new year party

Pa parapa parara..

Pa parapa parara..

Angela was humming a song in the kitchen while fixing a sandwich for her breakfast. It had been a week since she left her last job, due to that idiot.

She was still thankful that they played the prank after she had received her salary. At Least she had a phone now.

Taking her double cheese sandwich in her hands she walked out of the kitchen and started checking job offers online, sitting comfortably on the sofa.

She has home, good food and all the facilities here but that wasn't hers. She had to find a good job for her stability. After all she had to leave this place someday.

Her hands that were rummaging different advertisements stopped at the thought of leaving this place. Her eyes dimmed as she looked around. She had promised herself that she would wait only for two months for Asbeel. And only a few days were left in the deadline.

As the days were passing she was losing hopes, her eyes moved towards his room. It was the only place which was locked, where she couldn't go.

She shook her head to get rid of all the negative thoughts in her mind and took a bit of her sandwich. Rummaging back she highlighted a few advertisements where she could work without degrees.

Just then the doorbell rang. She furrowed her brows, at the sound. Each sunay a man came here to supply all the groceries and necessities she could need. But all the other days this place stayed deserted no one ever came these past days.

'Should i open the door or let it be.' she mumbled, as she didn't know anyone related to Asbeel.

"But what if it's something important."

Taking a sigh she put her sandwich and mobile on the table and went to open the door. After a moment of hesitation when she finally opened the door there was no one. The hallway was empty.

She looked at both sides, but no one was there. Confused, she was about to close the door when she found a gift on the door.

"Don't tell me his old flings are sending gifts now' just the thought of it left a sour taste in her mouth.

She closed the door without picking the gift pack and went back in. sitting back on the sofa, she picked her sandwich again but now it felt bland to her taste buds.

She shuffled on the sofa like there were pins and needles there. It took her just three minutes to go back and bring the packet in the house.

But to her surprise, when she picked the box, there wasn't Asbeels name written on it but it was hers.

No one knew she lived here except Asbeel, then how! She widened her eyes and a big smile bloomed on her lips at the possibility that Asbeel had sent her the gift.

With a bright smile and shining eyes she opened the gift, there was a beautiful pink dress in it with small pears work on it giving it a very delicate look.

When she took out the dress there were matching accessories, a set, earrings, heels everything and a small card.

Letting all the things just there she took out the card first, it was a golden card, glittering in the light. There was only an address written on it with the heading of the new year party.

No invitees or the name of the sender written of it. She checked the whole box again but there was no name at all.

But if only Asbeel knew that she was here, there are chances that the gift was from his side.

Since there were still 4 days left, she let the gift go. She was hoping that the sender would contact her in the meantime asking her about the gift or telling about it.

But days passed and no one contacted her, it's already 31 today,but Angela still has no idea who sent her the invitation to the New year party. she was sure she doesn't know anyone here. but there was a feeling in her heart that she should go. like she would miss something if she wouldn't.

she once again touched the dress in front of her. i was a baby pink dress, normally red or black type colors are preferred at functions like these. there was just a single note with this "i will be waiting for you." what if its a trap by those idiots whom she had beaten a few days ago' she mused.

taking a sigh, she went to the kitchen and opened a bottle of soda. drinking it, to calm her beating heart. She still didn't understand why her heart was beating so hard.

"Fine, as i have nothing else to do, I would go." she spoke to herself.

going back to the room, she took a quick bath and dried her hairs looking in the mirror. the image of her, last time getting ready here, for going with Asbeel flashed in her eyes. she smiled at those beautiful memories.

But now there is just emptiness. She opened the box to check further and found matching heels and other accessories. taking the dress, she changed into it, it was a fishnet dress, with small pears attached to it on her hem of the dress and on the neckline.

The dress fitted her perfectly. Asif it was just made for her. Then she wore the pearl set, it had a simple platinum chain in which pink pearls were embellished in a flower shape, with matching dangling earrings.

She made a loose bun out of her hair and used very light makeup to finish up her look. wearing the heels, she looked at herself in the mirror. she was looking okay in her eyes. so she took her clutch, and took the last thing out of the box.

It was a golden card. her name and address was on the card. not even the name of organisers or any other thing. 'Should I really go?' she gave a second thought to her decision.