Hunting for Genes, Fox Massacre Part 1

Elizabeth was currently hiding on some bush that was in the middle of the Grassland, She knew that she was probably in the Endlose Ebene or Endless Plain. She found out a Fox group in this Plain which is surprising for her, She stared at the Location and her mind was currently planning something.

'A Fox Den, Interesting.' Elizabeth thought, She was interested in how this rare fox manages to make a Den since they were supposed to be uncommon. Although not Rare for now, The Foxes must be uncommon but how the hell did they create their own large group.

'There must be something weird going on inside this Fox Den.' Elizabeth thought to herself, It was weird for uncommon monsters to gather in one place. It was too weird for her, Even the other creatures had a lot of numbers than this but they were reasonable for her.

'But aren't I very lucky to find uncommon monsters gathering here.' Elizabeth thought, Although she knew that it was just a coincidence. She was still very lucky since she manages to find a group of Uncommon Monster And with this thought, Elizabeth only had one sentence.

'Getting Teleported without my consent was the Best.' Elizabeth thought, Her wording sounds like she wanted to be a curse but she would like to be curse if she would found a gathering of weak and rare monsters. It would be worth it for her since in order to find good monsters she needed to travel thousands of kilometers which is very bad.

'Let's stop thinking about my luckiness and make a plan on killing the Foxes.' Elizabeth thought, She stop thinking about how lucky she was and stared at the Fox den. She was creating a plan in her mind since she wanted to kill all of them efficiently without chasing them needlessly.

Elizabeth was still frozen at her original spot which was the bush and after a while, her body finally moves. A plan inside her has been made and she would not use her body in order to attack them like the Artillery style. She had new skills so why not use them to her advantage unlike using the skills that are very old and needed an update.

'Let us create another Style which is the Ballistic Style.' Elizabeth thought, This was the style that she created from her current thinking. It was easy for her to create something unlike the early times which took a lot of her time, This style was more easy and efficient than the Artillery Style. With this thinking, Elizabeth began sketching the plans and the skills that would be used in her Ballistic Style.

'First Skill that I would put in this Ballistic Style is probably the new skill which is the Ball Projection.' Elizabeth thought about the first skill that would be the foundation of this style, The Ball Projection is foundation of this style and could be called the replacement of her body.

The Last Style which is the Artillery Style required Elizabeth to use her body as the Cannon ball but with the Ball Projection, she could create the ball and fire it towards the location she wanted it to hit. This reason made the Ballistic Style the best it isn't one time use but Elizabeth could literally spam a lot of it towards her enemy.

'The Second skill that I would put in this Style is Elemental Control.' The Elemental Control is one of the good skills that Elizabeth had, The only problem is probably the low rank which stops Elizabeth herself from controlling a lot which is a huge weakness. But with the Ball Projection, She could gather a certain energy of the Elements and put it inside the ball.

'I could put a lot of Elements ranging the Four Main Elements which is the Earth, Fire, Air, Water.' Elizabeth thought about the 4 main elements but as she was thinking about the elements she also notices that there were a lot more elements that would probably be unlocked later.

'These Elements are 3 types, The Main Elements, The Sub Elements, The Special Elements.' This ranking is very weird but the Special Elements must have the most powerful Elements in the Primordial World, It would probably take a long time of grinding to reach this. While Elizabeth was thinking about the elements one thought passed through her mind.

'I would probably need to destroy the whole race in order to reach this.' Elizabeth said, Making a race extinct is very hard but she would probably wait for them to grow in numbers. After the certain race grows in the perfect numbers that are required by her Ranking then she would harvest them.

'The Third skill would probably be Hardened.' Elizabeth thought about the Third skill, The reason why she uses hardened is to not let any elements escape. The Ball Projection would probably shape the Elements into a ball but there would be a lot of them that would be released through the air if she didn't put any case in it.

Elizabeth would use the Hardened to make the outer layer of the ball into something solid, The Hardened would break in impact and the Elemental Energy inside the ball would be released at a fast speed. There would be nothing that would be release needlessly through the air.

'The Fourth Skills is Sense and Precision.' Elizabeth would use this two skills in order to eliminate the enemy with 100% success. The Sense would give her the location of the Enemy and the Precision would help her Aim towards the Enemy without wasting an Elemental Ball due to bad aiming.

A lot of the skills of the current Ballistic style came from the Artillery style but it was understandable since a lot of skills are connected to each other. Precision and Sense would never leave the Long range styles of Elizabeth since they were incredibly useful in it.

'The Fifth skill is Charge Attack.' After the Precision and Sense, The Last skill would be use which is the Charge Attack. The Charge Attack would multiply the power of the attacks that Elizabeth made. Her current rank is (C) which means that she can multiply the power of her Elemental Ballistic Ball 3 times more powerful than its Original Power.

