Extracted Data


I absolutely can't believe what happened last night. It's just too damn easy, so easy it's getting in my bones. I'm shivering by just the sheer amount of simplicity throughout that entire event. After we're done extracting all we could and timing the wake up calls for both Goro Takemura and Thompson Maresh, we went.

From there on, to the staff elevator and downwards to the basement, came by the locker room for our clothes pay in mind there's no one inside the room as everyone is busy for the celebration. And that's it, we walked out like nothing even bloody transpired back there. It was utterly and insanely ridiculous. It's not realistic enough.

"So does everyone want to know what I got from Thompson's brain?" Jill enthusiastically interjected through my thoughts, pulling me out of it. It's a sunny day outside and what I mean by sunny is that it's scorching hot with only the sun above our heads. No clouds, no shadows, pure radioactive sunshine and vitamin D for extras.

"What've we got?" Calian spoke while taking a munch off a sandwich he picked up from my 'Never-ending Platter of Sandwiches' courtesy to my first year in Hogwarts and the fact that even with a 95% reduction of magic, magic items still somehow works which is ludicrous in my opinion but hey, who's complaining, that's right, no one.

"A lot junk, a lot of sex, a lot of alcohol, a lot of women and a pretty nice guy. Let me tell you, looking at this man's brain, he has that sort of aura a harem protagonist would have. Charms, charisma, ability, loyal, loving, amiable, courteous, a lot more but most importantly, he's got a good sex drive, really good, emphasis on good," Aria laughed.

Speaking of harem protagonists, aren't they supposed to be dense? "I can read your mind, no, harem protagonists aren't dense, only some are," looks like Calian has some hidden telepathic abilities I haven't been told of. "You've seen the data already, Aria?" I asked as Jill loaded the complete data drive into the computers.

"Not a lot, only the fun ones, I skipped the essential parts, figure I'll let Jill process them while I'll wait the next day when everyone's set for the hearing," only the fun ones, huh, I'd actually like some of that as well, getting a bit stressed these days, I don't know what's getting to me, I was not like this when I was alive. Maybe my head's a bit shaken by my travelling in the afterlife. Yeah, that's it.

"So, let's get started, shall we? Starting off from the electronic tickets, something I need to work on as quick as I can," well, I can see how manufacturing fake electronic tickets to board a super-submarine might be a difficult and time consuming task to work out but it's electronic which I presume would mean that it's going to be digital rather than conventional paper tickets.

"So, getting on the submarine means we need to show our tickets to the ticket scanner and register. The tickets are electronic which means, it isn't physical, it is mental. Not mental as in crazy, but mental as in mind which means the electronic tickets uses digital brainwaves which is given off into the surroundings upon scanning."

"You might be thinking, how are we going to get pass that? Easy? By using artificial brainwaves. I'm going to be buying each of you a new mobile phone which we will each use to transmit the artificial brainwave serving as each of our fake tickets written on the wave which will be picked up by the scanner and registered on in the right orders, assuming us like any other crews on the submarine."

That sounds wholly complicated, way too complicated in fact, couldn't we just compress this up? "It may sound annoying to do because it is. I need to figure out all the right waves for all the different ticket characters and numbers which will take quite some time to do. I also need to construct the wave in itself piecing together the various waves and codes needed to create the perfect camouflage."

"Because by the time I'm done, all of us will be certified NUSA military members and Militech officers working as crew aboard the super-submarine. Everyone will notice us as someone new and nothing else. The special rear admiral wouldn't even check us because his job is already too much and he needs rest and relaxation."

"Is there any questions cause I'm expecting none as well as getting myself working on this as fast as I humanely could which means I might be a bit snappy in the grueling process, I will be irritating and I will certainly be a workaholic. Not like a Japanese workaholic but a workaholic nonetheless because after all, I'm not about to commit suicide," and she finally finished, I've my question ready.

"Regarding the submarine and the special rear admiral, have you formulated a well thought out plan yet as to how we need to deal with it?" Because we can't be expected to simply do our own thing on the submarine and how are we supposed to storm down on the captain in his own ship with hundreds of loyal crew.

"I already have a shadow on how we're going to do it but not a fully structured plan yet, it's all just scribbled and sketches in my head, the final product is to be postponed until I'm one hundred percent done with this artificial brainwave construction project. Any more questions before I ill myself over this," Calian has some questions by his sudden raise of hand.

"Sorry, habit from school. Anyway, how are we going to tell V about this? Because as crazy as our previous missions have been not enough mad, this is a truly bonkers mission of the unsound mind. There's a chance she won't accept anymore. A woman with a lover whose got her soul back won't want it returned to the hands of the grim reaper?

"Yes, that is a problem," Aria nodded, agreeing on Calian's topic. "Tell her first, then we see what goes next," we'll do just that.