As I woke up the next morning, I found a star-shaped blade laying on my bed. I got blown away, I could not believe my eyes. It was inscribed with the same letters, "JFST", exactly similar to the one received by King Hugo and King Tisdale. I completely froze. "Am I in danger?" I thought as chills passed through my body. After some time, my father entered the room and said," Son, don't freak out everything is fine."
" I found a star-shaped blade laying on my bed, Father."
" I see, Juan, but you are not the only one. Everyone in the city found a blade on their bed this morning. We are now making preparations to evacuate the city."
"What, how is that even possible," I screamed.
" I know, I was as surprised as you when I found the blade laying on my bed."
" But why are they doing this? This is not the perfect way to get justice for what happened to them in the past."
" I understand your point but remember one thing son, everyone is flawed and the fairy tales you believe in, do not exist in the real world."
" Alright, father, but what is the condition of the city?"
" People are losing it. Our army is trying to calm them down, but it is not enough. Come downstairs, and you will see it yourself.
As we both went outside the castle. There was panic present among the people. People were present outside the castle, in masses, demanding immediate evacuation. It was a horrible scene to witness. Loud noises of cries and chatters were going among the people. As I was experiencing it standing outside the castle gate, I felt a tap on my back. As I turned around, I saw my good friends Rupert and Isabel standing. Fear and sadness were visible on Rupert's face and, Isabel was terrified, her face was as red as a cherry.
"Juan, what is happening? I don't want me and my family to die," cried Isabel. Rupert and I tried to warm her up but she was so out of control and scared that we could not handle her.
"If they failed to save both the kings then who am I?" she screamed." I could see wind stirred waves in her teary eyes. It was painful for me to see fear and pain on Isabel's gorgeous face.
"I promise nothing will happen, preparations are being made for the evacuation of the city. In some hours we will be shifting to the forests near the Oasmont city for some days. They won't harm us there," I said.
" Who are they? Who wants to harm us?" Asked Rupert.
"It's a long story, I will tell you later. Anyway, I am supposed to join the castle meeting, see you later."
I then went to the conference hall of the castle where the preparations for evacuating the city was happening. The hall looked like a small-sized main hall with a round table in the middle, around which sat the meeting members The atmosphere of the meeting was quite dull as everybody present in the meeting was stressed out by the pressure. Queen Josephine was sitting on the corner side of the hall. She looked duller than before and remained silent during the entire meeting.
" Warrior John, I still don't understand why we should evacuate? The Shakara tribe coming back to take revenge, it all seems so surreal," stated minister Samuel.
" I know it does but both, my son and Roderick saw them last night. They killed both the King and his son for the past injustice done to them by us. And now they are coming for the civilians of the city I don't know how? but they are. We have to make preparations for the evacuation until it is too late," my father shouted punching the round table.
" Oh come one, these kids must be making this up how can they still be alive when Hugo threw them to the forbidden forest," said the minister Oher.
I got offended, I was about to lose my calm and confront the minister. Musif Leren who was sitting beside me sensed my anger and stopped me from bursting out.
He then leant forward and said," Minister Oher, Shakaras could have found a way out from the deadly forest or could have survived the deadly environment of the forest. We all know their body structure was stronger than ours."
"Okay, Musif, say we believe that it was the Shakaras. But how can they just kill everyone in the city? I don't believe this non-sense the Levander kingdom security is very tight," said minster Samuel.
" Tell that to King Hugo and Tisdale," I said finally breaking my silence.
"Yeah, they have already left the security dumbstruck two times. And just today every residence of the city received a star-shaped blade from the Shakaras indicating our lives is in danger. So I don't think there should be any doubt this time. I believe we should stay on the safer side," said my father further proving my point.
"Alright, Warrior Swift we are trusting you on this, I hope we aren't going to evacuate for nothing," said minister Samuel.
Before leaving the city, we were to bury the dead body of King Tisdale. As we all went inside King Tisdale's room to pick his dead body, I noticed something peculiar and similar. Near the corner of the room, I saw a very minute hole present. It was of few centimetres and difficult to spot in a mega room like that of King Tisdale. But it was not the first time I had noticed this. A day before, when I went to Rupert's house to borrow his boots, I observed several holes outside every hut similar to the hole found in the King's room.
"Father, don't you find this hole suspicious."
" What is it, Juan?" asked father, facing towards the hole. He then bent on his knees and observed the tiny hole present.
"That's quite unusual. Musif could you infer anything out of it." Musif Leren then came forward and started to apply force on the circumference of the hole with full force. What then happened dropped the jaws of every person present in the room.