nice moments crammed in, there's some beautiful and loving moments as well," V's expressions turned pensive, it's as if she's deeply reflecting and remembering.

"The heist, it was a nice morning, a nice afternoon, the sun is happily shining and I am on position. What I learned from that day is that sometimes, life seems to be shitting on us."