My heart skipped a beat, while my body and fingers instantly froze along with the doorknob.
"Get back in here young girl." The silvery voice commanded sternly, completely ignoring Eke's pleas.
Gulping nervously, I turned around slowly and came face to face with the classiest and most beautiful grey-haired woman I had ever set my eyes on; and to make the enchanting encounter more interesting, Eke-my birth mother- was shaking before the grey-haired woman like a leaf caught in the wind.
"Mum, please, don't get involved in this." Eke pleaded softly, unable to make her voice stable enough.
Rising her hand, the beautiful old lady signalled Eke to shut up.
I was beyond shocked. My eyes and mouth were frozen in an expression of stunned surprise. Was this happening? My mind could not wrap around it. Could it be that this classy looking woman who was happily putting my self-absorbed mother in her place was my grandmother?