Data Download

Calian POV

You know, as a Kingsman, I'm trained in advanced computing, hacking, networking and designing, so I'm not exactly new in terms of information communications technology. But, yes there's a but, I don't really like computers, I like using them, not tinkering with them. As computing is not at all one hobby I love, I prefer to let others do it and stay out of it.

And seeing what Jill is doing right now really amazes me, the speed of simply maneuvering among the pad, keyboard and mouse. People in this world must be kind of insane because who would've thought that every normal human living here would have chips installed in their brain as well as a connection cable run along the arm and a socket on the side of the temple directly wired to the brain's neural links and chips.

"Any troubles?" Because it seems like Jill's clicks have stagnated by a bit, following by a pair of squinting eyes. "Yes, just need to break through the first firewall or I could just find another shortcut, walls always have an entrance and entrances are often times more vulnerable as well as well guarded than its walls which makes for a risk I'm willing to take."

"Did you not administer the antidote for the rat poison?" Jill suddenly said with a frown as I followed her gaze to Thompson's hand, currently severely twitching in a bad way. "Oh, right, ehm... I might have forgotten about it in the heat of the moment but don't worry, it's in my right pants pocket," hmm? I reached down aiming inside the pocket, touching upon a tube, just what I need.

I took it out to reveal an injection device a bit similar to the device in Resident Evil 3 just smaller and does not contain a fantasy-vibe-like purple glowing potion liquid. As I have received some coaching on this as well, I unhesitantly pierced through the suit into the upper arm, penetrating deep down to the deltoid muscle injection site and the antidote slowly but surely flowed in.

"Good, he seems much calmer," Crynn spoke as I could see his hand twitched less, this is fast acting. "Right, how can such a small cylindrical piece of metal possibly fit enough power and electricity to take down a chosen chairman head bodyguard built with many different augmentations and cybernetics," V kindly asked.

"Though we might not have what anyone have as norm right now in 2077, we have advanced gear, weaponry, facilities and specifications that no one here can offer besides us. That cylindrical piece of metal is a larger scale shock projectile. I don't really understand the principle behind it involves a heavily miniaturized one-time use hydrogen fuel cell that would cycle hydrogen in an extremely fast speed which is transferred as heat, chemical and kinetic energy converted to large amounts of electrical energy."

I'm not a scientist-much, I'm good at science, but not as good as any of the top Kingsman scientist, engineers and researchers, not even a little close to their level. "Sounds extremely complicated, shouldn't we remove this piece of evidence?" V did a coin throw with the cylinder as she satisfyingly grabbed it from the air with a metallic ding.

"Then you can keep it with you, if you don't mind," I pulled the injection device from Thompson as I stood up in a stretch. "Gotten through yet?" Calian looked down at the fairly difficult operations Jill is currently doing. "Almost, just need to get past a few detectors. If I was detected by any of it, all important data will automatically be erased by the systems. Keep in mind, Militech is extremely guarding in terms of its information," 'very guarding' indeed, so much so that we can simply walk right in and out of Militech HQ with their data in our hands.

"Yes! Done it! I'm in, data extraction begins now," Jill beamed as she typed more codes into the pad where a loading screen suddenly appeared. "We just need to wait for a few minutes at most, even seconds if the download runs quicker than expected," Jill laughed as she stood up, wiping a non-existent sweat off her face.

"So, did you disable this floor's CCTV systems?" V walked around, going inside one of the rooms connected to the corridor in curiosity. I mean, we aren't doing anything at the moment except waiting right now, sitting around, standing around aimlessly. "Yes I did but only for the extent of the entire journey of Thompson's walk here but I did input a fake video without the 5 of us which includes a CG display of a well sick Thompson going to this corridor."

"So, is it safe to assume that this Goro guy will be the last disturbance we will have until the end of our excursion," Aria spoke, staring at the digital pad on the ground with the loading bar almost pushed to full. "Nope, we will be fine, don't worry, look, the download is finished, the only thing left for me to do is to connect the cables to Goro Takemura and program both their bodies to a memory wipe."

Jill than took another cable, plugging into Takemura's socket and the pad. "Need to break into another firewall, will take some time," and again we go, breaking firewalls all day like the 4th wall, not really... "Oh? This is surprisingly simple, way too simple, the firewall's as thin as cardboard though the external digital influence protection's firewall is high, guess this guy never expected to be hacked with an internal connection ay?"

"Okay, I'm done, we have 5 minutes to get out before the two men woke up with the memories fractured and utterly confused. This is a very anticlimactic situation but in every mission, climax is one we should avoid, am I not right?" Wow, when I first registered into this ridiculous task, this was not in my mind.

This is too easy, way too easy, shouldn't there be more? (Spoilers : There's none more)