Evelyn Skipped School?

At the clinic~

"Here's your medicine," said the nurse that was working at the counter. She handed Leon a small white plastic bag containing all of Charlie's important medicines.

"Thank you so much," Leon thanked the nurse while handing her the money. He then walked towards Charlie who was sitting on one of the waiting chair. He looked at Charlie with worry then gently put his free hand onto Charlie's forehead. Leon realized that Charlie's temperature wasn't as hot as before, causing a small smile made its way on his lips.

"Good thing your fever has gone down a bit," he commented. Charlie could tell that he was relieved by the look on his face.

"Thank you, bro. I owe you one," Charlie said while sending Leon a soft smile. His voice was sounding a bit quieter than usual because even though he hadn't been doing anything for the day, he still felt tired and out of energy due to the fever he was experiencing.

"You're welcome. Like I said, you're already like a little brother to me," Leon replied, caressing Charlie on the head while returning Charlie's smile with his own.

"Let's not waste anymore time. You also need to rest so that you can fully recover," Leon said while patting Charlie's shoulder. They then walked out of the clinic together.


At first, Granny Nancy actually wanted to send Charlie to the clinic herself but she thought that there would be no one to monitor the staffs in the bakery if she were to be the one who went to the clinic with Charlie. So, she had decided to call one of her staff that was close to Charlie and ask them for help. The staff ended up being Leon.

"Hello Leon," Granny Nancy started after Leon had picked up the call.

"Hi Granny, why'd you call me?" Leon asked, wanting to know the reason why Granny Nancy had called him all of the sudden.

"Are you free right now? Can you help me with something?" The woman asked with hope.

"Yeah, I'm free. But what do you need help on?" Leon replied.

"Uhm, Charlie got a fever. Can you take him to the clinic for a bit? Because I have things to do in the bakery and I can't leave the bakery on its own," Granny Nancy explained, her voice sounding rather sorrow.

"What? Charlie got a fever? Don't worry, I'll take him to the clinic right now. You can count on me," Leon assured. He was a bit shocked after knowing that Charlie had suddenly caught a fever. He grew worried for Charlie's well being.

"Thank you so much, Leon!" The woman thanked him, feeling relieved after getting someone to help her ill grandchild.

"You're welcome Granny," Leon replied before ending the call to go get Charlie.



At school~

"RINGGGG!" The school bell rang meaning that it was finally lunch time.

"All right students, don't forget to submit your homework tomorrow. Anyone who does not complete their homework, will receive consequences. No excuses," Mrs. Felicia strictly reminded the students as their mathematics teacher. Mrs. Felicia was known as a strict teacher in the school. Many of the students were scared of her. Mrs. Felicia wanted her students to become successful so she became strict so that they would all listen to her.

The students nodded their head before putting their books inside of their backpacks. Mrs. Felicia walked out of the class with her belongings in her hands. The students then walked out after seeing their teacher left the classroom. They all headed straight towards the cafeteria. They were all scared that they wouldn't be on time to buy their desired lunch so they walked really fast to the cafeteria.

However, Rebecca was different. She was the only one who hadn't left the classroom yet. She was still putting her stationeries into her pencil box very slowly. She seemed to be bothered by something. Meanwhile, Brian who has not walked far from the class, noticed Rebecca. He then felt something in his heart. He felt like it was his lucky day.

"Now this is my chance to get closer with Rebecca," Brian thought to himself before walking back into the class, towards Rebecca. He then asked Rebecca to go have lunch together with him.

"Let's go to the cafeteria together!" Brian cheerfully said, feeling excited. Rebecca only responded to him with a slight nod. From the look on her face, she seemed down. Suddenly, Rebecca noticed that Evelyn also still has not left the classroom. She then asked Evelyn to go eat lunch with them but surprisingly got rejected. Evelyn said to them that she wanted to do her homework.

"Evelyn, let's go eat at the cafeteria with us," Rebecca said.

"It's okay, I have homeworks to do. You guys can go eat without me," Evelyn responded.

"Do you want anything? I can buy them for you," Brian asked.

"Uhm, no. Don't worry, I can just eat the chocolate cookies that Rebecca gave me," Evelyn replied.

"Okay then. We'll get going now," Rebecca said.

"Take care," Evelyn said.

"You too," they both replied before walking out of the class and straight towards the cafeteria, leaving Evelyn alone in the classroom by herself. She then continued to focus on finishing her homeworks.


While they were on their way to the cafeteria, Brian felt a bit sad, seeing Rebecca looked so down because of Charlie's sudden absence. So, Brian thought of an idea to cheer her up. Brian took his phone out from his blazer's pocket. He then showed something to Rebecca on his phone.

"You don't have to worry so much. Charlie said his fever had gone down," Brian reassured while showing her the conversation that he had with Charlie. A relieved smile made its way onto Rebecca's face after seeing the messages.

"Thank you for calming me down. I was really worried for him," Rebecca thanked him while smiling softly. Brian felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest after seeing Rebecca smile. He also felt relieved knowing that he had brought her back to smile again. His cheek had went red as he tried to cover them up.

"We should go visit Charlie after school together. And I mean, you even made cookies for him so while we're at it, you can finally give them to him," Brian said.

"Ah you're right!" Rebecca said, smiling ear to ear. Her heart was filled with excitement knowing that she'll be going to Charlie's house after school along with Brian. She couldn't wait to meet Charlie and give her homemade cookies to him. Brian who was watching Rebecca the whole time also felt happy. He felt calm after seeing Rebecca back to her cheerful self.


Meanwhile, in class~

Evelyn was finishing her homework while eating the cookies that Rebecca had gave her earlier. She was so focused in doing her homework that she didn't realize someone was walking towards her.

"Lyn, I wanna ask you something," the person said. However, Evelyn gave no response to them whatsoever. She was still focusing on doing her homework.

"Lyn, why did you left my house so early? I thought mom told you to stay in the house for a few days and take care of me?" The person asked. It turned out the person was Kevin the whole time. Evelyn who was doing her homework stopped for a bit. She then looked up to face Kevin.

"You're healthy now, right? Why would I need to stay in your house any longer? I already have my own house, my own family," Evelyn replied in a serious manner. Kevin smirked before saying something.

"House? Family? No family is willing to abuse their own child!" Kevin blurted out, remembering the face of his uncle, Mr. Miller. Evelyn slammed the table aggresively and stood up. Kevin was a bit shocked when Evelyn suddenly slammed the table. The look on her face said nothing but anger.

"HEY! Watch your mouth! The one you're talking about is MY FATHER! Your own UNCLE! You should stop talking now. I don't have the mood to talk to anyone anymore," Evelyn scolded him. She then put her books back inside of her backpack like normal as if he wasn't standing in front of her. Kevin realized that he had said something so wrong to her and was confused as to why she was cleaning her table in such a rush.

"Hey, Evelyn listen. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to—" before Kevin had the chance to say anything, Evelyn put her backpack on and stormed out of the classroom, leaving him behind.

"Evelyn, where are you going?!" Kevin yelled, panicking after seeing Evelyn walked out of there with her backpack on. However, Kevin's question was ignored by Evelyn.

"I don't have the energy to even talk to anyone anymore today," Evelyn thought to herself, feeling sad. Evelyn immediately made her way straight towards the back of the school where nobody was there and climbed out the fence. After she had succeeded running away from the school, she decided to go to Charlie's house.