Orphic - CH. 21, p.1

"Fear cuts deeper than swords." - George R.R. Martin


"What do you mean by "Sofia has disappeared"?" I asked him boldly.

"She wanted to look into the room next to the one we were in before, but I explained to her that I would first search through the other ones. She agreed, but when I came back to get her she was gone. I...I can't find her," he explained, and I noticed a slight sense of guilt in his voice. My fingertips brushed over his cheek and I noticed the heath underneath. His breath was a bit irregular, and his skin felt somewhat rough. He blamed himself.

"How long has she been gone?" I tried to get his attention back to the essential part of our conversation, "over forty-five minutes," he mumbled and looked down. The guilt in his voice was now not just a slight undertone, it was dominating the words he was saying.