Ember's Crown

Ember's Crown

Fantasy64 Chapters201.5K Views
Author: Clone_v2
Table of Contents

Releases: Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays (for the time being)

20,000 years ago the Towers emerged. From the Towers, a mysterious force known as "Tension" Spread through the walled continent of Aspire.

In a dying land, replete with corruption and bloodshed, Nero XIII dreams of ascending the Grand Tower and seizing the power to change the world...

Or will he choose to destroy it instead?

He isn't transmigrated, he isn't reincarnated, he doesn't have a system. What he does have is years of training under the enigmatic "Father" and an unshakable will.

Raised as the perfect weapon from youth, Nero sets out on a journey to scale the heights of power, strike fear into the hearts of those who cross him, and claim Ember's Crown.


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24 Reviews
Translation Quality
Stability of Updates
Story Development
Character Design
World Background
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Alright, you know how this works. It's time for an author's shameless self-review. What makes this particularly awkward is that I actually write reviews for my blog. If I were to be completely honest in a legitimate review, my webnovel would get high marks, but not the highest out of the several webnovels I've reviewed so far. That being said, now's not the time, to be brutally honest, but the time to promote. Why should you read Ember's Crown? That's easy. It's a great Webnovel. It starts off good, but it gets great. I'm serious. As of now, there are 30 chapters released. I have more scheduled for release, and even more chapters mapped out ready for writing. If you just read the 30 chapters I have out now, you'll see what I mean. It starts out good, but then it gets great. I'm a never-ending fount of awesome ideas, and Ember's Crown is the beneficiary of those ideas. I weave the story in such a way that it seamlessly connects in awesome ways. Nothing is forgotten, abandoned or left out. When you read this webnovel, you'll see what I mean. I'm not throwing around random adventures because I'm not at a loss for where I want to take this story. I took the bold approach of blending the observations of the third person with the intimacy and detail of the first person. If you're worried that as a first-person story, this webnovel is slow or very internal, allow me to put those worries to rest. This webnovel is fast-paced in one sense, the story is always moving forward, and it's slow-paced in another sense. Moments are fleshed out and expanded upon. My goal in writing Ember's Crown was to write a story that I would be excited to read. I think I've done that. I hope my excitement for this story pours out of the pages and reaches you. I want you to be just as excited to read Ember's Crown as I am to write it. So, do I think you should read this Webnovel? Yes, I really think you should. I think you'll enjoy it, and I really want you along with me for this awesome journey we get to experience together. Alright, shameless promotion dispensed with, I'll let you judge for yourselves. Ciao.

3 years ago

Throughout three chapters so far, I can say that I am intrigued. The plot is looking solid so far. The take of our protagonist taking a cruel challenge to begin his quest for a grand change works very well on how the author plans to build the world background. It is clear from the few chapters that the author has a knack for creating scenarios with details excellent details. From the gruelling battles and an environment where only despair can be mostly seen, it has been conveyed clearly through the way it was written. Although what made the most impression was the characters. The behaviour and characteristic of the first few characters that have been introduced are already cemented in such a short time. This might also be due to the detailed writing of the author. Yet the detailed writing may be too much in some parts of the story especially in dialogues between the characters. It is fine to explain how the characters act during a conversation, but sometimes it is better to have none. Another small thing I noticed is the use of 'tension'. In this story, it is supposed to be like a power conduit for the characters. But because 'tension' has not yet been properly explained except in the synopsis, sometimes there are parts where I got confused on how it was used in the paragraph because the literal meaning of 'tension' also works. It might be better to capitalize 'Tension' when it concerns the mysterious force. Besides that, there maybe be some grammatical and punctuation mistakes which can be improved later on. The usage of (' ') and (" ") might get confusing at first, but you'll get used to it sooner or later. OVERALL: A promising story with promising characters. P.S. I feel like Tragedy will be good in this even though I'm not really a fan of it.

4 years ago

Well a rarity comes ones in a while and this is one of those rare gems that I would recommend. I couldn't leave much words etched in this review, However you will not see a better start to a Novel here in webnovel unlike what the author had done. Short, just enough to know and yearn for more, take my words for it guys read it. I know reviews are often looked past, so putting up spoilers would only make thia review shunned and unread. The only problem I have is the updating stability, which would be fixed of that I'm sure? Or maybe not? I hope It does cause I'm taking inspiration from chapter 3... don't hate me author!

