Hunting for Genes, Fox Den

'One manages to escape.' Elizabeth muttered in her mind when she notices that the dead bodies around her were only nine which means that 1 of them manage to escape from the explosion. The Group of Fox numbered around 10 which is why Elizabeth realizes that one of them manage to escape when she saw only 9 dead bodies.

'My Attack failed.' Elizabeth thought, It was a failure for her when one manages to escape the Impact. This was like a hit on her ego and pride of her attack, She thought that it was a good style but it seems that the weaknesses are slowly showing themselves. Thinking about the Attack, Elizabeth stared at the dead bodies and thought to herself.

'I wonder how many Genes they would give me.' Elizabeth thought while staring at the dead bodies, She decided to take care of the problem later and eat the dead bodies first. She looked around checking the area and saw that there was no one in this area.

Elizabeth was getting paranoid probably due to the fact something would be behind her if she tries to relax which is not good. After finding out there was no one in this area, She rolled out of the crater and head towards the dead bodies at a slow speed.

A second later, Elizabeth was now in front of the dead bodies of the fox. It was not a good scene, Some of the body parts were split apart from the body and some bodies even got cut in half while some were crushed into meat paste. It was a really not good scene but it was normal for Elizabeth to see this kind of gross scene.

She gathered all the bodies in one place with look like a lump of dead animal bodies, It took a while but after a while of gathering the dead bodies towards one place. She now finished at gathering and stared at the dead bodies that were in front of her, While staring at the Dead bodies she could only think of one thing.

'Devour.' Elizabeth thought to herself and her body slowly head towards the dead bodies. The devouring process slowly began and after a while, Elizabeth heard the notification she was waiting for.

[Do you want to Devour (Legendary Fox 9x)]

'Yes' Elizabeth thought, She was kinda excited at the skills she would get since the Requirements of the Legendary Fox ranking up to (D) was quite lax. It was just 1/10 which means that the 9 Legendary foxes would give her the skill and the authority to edit the fox gene towards hers.

[Devouring (Legendary Fox 9x).....]

After hearing the Notification, The dead bodies inside Elizabeth slowly turn into particles and was devoured by Elizabeth's body. She still needs time to wait for the devouring process to finish since it will take a long time, especially with the rank up towards (D).

She looked around and face the last problem, It was about a fox that manages to escape her impact. She looked around and it seems that the Fox manage to escape when it managed to run far away from the impact. This Theory only means that there is only one explanation.

'That Fox was very lucky.' Elizabeth thought, This was the explanation she got about the fox that manages to escape. It was just luck and it seems that luck manages to stop her Artillery style from killing everything, She cannot do anything about it since Luck is connected to Fate.

'So my Style wasn't useless after all, It was probably just luck.' This thought made Elizabeth sigh in relief since she didn't want to make another long range style. After confirming that the Artillery style wasn't the problem, It is time for her to solve the mistake which was the Alive Fox.

'I must take care of my mistake.' Elizabeth thought, She began using her sense and manage to find the tracks. Her current location was supposed to be in the east which means that she transferred from the parallel direction because she was in the Western Dense forest. Her current location which is the Endless grassland and she was very far away from her home.

Looking at her Sense radar, The direction the fox was heading was north of her current location. The fox is just a small fox and all it would take is probably a day of travel in order to find the fox. She stares in the direction and did an Imaginary smirk, No one can escape her mouth when they are hunted by her.

While staring in the direction, Elizabeth heard or seen a notification which means that the Devouring was up. She stared at it since she was very excited at what she could get from the genes, It doesn't matter what Gene it was she was still very excited due to the skills.

[You have gained: 9.000 Biomass ]

[You have gained: Legendary Fox Gene x9]

When she saw the Notification, Elizabeth knew that the next notification would be about the Genes and skills she would gain from it. She waited for a while and the next notification that she was waiting for was finally heard.

[Legendary Fox Gene has now reached (D)]

[You have gained the authority to edit anything from this gene into your evolution.]

[You have gained Legendary Fox Gene skills: Dream Manipulation, True Illusion, Ball Projection]

'The skills are interesting.' Elizabeth thought while looking at the notification about the skills she got. There are only 3 types of skills that she had got from the Gene and she knew that they would be very useful, While looking at the skill Elizabeth thought.

'I need to know the Descriptions.' Elizabeth thought, She was curious at the descriptions and it has been a habit of her when seeing new skills she needed the description since she didn't want to guess what her skills would gonna do. She waited for a while and after a while, a notification was finally heard.

[Dream Manipulation: Dream manipulation, User can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap people in REM, and promote spiritual/emotional healing within dreams. They may be able to pull someone from the waking world into the dream world or brings people/things from the dream world into the waking world.]

'Wow, This skill is very powerful.' Elizabeth thought, The Dream Manipulation would probably the worse skill anyone can fight since it can kill anyone from their dreams. Elizabeth could also possibly trap them in a dream for their whole life and be tortured inside the dream.

