the canopy and dance

If it would be a trap, she would be in a very big mess which she wouldn't be able to clean. Taking a deep breath, she walked out gripping the card in her hands tightly.

when she walked out a car was already waiting for her in the parking area. she eyed the car, but still walked towards the one given to her by Asbeel. 'if i am going to an unknown place at least i should have my own car to run away' with that thought she walked further.

But the car followed her with the driver beeping horn many times. All the people around turned to their directions to look at the show.

Sighing she entered the car which was waiting for her, pitting all her bets on the assumption that it was Asbeel who had arranged everything for her.

She sat in the car with a complicated look on her face. Just like she didn't know where the car was driving to, she had no idea where her life was going.

But still she was there. Was she a naive little fool, or a brave girl she didn't know anymore.

To distract her mind from the depressed thoughts she gazed out of the window and concentrated on the scenery that was passing by. The lights of cities were shining, looking like stars from a distance, a specialty today.

But soon the lighting faded as they crossed the city, she furrowed her brows looking at the roads. It was a deserted road, there were no other vehicles around.

"Where are we going?" she asked the driver.

"To the address madam" he replied respectfully but that didn't stop her beating heart.

"I thought that the address was the imperial hotel" she asked again.

"No madam" he just said two words and finished the conversation.

"But" before she could ask more the car slowed down and stopped in a corner.

'Stupid, idiot, fool' she cursed herself closing her eyes. How could she be such a fool to come here on a strange invitation in a strange car. If something happened to her then she would surely deserve it.

Walking out of the car, she wanted to ask more questions but the driver started the car the moment she came out. The car turned into a small dot and disappeared from her eyesight, while she was just standing there like a frozen statue.

Her reverie was finally broken by the music falling into her ears, if was a soft and heartwarming tune. Someone was playing piano at the distance. Before her brain could process anything , her legs had already started moving in that direction.

She saw the back of a man, playing the piano, she instinctively moved towards him and stood behind him, the music was hypnotising her and she was lost in that magic.

How much time had passed when the music finally came to an end, only then did her eyes left the piano and looked around.

The place was decorated in the middle of nowhere. The place was near a beach, and the waves hitting the shore could be seen in the distance.

The whole place was deserted, with only a tree around and a gazebo set in the middle. It was made oop completely pink velvet and satin cloth matching her dress. It was further decorated by pink roses, lilac bushes were spread on the floor like carpet, there would be millions of them, it forced her to take off her heels and walk directly over them.

She could see camellia and wisteria on the walls, it was feeling like the whole place was nothing but a rose garden as her table was covered with pink roses.

The place was looking like it came straight out of a fairytale, she could see small lights peeking from the flowers, it was a mesmerising scene.

Stars were shining above her head from the canopy, wich was filled with flowers and small beautiful lightings.

The whole place was nothing less than a fairytale.

Finally the music stopped. She turned back to see the man she was dying to see. The man who had left her without telling anything, the man whom she missed, hallucinated, loved and talked to every night in her dreams.

Without even knowing her steps moved towards him, her eyes turning misty with tears she hadnt shed in these past two months.

Her feet began to move, one slow step at a time. All the sounds around her disappeared as she headed towards Asbeel. It was strange. She felt unbelievably calm.

Angela finally stood before him. He was now within his reach. He was no more just a hallucination or fragment of his memory.

Everything faded to the background when she stared into his eyes. He too looked back at her. His eyes following her every action. That devilish smile increasing with her coming each step closer.

It took Angela a lot of restraint to not jump on him and embrace him. She knew she couldnt do that. Not yet, last time when she had tried to do that. This man had jerked him away coldly. So, she had to tread carefully and guage the situation first.

A new melody started in the background. It vaguely reached her ears and she bent her head to see who was playing the piano now. She sure hadn't seen anyone else here when she came here.

It was Lucas who was playing the music now. She smiled and held out her hand, palm facing up, as if she was a gentleman asking a lady for a dance.

"May i have this dance?" she asked him.

Asbeel's lips curved up. He was wearing that smirk, that mischievous smirk she had seen when they met for the first time.

He lifted his hand and took hers in his. He stared at their hands and then, he pulled her towards him without warning. She crashed in his chest, ending in his tight engulfed arms.