Hunting for Genes. Grasslands

'The Mist, It disappeared!' Elizabeth was very shocked at what she saw when she turns around her body, The Direction where she came from which was pointed towards the Mist disappeared, and what replace it was the same grassland as the front of her. This was very shocking for Elizabeth since she didn't know what was currently happening with a weird current situation.

'How?' Elizabeth thought, The mist was so very thick that it was impossible for it to disappear. And if something did make it disappeared it will take a lot of time due to the enormous size of the whole Mist. With this thought, Elizabeth was very confused when she saw the Plain grassland and didn't also see anything that indicated the mist was there.

'What happen?' Elizabeth asked herself, She was literally thinking theories in this second and kept trying to confirm each detail of each theory that could possibly be applied at her teleportation. After a while of checking many theories inside her brain, Elizabeth found something that was plausible and was really close to her current situation.

'Teleportation.' Elizabeth teleported out of her current location, The Whole mist disappeared but it seems that the exit was just a portal to another place in this primordial world. With this in mind a lot of problems surge through her brain which causes her a Headache, It took a lot of time for her to finally calm down and thought about her current problems.

While she was trying to find out the problems of her current situation she found herself asking another thing.

'What is that place?' This was the question she wanted to ask but she knew no one would answer, And that place was enormous that she was surprised that it disappeared. Although fear was the last thing she remembered about that place, Elizabeth wanted to know what she can do in that place.

'Another Dimension, or Realm.' This was the current answer she could get, Her Elemental skill didn't work at that place which means that the place didn't hold any elements that she could use. A place that is empty of elements and she can't even control anything there, It must be probably due to her low level Elemental control but it was still not possible to not control anything.

'Let's take care of my current problem first.' Elizabeth thought, She receive a massive headache when she tried to find the problems and the problems were numerous that she didn't have time to check all of the problems.

'I don't know where I am, I cannot go home if I don't know where I am, I have no information about this place, The Dangers of this place is unknown, And thankfully I am still in the Primordial world.' Elizabeth thought about the problems that are currently with her, these problems could be solved with time and she was very thankful when she discovered that she didn't leave the primordial world.

'I left the primordial world when I entered the mist but thankfully the exit let me leave the mist.' Elizabeth thought, She was sure that nothing can leave the primordial world but what if there was another realm inside the primordial world? Does it count as leaving? She had many questions but the problem is that she had only one wish.

Elizabeth didn't want to leave the primordial world, Although it is a hellish world where monsters that are very massive live here. It was still better than going to an unknown world without information, There was even a possibility that she would be transferred towards a world that is worse than the Primordial world.

'Now, Let's think about what I would do in this grassland.' Elizabeth thought, She began recollecting herself and moves towards in a straight direction. She didn't know how time exists in that mist but thankfully she had the time or clock from her interface which was very convenient. Elizabeth rolled towards the direction at a fast speed and was currently using her sense radar skill.

While she was using her skill, It seems that her skill manages to pick up living creatures in the plains. It doesn't seem to be dangerous and problematic, Elizabeth was curious about what this creature was. She didn't have the problem of getting outnumbered by small creatures or weak creatures since she can just turn their numbers against them.

The reason she didn't want to attack stronger creatures than her was that they manage to negate this and she would probably have a duel with them, The problem is that the Enemy monsters might be numerous which would cause Elizabeth to be in a disadvantageous situation. Monsters wouldn't probably follow the rules of dueling which suck for her.

'Who are they?' Elizabeth thought as she slowly rolled towards the direction, The monster was dozens of kilometers away from her. She wanted to know if the Genes were useful to her and if they were useful for Elizabeth then they would need to prepare for a massacre. Weak animals or worthless genes would probably be the only thing left in this world when Elizabeth gets stronger.

She continued to roll and after a while later she finally saw the monsters that would be in a trial for genes. Elizabeth furrowed her imaginary brows when she saw the monster, This monster was one of the monsters she hates and this monster is the Legendary Fox.

'Bastards.' This word is what Elizabeth called the monsters, A bastard that tried to attack her when she was unconscious. Elizabeth was known for taking revenge although no one knew her, She was still very angry at the creature that she curse the monster's race to die out or be killed by her.

When Elizabeth was staring at the Fox while maintaining a large distance she manages to notice something weird. She continued to stare at the fox menacingly but thankfully no bloodlust was escaping her body so that the fox wouldn't run away from her which is bad.