It will take a lot of time to charge but it is probably just 5 seconds, And as this skill grows the Multiplier would grow and the Charging time would lessen. With this thinking, she was excited about her new Ballistic Style which is probably more powerful than her last Style.

'Now I am finished about the style, It is time for me to test it with live subjects.' Elizabeth did an Imaginary Grin when she said the sentence, She was looking at the peaceful foxes that were minding their own business. She could even see the one that manages to run away, The fox that manages to run away was accompanied by a lot of foxes.

'Little Fox, I thank you for leading me here.' Elizabeth thank the fox that manage to escape, Since the fox manage to escape she was led here and manage to see this Fox den that is a perfect live subject for her. With this thought, Elizabeth began on her style. Her brain was calculating the skills that would be used and the timing so that it won't collapse.

'Ball Projection!' Elizabeth thought, 20 transparent balls appeared behind her. These 20 balls were the effect of the Ball Projection, It was currently circling around her perfectly as if it was protecting her. Seeing this Elizabeth was surprised and couldn't help but release an Imaginary Gentle Smile.

'Elemental Control, Fire!' Elizabeth thought, The 20 transparent balls that were circling around her was slowly getting filled by a Fire Energy. The heat inside this ball is probably 1,000 Degrees Celsius, This means that the heat inside the ball was very hot. The 20 balls look like stars that were hovering in the skies, Elizabeth could feel the heat coming from the balls.

'Wow, This is very hot.' Elizabeth thought, The heat is probably more than the Hitzschlag which is the Desert that as very hot for Elizabeth. She then quickly remembered about her current objective and produce the third skill.

'Hardened!' Elizabeth thought, The 20 Balls of light that looked like floating stars slowly got their light encased by the Hardened skill. A while later the 20 balls of light turn into a ball that looked like a cannonball, Seeing the result. Elizabeth smiled and prepared the next skills.

'Sense and Precision.' Elizabeth thought, She then receives the Sense Radar result. She now manages to see the fox den since she focuses her skill on a small distance, This distance was 15 kilometers around her. The Sense originally gave her 100 kilometers distance detection and this was good for her.

The Precision got also advance when the skill manage to rank (C), She can now aim one thing 100 kilometers away from her with precision while aiming more things with the precision of 25 kilometers away from her. A lot of her attribute skills got a large powerup and this includes that last skill.

'Charge Attack!' This was the last skill in her Ballistic style, This skill is very powerful due to its power to multiply any attack that came from Elizabeth. This fact made it very important for her and important for her other skills since it would make it more powerful than normal.

The 20 balls were shaking violently and after a while, it finally calmed itself down, The shaking was very normal since the power of the ball was multiplied 3 times. The Elemental Fire Energy was very powerful while the Hardened also got it more powerful than before so that it could contain the whole fire energy raging inside the ball.

'It must be hot inside the ball.' Elizabeth thought, She knew in her calculations that the heat inside the ball is very hot. According to her calculations the heat is probably almost or literally 3,000 Degrees Celsius, It would probably burn anything alive that gets hit by this ball.

With the Uncontrollable energy inside the 20 balls that were flying all around Elizabeth, It also looks like a cannonball due to the hardened. Elizabeth who was now planning to use the ball heard a notification coming from her mind, It was heard and seen by her which made her curious.

[You have combine 6 skills together and made it successful.]

'What?' Elizabeth thought, She was curious about the notification. What is the reason for her to receive a new notification, She just waited for a while and a second later the next notification was heard or seen by her.

[New skills has been gained: Ballistic]

'A new skill called Ballistic. Isn't this skill name, the same name as my style.' She was curious about the Ballistic skill that was given by her, She then stared at it for a second and thought about the descriptions. A while later another notification was heard by her which means that this would be the Ballistic.

[Ballistic: The Ballistic is the first skill that is created by Elizabeth, This skill is the combination between the Ball Projection, Elemental Control, Hardened, Charge Attack, Sense, and Precision. This skill is a very powerful long range attack that could go in range that is very far away from its user.]

'I created this skill?' Elizabeth thought, But she then notice that she has been taking her time about the skill. She would need to release the 20 death balls around her towards her enemy, The Aiming has been calculated and after a while the 20 balls flew through the sky at a fast speed heading towards the target.

20 cannonballs that were created by Elizabeth flew through the sky heading towards a target that is 13 kilometers away from her. It was currently heading towards the Fox Den and the tragedy would start when the 20 death balls hit.

A while later, A bright came from the distance which is the direction of the Fox Den.

Then it was heard.....