3 years ago

I'm writing this for the EXP but I enjoy this story. I think you should read it, Need more words. Need even more words. More words than that. And were good.

3 years ago

Right when I started, I found this novel was quite nice, very meticulously written and vocab feels like a genius at work. Will enjoy reading the rest.

3 years ago

It has been a while since I read something in first person but the author has made the story flow in such an effortless way that I can't help but want more. The emotions that the author cultivates through the characters are overwhelming and make the book a treat worth savouring.

3 years ago

Unique story and characters, had me wanting more!! Excited to see where this goes. Author really draws you in with his distinct detailed explanation of the scene. Really helpful with picturing what is going on in your head!

3 years ago

I guess this is a dark-fantasy novel because your book cover is hinting at a creepy 💀. Hmm, much better if you manage to publish and daily and after that edit it.

3 years ago

It is a great novel and it has great potential too. Just continue to improve it, more so the stability of updates. All in all, it is a pretty good novel. Good Job:)

3 years ago

Mind blowing writing style, no doubt. Moreover, the creativity is excellent and the plot is interesting. The only con the work has is that there are just too few chapters. Not to say, the time between each release is just too long. As long as it can be fixed, this work will truly be a lit.

3 years ago

I will give my honest opinion. I've always liked fantasy genres with well-made world construction and this story has it, in the few chapters I could read I saw a lot of potential for the story, the characters are well described and the setting is well built. Altogether it is an excellent novel. I hope the author continues to make an effort.

3 years ago

Writing quality : The writing quality is absolutely superb. Poetic and fluent in every way. Stability of updates : mh...It seems like there is a 5-month gap between the last post and the newest post. But seeing that author is starting to pick up the story I will leave it to the benefit of the doubt and still give it a 5 star. Hopefully you continue writing this story and update it regularly cus you have my collection. Story development : Only 8 chapters so I can't really comment to much with regards to this, but so far it is impeccable. Character design : Even though there are only 8 chapters, you can't put anything below 5 stars as each character is well throughout and the author does a magnificent job at depicting their character well. World background : Same as before. There are only 8 chapters and thus not much to work with. But so far, I would say it is going in the right direction. 5 star through and through Extra thoughts : The author uses ' for dialogues, which is not wrong, it's just that it can be confusing since most authors on this platform use ". Most of the time ' would be used for internal monologues. This is just my personal opinion so you don't really have to follow through with this. anyhow this story, accompanied by its impeccable grammar, has A LOT of potentials. All it needs is a constant update schedule and the author can find himself with a gem.

3 years ago

Great story. I think it has potential. The stability of the update however can be questioned, but I don't think it deserves a penalty. The background sure is rich. Keep up the good work author