'This is a group of foxes.' Elizabeth thought, She was surprised at the group of fox but what overcome her surprise was excitement. This excitement slowly turns into a bloodlust but it was maintained by Elizabeth before it could free itself apart from her body. The number of the Fox is probably 10 fox according to what she sees from far away.

'I thought that these foxes were supposed to be rare?' Elizabeth asked herself, She was surprised at the fox numbers since she knew that these foxes were supposed to be rare. Like very rare, The name was obvious which is the Legendary Fox. Legendary means rare but thinking that it has been a year since the birth of the world, The Legendary fox must not be a very rare thing in this world.

'What do I do?' Elizabeth thought, What did she need to do about these foxes. Of course, she would eat them without a doubt but what does she need to do to eat the fox. Do Elizabeth just charge towards them expecting them to not run away, She may be fast but Nature is complex and there will be surprising things that would happen at the time where you least suspect it.

'Attack them with a very fast speed so that they cannot react.' Elizabeth thought of this plan, She doesn't know any information about the Enemy, and relying on theories is suicide without the proper information. She only met one Legendary fox and she didn't know how their skills work so the only thing she could do is that attack the fox fast enough that it cannot even react.

Elizabeth proceeds to check her current position via looking around the area in order to see if anything was there, She was this careful when trying to ambush since the last time she ambushes the last animal she attacks them while being in front of a big monster and ate it. The last situation made Elizabeth very careful about setting up an ambush.

'Clear.' Elizabeth thought, There was no one in her current situation, and after using her Sense skill for a lot. Nothing is near the current area and the only creatures or monsters here are Elizabeth and the group of foxes which was very perfect for her ambushed.

'Preparing Artillery style.' The Artillery style still exists and would be used by Elizabeth in ambush since no one would expect something to attack them in the sky at a fast speed. And even if they would notice their time would be low since Elizabeth was heading towards them at a fast speed.

Elizabeth's body began using the steps that were always used by her, The first step was sensing which was done earlier. The steps continued and Elizabeth's body froze and stretches itself that is similar to an AP round. Elizabeth's frozen body was pointing itself towards the sky and the precision with sense were working together in order to achieve a perfect hit.

'Fire!' Elizabeth thought, With this order. Elizabeth's body began launching itself towards the sky like an Artillery cannonball at a high speed. She was heading towards the sky and manage to see the vast grassland that was all around the direction she looks, This made her very worried for a second but there was nothing she could do about it.

She tried to forget about her being in the middle of an endless grassland and focus on her body heading towards the group of foxes direction. Her body was rotating itself and her body falls at the sky from a high speed, With the rotating body. Elizabeth manages to achieve high speed in order to achieve the ambushed at a high hit probability.

The Group of Foxes was oblivious of the Death ball heading towards them in a high speed. They were still playing with each other and having fun in this grassland, It seems that these foxes are confident at their skill and this overconfidence would be their end when Elizabeth hit them.

It took a while but-


An Explosion came from the area of the Foxes, It was a huge explosion that was comparable to a 100 ton bomb. This may not look impressive but for the current situation, Having a 100 ton bomb is a really good thing in this Primordial world. Although the bomb was Elizabeth's whole body and it wasn't an HE but an AP.

Elizabeth just pushes her speed and when she hits the ground it created a huge explosion that was displayed by the Dirt and grass that created a black or brown dirt smoke. This made it look like a 100 ton explosion but the power of the impact was still comparable to a 100 ton explosion.

The Smoke of dirt and dust slowly cleared out revealing a big crater and a lot of bodies which numbered Nine all around it. Elizabeth was lucky that she didn't target the bodies but the center of the group which is why their instincts didn't kick in until the last minute which was too late.

'*Cough*' Elizabeth did an imaginary cough and slowly took the time to wait for the smoke to clear up. It took a while but it was okay for her, Elizabeth looked around her current position and manage to find the bodies. Seeing the bodies made it seem that the ambush was a success and Elizabeth also took the time to looked around for giant monsters that didn't appear.

'Now there won't be anyone that would stop me here.' Elizabeth Imaginary sigh in relief when she found out that there would be no big monsters attacking her from nowhere. She stared at the dead bodies of the foxes who didn't know what killed them and began checking it. After a while of checking, she spoke with a serious and cold voice.


In the other direction was a fox that wasn't injured by the Explosion and manage to run away, This fox was color orange and it was clearly a young fox. But where is this fox heading?