the fallen angel

"Fine, I agree" his three words stunned everyone sitting there.

Never in their dreams had they thought that their ruler would agree to a demon, and that also without any argument. Especially when his attitude was so So rude.

But a few who knew what heart of ocean was, nodded with a satisfied expression. Getting the heart back, just by sparing a few demons was a beneficial exchange.

Asbeel nodded and put his hand inside his skull, he took out a blue gemstone, which was glowing.

He threw it in the air like it was a waste and many ran to catch it.

He smirked in disdain looking at the greedy rulers of the sea. His eyes were filled with ridicule. The stone that was thrown in the air turned into a staff of bright silver colour, with the bluestone glowing in the middle of three sharp blades.

And it flew back in his hands.

Some who were running to hold it fell on the floor, a few stumbled while a few of them were standing there frozen looking at the unfolding scene.

The same moment, Lucas came out of Asbeel, in his skeleton form with the torn black cloak adorning his body.

The moment they saw there was a grim reaper among them, their faces filled with disgust.

Mermaids were proud creatures. They were proud of the beauty and grandiose they had in there. They were not repelled by Asbeel till now because even after being a demon, he was a stunning and sexy being.

Many females had their eyes on him. But for Lucas it was different. His bony structure and the torn black cloak was hideous to them.

Asbeel handed the staff to Lucas. Taking the staff, Lucas walked towards the sea god, Oceanus.

He forwarded the staff to Oceanus from one hand and opened the other hand towards him.

"Is it necessary?" asked Oceanus, raising a brow to Asbeel.

Asbeel chuckled while nodding, and replied, "what can I say Sataniel is a very suspicious ruler of hell."

Oceanus sighed and forwarded his hand to the reaper who was waiting for him.

Lucas pierced the palm of Oceanus through his bony finger, without any hesitation. The blue blood coming out of Oceanus' palm was absorbed by the bony fingers of Lucas.

After having a few drops of holy blood, he let the hand go and gave him the staff.

Turning back to Asbeel, he entered inside his body again in the form of a wisp.

The whole scene was seen by everyone in pin-drop silence. Even breaths and gasps could be heard clearly.

Asbeel nodded in satisfaction and turned back to go out when Oceanus stopped him,

"Are you not staying for a while. Have a meal with us?" he said with a smile.

Asbeel sneered at his words, he turned back and commented, "I thought sea creatures hate demons."His tone was cold and full of mockery.

"The rule doesn't apply to you." continued the sea god with the same kind expression. There was not an ounce of anger that could be seen on his face.

"What a pity! Because I condemn every god. And the rule applies on you too." he said with a blank cold look. His voice didn't have any emotion.

Oceanus just chuckled, shaking his head, "truly a pity!"

Without caring about the conversation Asbeel walked out from there and vanished.

"Father, why did you let him go? You already had the staff, we could have killed him," asked the younger son of Oceanus.

Oceanus looked at his son with anger filled eyes, "fool, didn't you hear our conversation? The heart of the sea is his. He could take it back at any moment."

His voice was filled with contempt. Amphitrite, who was listening to the conversation whole time with sidelines asked, "Who was he father? I never saw you treating any demon with this patience."

But before sea god could reply, his brother the one who asked the question before replied,

"Didn't you hear what father said, this sea of heart belongs to him and father wanted to have it?"

Amphitrite did not spare a look to his fuming brother but continued to stare at the sea god with expectant eyes.

Oceanus sighed, he knew Amphitrite was smart enough to see the difference his son couldn't see.

"He is someone special from the past," said Oceanus trying to change the topic, but it only intrigued her more.

Her eyes started shining, she knew there was something special in that demon. There were many weapons who were filled with holy powers, a mere attack had killed many demons in the past. But that demon didn't even get a scratch even after many lethal attacks on him.

But she knew she had to wait to know more. So she nodded in understanding and left the hall.

Once the meeting was finished and his father went to his chamber, she followed him for having a private audience with him.

Getting the permission she entered the room where her father was already waiting for her. The look in his eyes told her that he already knew that she would be coming.

"Father" she greeted him with a slight bow of her head.

"Why do you want to know about him?" his father asked directly without beating around the bush.

"None of the weapons was able to hurt his father, and it had never happened before," she asked again, not satisfied with the previous vague answers.

His father laughed, finally relenting in front of his stubborn daughter.

"No weapon of the whole universe can hurt the one who had made them." his father replied in a cryptic way.

Her eyes widened understanding her father's words, "but I thought it was just a myth,"

Oceanus shook his head and looked at a distance, deep in thought, he still remembered that fateful day even when centuries had passed.

"The creator didn't want to let the world know about him."

This time Amphitrite was more than stunned, she couldn't believe her ears, "you mean Asbeel is….."

Oceanus nodded, filling the gap his daughter had left, "yes, he is the first fallen angel of Gregory, the creator of weaponry, the sinner of god."

[ I know many readers have started feeling bored with the current arc. So I have good news, the couple is going to be together from the next chapter and that also with a bang! Keep reading.

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