Chapter 8 He who faced the danger, forgot his fate

Arthur and Johnheart went out of the control room to ensure the safety of the facility with their earnest power. Especially, there was something fishy about the situation in this incident.

" Doctor, we need to ensure your safety of you. Let's go to the elevator."

Captain said, placing his gun back on his back. He had to save his ammunition before something happens to them like 106 or 173. Even 049 isn't a safe anomaly either, he was an extremely dangerous anomaly when he lost his sanity.

He could remember the undead squadron which he had to put down before this breakout. They were unkillable and resilient to the bullets, thus he had to burn them to cinders.

Clap, clap*

Suddenly, they heard the sound of clapping in the corridor. A man with the luxurious suit was looking at them with a delighted expression.

" It is an honor to meet you, Doctor Julius Johnheart. I heard you are one of the most intelligent people in the foundation along with a man next to you. I assume you are the infamous safe class Arthur, right? My name is Escobar Solario, an agent of chaos."

He bowed down while looking at them with his creepy smile that sent shrill down to them. They could tell this man was the culprit behind the scenes whom they had been looking for all this time.

" What are you looking for? Shoot him!"

Captain shouted, commanding his men to shoot him down before he does something terrible to them. He knew the agents of chaos were vicious people who killed countless for their so-called noble motto. They accused the foundation of being unjust and cruel while painting themselves with white color.

Bang, bang*

However, none of the bullets managed to hit him. It was like they were blind and they couldn't hit him even though he was right in front of them.

" What do you want from us? Where is our personnel?"

Johnheart asked, not showing any fear on his old face. He despised this agent because he killed many for his purpose and released the monsters that shouldn't be released in this world.

" Oh, don't misunderstand me. I am here to show how cruel you are. You used countless lives for so-called containment. I am just releasing them to destroy your cage."

The agent laughed, mocking them coldly. He hated them for being cruel because he lost his family to them. Their operation had cost his entire family and he has left nothing but despair in his hollow heart. Therefore he swore vengeance on them, believing he could achieve his goal if he made it to the site and he was right. He killed the guards and released the d class while shutting down the special containment rooms.

" So, you released them just for your mission. Do you know how many people you could have killed because they were released into the outside?"

Arthur said, veins bulging out from his temple. He was trying to hold his anger down, but his anger was boiling inside him. He recalled the bloodstained floor and walls while he couldn't find any traces of their bodies which indicated they were either swallowed or killed horribly.

" You will regret what you have done!"

He spoke angrily, dashing towards him. He tried to grab his clothes, but he couldn't touch his physical body for some unknown reason which frustrated him even more. However, he wasn't a fool who would carelessly attack again, so he retreated a few steps back and observed his face.

" As expected, you are an anomaly. Although I admire your kindness, do you think you can make it alive?"

He said while taking out a paper from his pocket. Before anyone can realize what was happening, he threw it toward them.

Johnheart seemed to guess his intentions as he shouted with anxiety.

" All of you close your eyes and don't look at it."

He said, shutting his eyes quickly, but some weren't fast as them. One of the new guards looked at the photo and saw a figure of a human in there. It was sitting in a corner while hugging itself with fear. Moreover, to his horror, it didn't have any eyes or nose, had a bony back and a horrifying face that sent chills his back.