'But the weakness of this skill is that, Can Beings who can't dream be affected in this skill.' Elizabeth thought about this problem, The only things that couldn't dream are the creatures or beings that didn't have enough intelligence to do so. Intelligence is one of the building blocks of dreaming and manipulating dreams with mind control is possibly the best combination.

'Although I cannot use this skill for now, I can probably use this skill in its full potential the moment Humanoid or smart beings enter this primordial world.' Elizabeth thought, It will be long but still it was useful for her when the Smart beings come into this world like humans or more. While thinking about dream manipulation, Another notification was heard.

[True Illusion: True Illusion, The user can create illusions so powerful they outweigh reality. They can induce illusions they can think off into others and themselves, and freely shift the phenomenon from illusion to reality and back at any moment.]

'This ability is a little bit of a problem for me.' Elizabeth thought when she saw the True Illusion skill, There was a little bit of a problem with this skill and Elizabeth was thinking about the problem that the skill would cost. The Problem was about the effect of the illusion on its users.

'If I can't control the Illusion I would probably be playing on its Grasps and would cause a lot of problems for me. Especially when the time comes that I would not see the difference between Reality and the True Illusion.' Elizabeth thought, This was the problem about the True Illusion. She cannot say for sure and she needed testing for it since she didn't want to assume anything.

Another notification was seen, And this notification came from the last skill that came from the fox.

[Ball Projection: Ball Projection, The user can create/project balls/spheres of energy/matter (whether organic, inorganic, objects, etc.), with various effects, levels of damage, and size. These spheres can be projected, used as a part of melee attacks, orbit around the user, or ways of transportation.]

'Wait what?' Elizabeth thought when she saw the notification, She was surprised at the skill description that she read from the notification. Isn't this skill very useful to her especially when she was having a problem with the long range, Elizabeth was excited about this skill and thought.

'This skill could possibly change my Long-range attacking style to a new level.' Elizabeth thought, This skill was literally overpowered for her especially with the skill that was called Elemental Manipulation and many more that could possibly be used with this skill.

'With the Elemental Control, I could put one Elemental type in one ball and throw them towards the enemy.' With this thought, many possibilities pass through her mind, Although she could control the Elements. She was weak at the control of the Elements and could only control a little bit but with this skill, a lot of things would be possible for her.

'I can throw an Energy Elemental ball, I don't know how strong this skill was but it would probably be useful.' Elizabeth thought, She began thinking about new plans. With the new Long range skill she got, She can now abandon the Artillery style which was her throwing herself towards the enemy which is not a good thing.

'Let's stop thinking about the new skills but look at the problems first.' Elizabeth thought, She didn't want prey to escape her grasps and she was also interested in where the Fox was going. She thought about it and decided to stop the skill thinking for now and chase the Fox.

Elizabeth began rolling towards the direction where the Fox was heading which was the North, She rolled toward the place at a fast speed and met a lot of rocks on the way. This didn't stop her and she was still looking at the sense radar, There were no living creatures in her area and the Fox seems to be fast.

She continued rolling towards the northern direction and after a lot of rolling she manages to find something surprising, She looked at the place that was in front of her and stared back at her Sense radar which didn't sense anything that was a creature. A while of thinking made Elizabeth realize the problem.

'They manage to negate my Sense radar.' Elizabeth thought, She was surprised at this fact since she trusted her Sense radar to find her some Biomass and genes. With this fact, Doesn't it mean that there must be some places that she missed when she was using the sense radar?

She stared at the place that was in front of her, She was currently hiding on some random bush that was in the middle of the grassland. It was still daytime and it seems that the Creatures or monsters are still active.

'A Fox den.' Elizabeth did an Imaginary smirk, This would be probably the third time she would destroy another generation of monsters for her own good. A Third Massacre would begin and the perpetrator was still the one the Massacred 2 species on her way here.


Current Status



Name: Elizabeth An'cient

Race: Entity zero

Gender: Female

Evolution: Entity Zero (baby)

Genes Collected: Magic Plant Gene(D) 2152/100000, Behemoth Gene(E) 11/100, Legendary Fox Gene(D) 0/100, Ant Empress Gene(A) 389000/1000000, Ancient Dragon Gene(D) 0/1000

Biomass: 0

Time: 1 month, 27 day, 1 year


Strength: 1.000

Agility: 1.000

Vitality: 1.000

Dexterity: 1.000

Intelligence: 1.000

Wisdom: 1.000


Magic Plant: Photosynthesis, Phytokinesis(Seed), Omnikinesis(Prenatal)

Ancient Dragon: Supernatural Condition(Common), Elemental Control(Common), Omnilingualism(Common), Elemental Immunity(Common)

Legendary Fox: Dream Manipulation(First Tail), True Illusion(First Tail), Ball Projection(First Tail)

Ant Empress: Telepathy(S+++), Super Strength(S+++), Mind Control(S+++)

Attributes: Hardened(C) Level 4, Sprint(C) Level 4, Precision(C) Level 4, Sense(C) Level 4, Charge Attack(C) Level 4, Eidetic Memory(C) Level 4

Race: Devour(C) Level 10