3 years ago

Here is my honest review for your novel! I hope it can be useful for future references :D The way you write the story is very charming. Lots of choice of words and very less repetitive words. You can describe the appearance of location without making it sounds boring, and I also have a clear image of the location you described. There’s also lots of good one liners. Amy has most of them. Nero has lots of them too, but mostly it’s not the spoken dialogue, it’s in his head. The tone of the story. It’s full of tension (no pun intended) from the beginning to the end. The lighthearted moment didn’t ruin the tension, which is even better. Battle scene. The battle scene is clear and it has very less repetitive words. Normally in battle scene words such as ‘attacked’ or ‘defended’ become repetitive, but in this novel it doesn’t. Personal opinion only: 1. About Nero: Nero described as someone very hard on himself, but he ended up telling lots of his life stories to the two new friends he just met. Looking inside Nero’s mind is fun, the choice of words described in his mind is really good. I like this protagonist, but I’ll like him more if you show more his internal conflict of trust to contrast with Amy’s charisma to move people. (After reading some more, I notice Amy has died, so never mind ._.) 2. About Amy: I think Amy’s charisma will shine more if only she could move the protagonist at later chapter (maybe chapter 3 or 4) instead of the first chapter at their first meeting. I really like Amy’s one liners, she had all the cool positive quotes without making it sounds annoying or demanding. And that is why I think her charisma will shine more if you show a scene where a character slowly show their trust to her at later chapter instead of their first or second meeting. It doesn’t have to be only towards her friends, Amy could be a really great character if her charisma will somehow affect one of the villain. (However since she died, maybe never mind. I just put this here coz I have spend some time and thought to write it ._.) 3. About wolf From the description, I instantly Imagine a very cool and edgy villain or maybe rival. However in his first battle, he said something along the lines of “everyone exist for my entertainment.” This line ended up became very cartoonishly evil. One of the charm of edgy villain is, they are actually intimidating. But these lines are not intimidating at all. Rather than writing about how “everyone is insect and lowly trash for my entertainment.” How about try to make it more like: “They are small, weak, helpless. I want to kill them to relieve their suffering. It’s a give and take relationship, I got my entertainment, I gave them a painless death.” (Edgy, realistic, somewhat sad, sympathetic) however it’s also depends on the personality of the villain. The dialogue I write above doesn’t match Wolf at all since he’s more ruthless and less sympathetic. Also, wolf has this dialogue: “What belongs to me is mine and only mine to destroy.” This sounds somewat funny and not intimidating at all. I think it will be more intimidating if it’s reworded like this: “My belongings is mine and how I treat it is none of your business.” For a realistic edgy villain, avoid using cartoonishly evil insult such as (trash, insect, lowly something, etc) and try to find any other word to replace those. Cartoonishly evil insult will make the villain less intimidating, less charming, and less relatable. 4. The girl Amy fight in chapter 6 This one is also a comically evil antagonist. Most of her line is just served her role as an antagonist, but not as a person. Normally ‘people in power’ would avoid topic about oppression. But this character just going with the topic and said “I do it because I can!” Which normally actual evil people won’t say. Normally actual evil people would made it seems like it’s the fault of the oppressed one, in other words gaslighted them. Adding various gaslight moment will make this character much more intimidating and horror inducing. Example: if this antagonist fight Nero Nero: why did you have to kill her?! Antagonist: ask yourself, why did you abandon her?! You’re stronger than her, so you should be the one who took her place at that time! (This is example of gaslight) Nero: *induced with guilt* (it’s not actually his fault) (I know she’s dead, this is just example. Also my portrayal of Nero in the dialogue above might be out of character) 5. Space between paragraph. I notice lots of times 3-4 dialogue shoved into 1 paragraph. Separating the paragraph for each dialogue will make it easier to read. Putting more than 1 dialogue in paragraph usually done when the character continuing what they said after they stopped for a brief moment for some reason. Example is if the character chuckled for a bit before continuing what they said. 6. Update Writing a good piece takes time, I know. In this webnovel however, their standard is kinda different. They give better exposure for novel that updates often. Many webnovel authors aim to update daily. Or at least five chapters per week. However if your novel is really just a passion project, then you don’t need to worry about this. Updating daily usually done by author who tried to win a contest to get their story contracted. That’s it! Please keep up the good work!

4 years ago

Alright, let's beginnnnn my long-ass review :D First off, lemme say that this is, indeed, a quality book! So good job on that, author! <3 The writing is absolutely impeccable. Even though this is a fantasy genre, but the writing is poetic and the author was able to describe the setting in detail. I could imagine the place and the events pretty clearly in my head! :D I really love that this novel mainly utilizes first-person POV, makes it easier for me to get immersed in their story hehe! The characters also felt real and they're well fleshed-out, I think it was clear that the author put a lot of thinking into them hehe! For the update schedule, I won't complain even though the frequency is pretty low. But to me, I always think that quality is better than quantity so it okei hehe! Although, as far as I know, this site favors books that are frequently updated (maybe daily?), so it would be better if you can update it like, maybe 2-3 times a week? :D Now please keep in mind that my suggestions are all personal opinion, not facts okie :D First, I think some paragraphs could be spaced out more, particularly when there are like 3-4 dialogues in a single paragraph. Some paragraphs containing fight scenes are also very long imo, but I guess it's needed for the flow? So it's up to you hehe! :D Secondly, I like the characters, I really do. But maybe I'd be able to connect even more with them if there are more of "show, not tell" in terms of their backstory. The thing is, you were able to convey their emotions and thoughts so well using first-person POV, but in the first chapter, for example, Amy's backstory was spilled in around 1-2 paragraphs when they gathered around and share their story. It's not bad, honestly, it painted the picture for us readers. But a bit of a glimpse would also be nice? :D Maybe like, when Amy told them about how she hitched rides and stuff to arrive there, it could've been conveyed through dialogues like, Tarik says "ah, I regret coming here," and Amy could reply by saying "dude, I've gone through this and this just to be here. Don't be so gloomy, you got me!" But aye, those are just my personal opinion hehe! Me really like how well-thought the world background and the characters are :D Also, I like your poetic writing style and your plot! :D Great work, authorrr <3

4 years ago